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Day: June 10, 2017
BREAKING: Loretta Lynch Now In DEEP Trouble…
BREAKING: Loretta Lynch Now In DEEP Trouble…
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What’s one thing a deep-state, anti-American official does not want happening to them?
Getting exposed in the public — and that’s what just happened to former Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
On Friday, after former FBI Director James Comey revealed that Lynch pressured him to refer to the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illegal email server as a mere “matter,” former President George W. Bush’s attorney general absolutely grilled her.
Former AG Michael Mukasey had harsh words for Lynch in an interview with Newsmax:
“What makes it egregious is the fact — and I think it’s obvious that it is a fact — that the attorney general of the United States was adjusting the way the department talked about its business so as to coincide with the way the Clinton campaign talked about that business.
“In other words, it made the Department of Justice essentially an arm of the Clinton campaign. That is a betrayal of the department and of its independence to illustrate that clearly that the attorney general was essentially in the tank for Secretary Clinton,” Mukasey said.
Liberal Hipster’s Trump Impeachment Party Comes To Abrupt End As It Devolves Into Crying Chaos
Liberal Hipster’s Trump Impeachment Party Comes To Abrupt End As It Devolves Into Crying Chaos
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Liberals across America were abuzz with excitement in the hours leading up to James Comey’s testimony, so certain that the former FBI director would finally reveal the “Trump-Russia collusion” that would lead to President Trump’s impeachment. Baristas and bars across D.C. were packed with hipsters, who were eagerly sipping their lattes and early morning shots as they stared up at television screens, anxious to see what would become of Comey’s Senate Intelligence Committee’s hearing. But shortly into the hearing, what was being dubbed as the “Superbowl of politics” was quickly transformed into a funeral, as liberal snowflakes soon realized that their dreams of getting President Trump impeached was rapidly going down in flames, as no Trump-Russia collusion would ever be revealed.
We all remember scenes from election night when liberals across America began to realize that Hillary Clinton was going to lose to Trump. This would be the night they earned the nickname “snoflakes,” as hilarious images of liberals curled up and fetal positions and videos their hysterical crying fits went viral across the internet, as this was the first time this participation trophy had ever dealt with losing in their entire lives.
But unfortunately for these snowflakes, they were forced to live their election night trauma all over again yesterday, as their hopes to have President Trump impeached would be ripped to shreds shortly after Comey’s testimony began. Here they are in full celebration mode as the testimony kicked off, cheering and making their little hipster toasts:
But shortly into their little celebration, things began to rapidly deteriorate. The hearing revealed according to IJ Review that: #1 Trump is not now, nor has he ever been, under investigation by the FBI; #2 President Obama’s attorney general, Loretta Lynch, told Comey not to call the probe into Hillary Clinton’s endless scandals an “investigation,” but rather a “matter”; and #3 Comey himself leaked his own “diary” memo about meetings with Trump, giving them to a friend to pass to the media.
Realization that Trump did absolutely nothing wrong soon put a turd in liberals’ early morning ales, and their smiles were quickly transformed into scowls. Check out this little snowflake hipster. He’s is just SO SAD!
WHAT?! No Trump-Russia collusion like CNN promised?! Oh the horror!
This devastated Trump hater couldn’t mask her bitter disappointment. Wonder if she took off from work today so she could cope with her dreams of a Trump impeachment being shot to hell?
Awww…look at all the melting snowflakes! They are just SO DEVASTATED!
Look at the bitter disappointment in those little snowflake eyes! Wonder how long after this picture was taken before he took to Twitter to post a status about his sad feelings?
People on social media immediately began to mock the snowflakes, with many memes and articles beginning to pop up overnight. “Like a baseball game when the visiting team jacks up an 8-run lead, we’re guessing the bars started to empty out early, even with much more to go in the Comey show,” a Daily Wire article read. “Our guess is that there were a lot of snowflakes balled up in the fetal position on their futons by noon.”
