Trump NAILED It! Look What NSA Leaker Was Caught Doing RIGHT Before She Was Arrested

Trump NAILED It! Look What NSA Leaker Was Caught Doing RIGHT Before She Was Arrested

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On Monday, Reality Leigh Winner, 25 a contractor from Augusta, Georgia was arrested and charged with leaking classified information from the National Security Agency to a news outlet. The documents that Winner stole were top secret that supposedly showed how Russia “hacked” the 2016 election. Of course, these documents show absolutely nothing damning for President Trump, but the left will hail Winner as some sort of martyr, right? Though what is interesting is what Winner posted online right before she stole the documents.
For years, we have witnessed the decline in our youth and how easily they have been brainwashed. These millennials have bought into the rhetoric that Republicans are evil and that they are destroying the country. In school, our youth have been taught that feelings are more important than facts, and everyone gets a participation trophy for just trying. Hard work and dedication have been thrown out the window in exchange for safe spaces and hugs.

Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

Which is why am not surprised over Reality Winner’s actions. After trolling this person’s social media accounts it shows that she is a rabid leftist and has been taught no respect. She also despises white people, pledged her support to Iran, and is a #Resistance activist.

Check out these tweets:Winner is also a HUGE supporter of the Black Lives Matter.

According to Politico:

The Trump administration on Monday brought its first case under the Espionage Act, charging an intelligence agency contractor with leaking a classified document to a news outlet.

The leaked document described in the charges appears to match a top-secret National Security Agency analysis published Monday afternoon by The Intercept, detailing Russian efforts to tamper with U.S. election systems.

The NSA report describes how Russia’s military intelligence agency, the GRU, cracked into a U.S. voting database software supplier and then used the information it pilfered to craft fake emails laden with malware that were sent to more than 100 local election officials, according to The Intercept’s story. The GRU is the same agency that U.S. intelligence officials previously linked to the theft and release of massive troves of internal emails from the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Several news outlets, including CBS News and Reuters, said they have independently confirmed the NSA document’s authenticity.

The NSA report is dated May 5, 2017, nearly matching the intelligence agency report described in the Justice Department’s criminal complaint against the intelligence agency contractor, 25-year-old Reality Leigh Winner. The government said the pilfered report was “published on or about May 5, 2017.”

Media outlets also reported Monday afternoon that Winner was The Intercept’s source. The Intercept itself said it had “no knowledge of the identity of the source.”

Winner, a Georgia-based intelligence community contractor with a top secret clearance, was arrested on Saturday. She admitted to leaking the document to a news outlet and appeared Monday in a federal district court.

The apparent NSA document is perhaps the most granular account to-date of a Russian hacking operation during the U.S. presidential election.

Previously, the intelligence community had only publicly described Moscow’s digital meddling campaign — which included hacks at the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign, as well as the embarrassing leaks of internal emails — in broad strokes.

Yahoo: Top law firms decline to represent Trump in Russia probe

Yahoo reports four top law firms have declined offers to represent President Trump in the Russia investigation. Yahoo News chief investigative correspondent Michael Isikoff joins CBSN to discuss his reporting.

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Disgusting Hosts On The View Make Twisted Joke About Barron But They Aren’t Laughing Now

Disgusting Hosts On The View Make Twisted Joke About Barron But They Aren’t Laughing Now

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It should come as no great shock to anyone who frequents the internet that The View is a far cry from being a conservative view. They prefer to put themselves forth as the authority on everything tolerant and forward thinking, which of course, in their minds, leaves the conservatives in the dust. They’ve taken some pretty aggressive stances though that you’d be hard pressed to find a way to justify as being even humanitarian, much less tolerant.

Not only do the regulars like to take cheap shots at the President (and his wife, and their marriage, and their kids, and their grandkids . . . you get the idea) but they frequently invite guests to mix things up, so you can hear their twisted logic coming out of a different liberals mouth. That was the case when they invited some new ladies to parrot their views out to the American people.

This time though, they’ve pushed it too far when talking about the President’s son, Barron, who was understandably traumatized by the awful representation of his father having been beheaded. Their cavalier attitude toward what was no doubt a horrible moment for a kid )who’s life has already been turned upside down) is a great example of just how kind and caring these people really are.
Via Monday Monday Network:

The ladies of The View seem to have a lot of pent up anger issues. Especially when you consider their latest trash fest, where they saw fit to make fun of President Trump’s 11-year old son Barron.

This poor child has been thrust into the limelight, but his parents have done everything they can to try to protect him. But that is a hard job when you have hateful liberals willing to target him just for their own amusement. And the amusement of their sheepish viewers of course.
The hosts of the show were discussing Barron’s reaction to seeing Kathy Griffin’s vulgar photo of President Trump’s bloody, severed head on television and that’s when things got nasty. Former host, Star Jones, asserting Barron should be ’embarrassed by his reaction, told viewers that the child “had a lot to be embarrassed about’ given who his father is.

