Brad Pitt Risks His Career to Say THIS – Hollywood Liberals Furious…

Brad Pitt Risks His Career to Say THIS – Hollywood Liberals Furious…

When Hollywood superstar Brad Pitt pulls the trigger on a firearm on the big screen, you can be sure he appreciates what the weapon does. That’s because Pitt has been a gun owner since he was a 6 year old.

According to the Independent:

“There’s a rite of passage where I grew up of inheriting your ancestors’ weapons,” said Pitt. “My brother got my dad’s. I got my grandfather’s shotgun when I was in kindergarten.”

The actor – who was born in Oklahoma and raised in Missouri – was first given an air gun, then received a shotgun when he was six. By the time he was eight, he had fired a handgun.
In addition, Pitt explained, “The positive is that my father instilled in me a profound and deep respect for the weapon.”

However, this isn’t the first time Pitt has come out in support of gun rights.

After the Aurora, CO, theater shooting in 2012, Pitt said:

“America is a country founded on guns. It’s in our DNA. It’s very strange but I feel better having a gun. I really do. I don’t feel safe, I don’t feel the house is completely safe, if I don’t have one hidden somewhere. That’s my thinking, right or wrong.”

With so many Hollywood actors these days using firearms in their movies but then supporting strict gun control legislation, Pitt’s take on guns rights is definitely unusual.

Tucker Carlson Rips Muslim Activist ‘Spare me That’s too dumb’

Tucker Carlson Rips Muslim Activist: ‘Spare me. That’s too dumb’

Tucker Carlson blasted a Muslim activist who claimed unwarranted government persecution of Muslims is grounds for creating “safe spaces” for them funded by taxpayers.

The “safe spaces” for young Muslims was proposed by Australian group, the Islamic Council of Victoria, which represents 200,000 Muslims it claims are being persecuted due to fears over radical Islamic terror.

Carlson questioned the ICV call for a place for young people to safely express “inflammatory views that would cause trouble if voiced publicly,” during Friday’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

American Muslim Blair Imani, executive director of Equality for HER, defended the need for protective spaces.

“I’m talking about safe spaces being somewhere where you can be who you are without fear of being surveilled, having violence committed against you or being harassed,” Imani told the Fox News host. “And I think it’s a good idea to have everywhere.”
Carlson interrupted to clarify why Imani thought Muslims were the target of surveillance by law enforcement agencies. Her response that it was due to “counterterrorism efforts” prompted Carlson to question why she thought these efforts were even needed against Muslims.

“Come on, Tucker. You’re a smart guy. You know why that is,” Imani countered.

“I’m a man who asks questions and I’m asking a question about the statement you just made,” he replied, adding that there are no counterterrorism efforts against other religious groups like the Amish and Hasidic Jews because they are not committing acts of terror.

“It’s not like some mass fantasy that law enforcement is acting out of,” he said. “This is a real thing, And I don’t understand why groups like yours won’t acknowledge the reality of that because it is there, it’s true.”

Imani continued her narrative on the unfair targeting of Muslims, adding that violence is not “exclusive” to the Muslim community while noting the “rise of white supremacists and ‘alt-right’ violence.”

“Oh, spare me. That’s too dumb,” Carlson said, pushing back on the call for Muslim-only safe spaces funded by tax dollars.

“Primarily you’re an American. Aren’t we all, first and foremost, Americans?” he asked.

“I’m black first,” Imani replied.

“End of conversation,” Carlson said.

Armed Thug Choose To Rob the WRONG People, Gets Shot Multiple Times In Store Where Everyone Was Arme

Armed Thug Choose To Rob the WRONG People, Gets Shot Multiple Times In Store Where Everyone Was Armed

A robbery suspect in Brazil entered a convenience store and drew his gun, only to be shot multiple times in a situation in which everyone was armed.

Concealed Nation reports that the patrons were all off-duty police who were in the store shopping.

Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) from LiveLeak shows four individuals in plain clothes standing in line to check out when a door opens and the would-be robber enters the business with his gun drawn.

The robber is shot immediately by one of the off-duty officers who is off-camera at first, then comes into the picture when the robber goes down. The other men all draw their guns as well, some pointing at the robber and others walking toward the door to be sure accomplices are not on their way in:
The condition of the would-be robber is unknown, but he did not appear to move after falling to the ground.

The failed robbery was caught by a CCTV camera in another location inside the store. This second angle lets the viewer see the officer who fired the initial rounds at the suspect:

FBI Agents Are Coming Forward To Expose “Dirty” Truth About Comey’s Career

FBI Agents Are Coming Forward To Expose “Dirty” Truth About Comey’s Career

This week’s Comey testimony caused many Democrats and liberals to twinge with panic. Even worse, Comey himself is being exposed as someone who cares more about his Democrat masters than justice.

According to Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch, retired and active members of the FBI have told him in private that James Comey was a “dirty cop”. While speaking to Lou Dobbs on his Fox News program, Farrell also criticized Comey for breaking his oath of office by leaking material from the now-infamous “memo,” via Gateway Pundit.

Other unnamed FBI agents are reportedly willing to testify that Comey personally obstructed the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

When Comey first announced that the FBI would not pursue charges against Clinton, word began to spread of a possible revolt among the FBI rank and file, via Daily Caller.

Now, with Comey’s own testimony exposing him as a backhanded leaker of government information, more FBI agents might come forward to expose Comey’s dirty tactics.

According to Roger Stone, a longtime Washington insider, Comey has a history of working on behalf of the Clinton crime family. Specifically, Comey helped the Clintons cover-up the crimes of Sandy Berger, President Clinton’s National Security Advisor.
Specifically, Comey was the prosecutor who refused to charge Berger with any crimes — even after he stole classified documents from the National Archives in 2003, via YouTube.

Many believe that the bulk of the documents Berger stole relate to the theory that Bill Clinton could have killed Osama bin Laden before the Sept. 11 attacks, via Washington Post.

Given the past, is it any wonder that Comey refused to prosecute Hillary Clinton in October 2016?

Even Comey admitted that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch pressured him to refer to the Clinton investigation in non-criminal terms. She allegedly did so with the intent of helping Clinton avoid appearing as if she were under investigation.

Both Comey and Lynch should face further questioning for their role in obstructing a criminal investigation.

Comey’s own words provided all the proof the American public needed that President Trump was right to fire him. His selfish actions, and his deep ties to the Clinton mafia, completely undermined the FBI’s position as a (supposedly) independent arm of the American justice system.

Obama Missing After It’s Found Out Who Deranged D C Driver Is Connected To In Yesterday’s Attack

Obama Missing After It’s Found Out Who Deranged D.C. Driver Is Connected To In Yesterday’s Attack

Anyone else wondering why the narcissist, former President Barack Hussein Obama, has been oddly quiet for the last week or so? We think we may finally have the answer.

Two D.C. police officers on bicycles and a D.C. Department of Transportation employee were seriously hurt after a man in a pickup truck rammed into them and then hit a dump truck Thursday night in the Adams Morgan neighborhood of DC. Two Virginia men, Brandon Figures-Mormon, 22, of Disputanta, Virginia, and Dwayne Nicholas Taylor, 23, of Prince George, Virginia, were arrested for this heinous act. Figures-Mormon has also been charged with assault with intent to kill a police officer and possession of an unregistered firearm.
You might be asking what this has to do with Hussein Obama.

A Facebook profile review of Brandon Figures-Mormon shows the 22-year-old Marine vet who rammed the police officers, constantly bashed President Donald Trump. He supported Obama viciously and the Obama endorsed Black Lives Matter terrorist organization. To make matters even worse for Figures-Mormon it also shows he celebrated the mystic Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh which the US deported in 1985 after Rajneesh’s Oregon cult the Rajneeshees committed the largest bioterror attack in this nation’s history. This is what Obama’s Shadow Government is giving us.
You might be asking what this has to do with Hussein Obama.

A Facebook profile review of Brandon Figures-Mormon shows the 22-year-old Marine vet who rammed the police officers, constantly bashed President Donald Trump. He supported Obama viciously and the Obama endorsed Black Lives Matter terrorist organization. To make matters even worse for Figures-Mormon it also shows he celebrated the mystic Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh which the US deported in 1985 after Rajneesh’s Oregon cult the Rajneeshees committed the largest bioterror attack in this nation’s history. This is what Obama’s Shadow Government is giving us.
Yes, folks, this is what 8 years of President Barack Hussein Obama has given us. A nation where all we stand for is negotiable. A nation where an ex-military man does something like this to police officers. When did we ever see these things happening before Barry Soetoro came into power? Never, because we have always been a nation of law and order. If a terrorist group such as “Black Lives Matter” would have popped up under any other president it would have been quickly squashed. It would have never been told it was “understood,” such as Obama did during the Fergusson riots when people took it upon themselves to loot businesses because a police officer killed a thug.