The liberal media continues to push this nonsense about a Trump-Russia collusion, even though they have zero evidence to support their claims. Just like during the election where liberals were constantly told by CNN and MSNBC that Hillary would win the election by a landslide, liberals have been promised the “smoking gun” that would come out of the Comey testimony which would finally end Trump’s presidency forever. Thanks to the lies that the liberal media continues to feed their snowflakes, bitter disappointment will continue to rage on throughout the Democratic Party, as the reality of Trump being in power for the next 4 years is now beginning to settle in.
Queen of England Goes Behind Muslim Mayor’s Back With Shocking Announcement He Didn’t See Coming
Queen of England Goes Behind Muslim Mayor’s Back With Shocking Announcement He Didn’t See Coming
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Although the system of government in England is much different than ours here in the U.S., a gradual shift in power has made it a little more like America’s with a mayor making decisions, but the Queen of England is still very much in charge. The tradition of that royal structure is still very much important to the people and she just proved her power with what she did behind the Muslim mayor’s back who she’s recently been in disagreement with.
The Queen is certainly not happy with what she sees happening in her beloved city of London, which has recently become unrecognizable under the Muslim mayor’s leadership. Refugees from terrorist-tied countries seem to control what’s going on there and attack at will without being stopped by Mayor Sadiq Khan who would rather make excuses for their actions than ensuring the safety of the citizens.
“London’s mayor, Sadiq Kahn has come under scrutiny lately, not just because of his policies, but because of the possible conflict of interest that is his belief in the violent religion that is Islam,” Freedom Daily recently reported about the qualms people are having with Kahn. “Many have doubted that he’s qualified to lead a major city now that he’s not willing to take action against his Muslim brothers who are acting on their violent religion and harming the citizens of London. He’s also having problems with his feud with our President. The two have been in a bit of Twitter battle that has resulted in Kahn not wanting to have anything to do with the President’s visit, despite the Queen’s personal invitation.”
The Queen has quietly sat back and given Khan the chance to do his duty as a show of respect, but now she’s had enough and is showing that she’s the ruler over the entire country and he’s she the leader of London.
“Shortly after he took office in January, President Donald Trump hosted U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May, who offered an invitation in kind for Trump to visit Britain and meet with Queen Elizabeth sometime around October,” Conservative Tribune reported. Since Khan thinks he calls the shots he thought that this invitation would be called off, considering the lack of love between him and America’s unapologetic president.
Khan couldn’t be more wrong and just got put firmly back in his place by the Queen who announced that despite how he feels about Trump, the President of the United States is still very much welcome in England, and will keep the previously set plans.
The Truth Division reports:
“Queen Elizabeth is not putting up with Sadiq Khan’s rhetoric — and the media isn’t saying a word about it.
While the far-left London mayor petitioned to have President Donald Trump’s UK visit cancelled, the Queen put his trivial outrage aside and invited the U.S. commander-in-chief anyway.”
With someone as assertive as Trump in the White House, he appreciates the Queen’s candor and also that she realizes her power as much as he does his own. He’s not taking any direction from London’s mayor when he doesn’t have to and as the royal heiness herself on his side.
Equally as blunt as the Queen and Trump is the White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer who was asked for his opinion on the tit-for-tat spat between London’s mayor and the president. True to Spicer’s typical blunt style, he didn’t pull any punches.
According to Breitbart:
“Press Secretary Sean Spicer was asked at the daily White House press briefing on Tuesday about London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s saying that President Donald Trump’s visit to the UK should be cancelled after the president criticized the mayor’s remarks about the terror threat there.
Khan said there was “no reason to be alarmed” by an increased police presence in London following yet another terror attack on Saturday on the London Bridge.
‘[The president] appreciates Her Majesty’s gracious invitation,’ Spicer responded, referring to the invitation extended to Trump by Queen Elizabeth.
Trump tweeted about the mayor’s seemingly incongruous remark about the police presence in London following the attack.
‘Pathetic excuse by London Mayor Sadiq Khan who had to think fast on his ‘no reason to be alarmed’ statement,’ Trump tweeted on Monday. ‘MSM is working hard to sell it!’
While it shouldn’t be surprising that a city which has opened its doors to every terrorist who wishes to enter would put a Muslim in as the Mayor, it should also come as no coincidence that there have been more terrorist attacks there recently. The people of this once great city should be mad as hell that their mayor is still making excuses for these killers, and lying to the scared citizens by saying they shouldn’t be alarmed. How much more blood needs to spill into London’s streets before this agitator admits that this is a problem? Perhaps, he’s part of it.