‘Our president though cracks me up when he says his son was upset. He has to remember- I wonder how upset he was when he heard his father referred to the kinds of assaults that he would do on women or did they not talk about that?’ Jones added. Sadly, this isn’t the first time The View has shared their…

Back in April, hosts Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg, completely trashed First-Daughter Ivanka Trump after she assumed an official role as adviser to the president. Surprisingly, the hosts did not defend Kathy Griffin’s awful stunt, but then again, they didn’t have to. They just brought in Jones to do their dirty work.

Being unwillingly subjected to their continuous anti-Trump tirades is one thing, but mocking a child, a child who didn’t ask to be in this position is just wrong. Going after someone you know can’t fight back makes you a bully plain and simple. Doing it to a child, no matter who his parents are should be a hate crime.”
I get what they’re saying; they’re trying to point out that the President isn’t perfect, and I don’t think anyone would disagree with that. However, I don’t know a parent on earth who is proud of every single thing they’ve ever done and said. And some of us lay in bed at night hoping that our kids never know that we royally screwed up in our lives. President Trump had to give up on that hope when he put his life on display to run for president, and that’s a sacrifice that he was willing and able to make. That is a far cry from a child being assaulted with the image of his dad being beheaded and shown off like some kind of trophy big game. A dad, who I might add, is in another city, not available for immediate comment, and doing his best to speak up for the rights that these same people used to make this horrible “art.” Also known as a vulgar display of their twisted minds.

Justify it any way you want, but this was a terrible thing for a child to see, much less with a parent as the subject; and anyone who thinks differently is too jaded to be leaned upon for wisdom in any respect whatsoever. Laugh if you want, but no child would see that without feeling sick.

Muslims In Indiana Are About To Riot After Seeing What Massive Sign Says That Popped Up Overnight

Muslims In Indiana Are About To Riot After Seeing What Massive Sign Says That Popped Up Overnight

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It’s rather easy to discover what Muslims truly believe, all you have to do is pick up a copy of the Quran and start reading. Contained within Muslims’ holy book you’ll find at least 109 graphic verses that calls on Muslims to go to war with nonbelievers, where followers of Islam are encouraged to chop off of the heads of non-believers, and actively prodded to rape infidel women and take them as slaves. But Muslims always get a little pissy when you point out the truth about their religion, going into rage mode if you happen to mention their holy prophet was actually a war-mongering slave-owning pedophile who took a child as his bride when she was only six-years-old. Now Muslims in Indiana are completely outraged after a billboard was erected by local residents exposing the truth about the man who founded their religion, and they are demanding that it be immediately removed.

Not beating around the bush about the true meaning of Islam, the billboard crafted by the group “Truthophobes” hilariously mocks their prophet Mohammed as “The Perfect Man” where the gigantic billboard then lists out six truth-filled bullet points to describe him. The bullets include: “Married a 6-year-old,” “Slave owner & dealer,” “rapist,” “Beheaded 600 Jews in one day,” “13 wives, 11 at one time” and “Tortured & killed unbelievers.”
Local Muslims instantly got their man dresses and burkas in a collective wad, predictably screaming that the creator of the billboard was a “bigot.”

“I was a little disappointed when I saw that,” Farial Khatri of the Islamic Society of North America told Fox 59. “We do support free speech, but we do realize this is also rooted in bigotry.”
Hilariously, the Muslim Alliance of Indiana plans to raise money to put a billboard up right across the street in order to try counter the billboard’s truth-filled message, where they plan to plaster a propaganda-filled message about Islam being about “peace and kindness.”

According to Fox 59:
A billboard on the east side of Indianapolis is catching the eyes of drivers, along with the ire of local Muslim groups.

You can spot the sign from the southbound lanes of I-465 near the Washington Street exit. It claims to list the “perfect man,” but opponents say it degrades the Muslim prophet Mohammad.

“I was a little disappointed when I saw that,” said Farial Khatri of the Islamic Society of North America.

Opponents say the billboard’s bullet points are meant to disparage the Muslim faith and its primary prophet, Mohammad.

“We’ve seen them in New York and several others cities on billboards as well as other transit ads,” said Kahtri.

There’s no company name or identifying group on the display, but Google “Truthophobes,” a word seen at the bottom of the billboard, and you’ll find a range of websites rife with anti-Muslim messages.

“We do support free speech, but we do realize this is also rooted in bigotry,” said Kahtri.

“Peace and kindness” my ass! We’re just into the second week of Ramadan and already these “peace-loving” idiots are already out in full force, as they continue to rock the globe with increasing acts of terrorism as the promise of extra “benefits” for being a martyr over Muslims’ holy month is driving them to commit more acts of jihad for their depraved religion.

While Muslims in America continue to spew propaganda about their “peaceful” religion down our throats, three separate terror attacks since Ramadan began has already taken the lives of 149 people, with the city of Paris being targeted yet again after a psycho Muslim stormed the Notre Dame Cathedral on Tuesday with a knife. The Daily Caller reported: