BREAKING: Jeff Sessions Just Issued THIS Powerful Order, Dems Are MELTING DOWN

BREAKING: Jeff Sessions Just Issued THIS Powerful Order, Dems Are MELTING DOWN

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Thank goodness Obama is gone. He was making a mockery of our government, even using taxpayer money to fund his favorite leftist pet projects. Thanks to the Trump administration, that gravy train has come to an end!

In a strong move against corruption, Attorney General Jeff Sessions has ended a decades-long DOJ practice that Obama used to funnel HUGE sums of money to radical Democrat groups (via Breitbart).

Under the now-defunct practice, the U.S. Department of Justice would insist that DOJ case defendants, usually corporations, donate money to a “community organization” of the government’s choosing as part of its settlement.

Basically, Obama’s Department of Justice would choose a big corporation facing legal troubles. Thanks to the 2008 financial crisis, there were plenty of banks being sued for inappropriate lending practices.

The DOJ would go to these corporations and offer them a favorable settlement deal — with little or no criminal attachment — in exchange for sending money to a community group. Naturally, they were always community groups that advanced the liberal agenda.

Some of the recipients of money from this practice included Planned Parenthood, The National Council of La Raza, and the National Urban League. Instead of working to fight crime, the DOJ was a fundraiser for causes like abortion and illegal immigration!

This practice had flown under the radar for years. Watchdog organizations, however, note that it was not only unethical, but may also have been illegal. After all, it was giving the DOJ free reign to allocate monies without oversight by the Judiciary or Appropriations Committees in Congress.
Attorney General Sessions eliminated this abuse of government power with a single memo. On Wednesday, Sessions issued the order to Justice Department leaders and attorneys, making clear that his DOJ is very different from that of his predecessors Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch.

The memorandum read:

“Effective immediately, Department attorneys may not enter into any agreement on behalf of the United States in settlement of federal claims or charges … that directs or provides for a payment or loan to any non-governmental person or entity that is not a party to the dispute”.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton applauded the move, stating that Session’s action brings an end to “extortion” by the Justice Department. And he wasn’t the only one cheering. The Heritage Foundation had been expressing outrage over this practice for years. And a group of congressional Republicans had been fighting the abuse since 2015.

Obama’s government was filled with corruption like this. It was a bubbling cesspool of unethical activity. The swamp at its filthiest. Only the media never shined a light on Obama’s misdeeds. They did everything possible to cover-up for him!

With President Trump, we’re finally seeing much-awaited progress in draining the swamp. Without money, these leftist organizations will lose their power. We need leaders who are tough on crime. Way to go AG Sessions!

BREAKING Rush Limbaugh DROPS Bombshell About James Comey, Reveals Who He REALLY Is…

BREAKING: Rush Limbaugh DROPS Bombshell About James Comey, Reveals Who He REALLY Is…

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Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh watched the recent testimony by disgraced former FBI Director James Comey, and he was not impressed, both by what Comey said and about the response from disloyal Republicans on Capitol Hill.

Stated Rush, “I have been somewhat disappointed in the squishiness of Republican senators in this hearing today, and then I had to catch myself and realize they don’t like Trump. They have no brief for Trump. Half of them are running around salivating President Pence.”

Limbaugh then ripped into James Comey and his unconvincing portrayal of his role in his conversations with President Donald Trump. Said Limbaugh, “Comey says that Trump invited him to the Valentine’s Day dinner and that Trump said he needed loyalty. We knew that. That’s not new. Comey says he didn’t say anything or even change his expression when Trump said he wanted loyalty. What a great drama queen, Comey saying he was able to maintain his stone face.”
Continued Rush, “He has a told the Democrats and the media just enough for them to continue their narrative that Trump’s scum and a pig and violated the law, and he has given the Republicans enough ammo to take the position Trump didn’t do anything. In other words, nothing is gonna change here. When this is all over, nobody [in the] media is gonna say, ‘You know what? We blew it!’”

He added, “At any rate, this entire thing I think is rooted in the fact that Donald Trump speaks a foreign language from what is spoken in Washington. Trump shows up in Washington, and he speaks the way he speaks. So Trump shows up, he invites Comey into the Oval Office, and Comey starts quaking in his boots … And what does Comey hear? … Comey heard all kinds of things that Trump didn’t say. … Comey is admitting he has to try to read minds here to understand what Trump is saying. So you have an admitted coward and somebody who’s admittedly afraid to be alone in a room with the guy now trying to tell us what Trump really meant.”

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BREAKING: Rosie O’Donnell Caught Funding Pro-Islamic Terrorist. LOCK HER UP.

BREAKING: Rosie O’Donnell Caught Funding Pro-Islamic Terrorist. LOCK HER UP.

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Rosie O’Donnell has been promoting the GoFundMe charity page for NSA leaker Reality Winner. Winner was just denied bail for her ties to the Middle East and her radical beliefs. (via Twitter)

Reality Winner was arrested last Saturday after she was identified as the illegal source of classified information given to the left-leaning investigative website The Intercept.

Immediately upon her arrest, hordes of liberals jumped up to offer their support. The 25-year-old blonde beauty from Texas was assumed to be a whistleblower and a hero.

However, in their zeal to support anything that is anti-Trump, liberals such as O’Donnell ended up raising tens of thousands of dollars for a pro-Islamic terrorist.

There is a huge difference between being a patriotic whistleblower and a traitorous leaker. People like Dennis Montgomery and Edward Snowden are on one side and Reality Winner is on the other.

When Dennis Montgomery discovered that the FBI was illegally spying on Americans, he brought his concerns to his supervisors and eventually the U.S. court system. He is now suing James Comey for ignoring evidence of illegal spying and has been granted court protection.
Leakers like Edward Snowden are less cut and dry, but he still revealed to the world that our government was breaking the law and violating the Constitution by spying on its citizens. Snowden broke the law and leaked information to journalists but he was careful not to leak any information that would damage American agents. He is still paying the price for his leak.

Reality Winner, on the other hand, is no hero. She did not leak information revealing government corruption or criminality. Instead, Winner leaked classified information in the hope of damaging President Trump. Unlike other whistleblowers, she was not trying to make America a better place. She only intended destruction. (via Business Insider)

Her motives for destruction have been verified by the federal judge who denied Winner bail yesterday. The young leaker’s diary was discovered by investigators and it revealed her deep-seated hatred for America. In the diary, Winner expressed her desire to burn down the White House and move to the Middle East to join the ranks of Islamic insurgents.

Reality Winner is not a hero. She is a traitor. Winner’s sole intention was to tear our country apart from the inside — not to make us stronger.

Liberals like Rosie O’Donnell reveal their true colors when they support and raise money for a traitor. But the liberals are without shame, and I don’t think they will be retracting their support for Winner anytime soon.

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