Cop Hating Loud Mouth Blocks Cars With Her Belly – Fed Up Driver Gets BRUTAL Payback
Cop-Hating Loud-Mouth Blocks Cars With Her Belly – Fed Up Driver Gets BRUTAL Payback
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And for our “Feel Good” news article of the day, we have this….
Once again a loud mouthed fat ass Liberal women who believes the law of disorderly conduct doesn’t apply to her has decided to block traffic while protesting the shooting of a thug by local police.
But as you can see in the video below, this time the driver wasn’t having it and said enough. So the woman hit the floor like a sack of potatoes. In her case probably fried potatoes.
This extremely heavy set women thought the driver of the car was going to back down and not go through the intersection. Although the driver did try multiple times to push her slowly and move her out of the way, she insisted in blocking him off. After a few more taps he had enough and just floored it. The stupid woman hit the floor like a concrete slab, although a concrete slab probably doesn’t weigh as much as she does.
One thing is for sure, I am amazed at how powerful and strongly built that Chrysler 300 is. I might consider getting one for when I have to go to San Fransicko or Oaktown and their vast welfare population decides they need to go out and protest some thug who was killed by police for being a criminal. states:
Blocking traffic is not legal and is not a new practice for protesters. When protesters block traffic, they are engaging in civil disobedience, a term coined by one of America’s earliest freethinkers and intellectuals, Henry David Thoreau.
While nearly everyone caught in a traffic jam caused by protesters becomes upset due to the delay, it is important to recognize that reporting on traffic conditions is a mainstay of local news stations across the country, while protests often get ignored. Blocking traffic means at very least making the local traffic report.
Although organized protests or marches can obtain permits to close streets, frequently protesters move from the permitted areas. When protesters block highways or streets that they are not permitted to be on, they do risk arrest. However, police are loathe to arrest peaceful protesters, even when they block traffic. The recent protest in Washington D.C. blocked a busy intersection for 7 minutes, and there were no arrests reported.
But What About the First Amendment?
The First Amendment guarantees the right to assemble and the right to free speech and expression; however, there are limits on those rights. Generally, local and state governments can and do restrict the time, place, and manner of protest. For instance, noise and time restrictions are particularly reasonable restrictions for residential areas. After all, even if you care about the protesters’ cause, you don’t want to be woken up at 5 a.m. to the sound of bullhorns (unless you’re just that righteous).
Additionally, just because people are protesting, they are not given free rein to break already existing laws. Simply walking on the highway, or any roadway outside of a crosswalk, is considered jaywalking, which is a crime. Furthermore, most jurisdictions also have laws regarding blocking or obstructing traffic.
I Was Arrested While Protesting, Do I Need a Lawyer?
Frequently, protesters are arrested. While often protesters are simply detained in order for officers to effectively control a crowd, some protesters do get charged with crimes. If you are ticketed and released, or booked into custody, contact a lawyer right away as all criminal charges are serious matters that can have serious consequences.
Usually, protesters are charged with:
Disturbing the peace
Disorderly conduct
Failing to obey an officer’s instruction
Obstruction of justice
Resisting arrest
If you get arrested while protesting, it is important to forget your First Amendment right to free speech and remember your Fifth Amendment right to silence so as to not incriminate yourself. Anything you say can be used against you. You can be charged with a crime even if you do not think you did anything wrong. Demand to speak with a lawyer and don’t answer the officer’s questions (apart from providing your identification).
As you can see it’s illegal to hold anyone against their will, and when we used to be a land of laws people would get arrested for this. This is probably why Stinking Hippies never protested on freeways back in the late 60’s.
So these morons go out and break the law to protest a criminal being shot. In an odd way this sounds kind of logical, doesn’t it? But here is the funniest part. After they get taken down the all start calling 911. Umm, why 911? Wasn’t it you were protesting the police? Why call them if you are currently protesting them and you despise everything they stand for?
Please share if you believe the driver did the right thing….