Look What Comey Conveniently ‘Deleted’ That Could Be The End Of Him

Look What Comey Conveniently ‘Deleted’ That Could Be The End Of Him

Former FBI Director James Comey deleted a memo that could have been important during his first testimony since being fired by President Trump. The memo is reportedly something he potentially leaked to the NY Times. Comey reported that he deleted it. This is also known as the “I’m not giving you anything that may or may not harm me” strategy where people usually refuse to deliver something that may harm them in any way. Is it an admission of guilt, or did Comey simply delete the leaked memo because it had nothing of importance? But that drives us to ask that if it wasn’t important, then why leak it? If it wasn’t him, or it didn’t contain damning information, then why not produce a copy of it.

How did Comey send it? Email? Snail mail? Hand delivery? Carrier pigeon? If email, then there’s a copy in his sent email folder. Or maybe there’s an old draft. If not, then there’s probably a way to roll back his computer to a previous date and see a copy of it there. The thing with computers is that things deleted are usually recoverable. Even the Geek Squad idiots at Best Buy can sometimes figure that out for a ridiculously overpriced fee.

After former FBI Director James Comey testified on Thursday, the Senate Intelligence Committee naturally asked Comey for a copy of the infamous memo in question that he had leaked through a friend to the NY Times.

During testimony, Comey testified he felt he needed to take notes to protect himself in his conversations with President Donald Trump and then being so concerned about going on record with facts after a Trump tweet that he supposedly had his friend, Daniel Richman, leak the contents to the NY Times.

Problem? When the committee asked for the memo, Comey said he no longer had copies.

So where is it, bro? You mean to tell me in 2017 with the crazy amount of advanced technology that there’s no way to recover a copy of a memo? Is this the only guy who hand-writes memos and faxes them like it’s the late 80’s? I didn’t know James Comey served as a six-foot grade school secretary in his spare time. Maybe he has another career after all! I’m guessing either Comey is playing hardball and doesn’t care to provide a memo, because he thinks it’s pointless, or the slight chance that he doesn’t want them to see it.

The committee was then required to request copies from the Richman. Here’s the relevant excerpt of the letter to Richman noting this.
So this was so important for Comey to take the notes to protect himself, but then he deleted the memo from his FBI laptop?

As we have previously reported, the NY Times reporter who broke the story never even saw the memo. Indeed the information he got from Richman was recounted to him over the phone from what Richman supposedly remembered. Richman didn’t have the memo when he spoke to the reporter. So would he even be able to turn it over to the committee now if he didn’t have it then?

What in the sweet Jesus is going on here? Comey has a memo but deletes it, but there’s a leak, but he protects himself, but….what next? This sounds more and more like a TV drama about government. I swear it’s like we’ve watched this on television before.

If people really want to get a memo from a computer, then it probably only takes a few moments. However, it’s an FBI computer. Maybe they have a self-destruct option like Inspector Gadget’s notes that Chief Quimby reads from the safety of a trash can. Sounds more and more like Chief Quimby is the inspiration for this memo that apparently self-destructed.

So what’s next? The testimony ticked Trump into a Tweetstorm. The public is half confused and half doesn’t even care anymore. Comey is probably looking for a new job while getting his overly tall suits hemmed. Three weeks from now no one will care about any of this.

I’m starting to believe politics is really a poorly scripted reality show, with horrible characters, on MTV – kinda like Teen Mom.

Our political system has turned into a horrible group of over-dramatic teen moms in high school.

Sumerian Star Map 5,500 Years Old Verifies Asteroid Destruction – Sodom & Gomorrah

Ancient Anunnaki / Sumerian Star-map Verify Asteroid Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and the Kofel’s Austria Meteor Impact. This Cuneiform Tablet & Star map Verify Asteroid Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Confirmed with Modern Technology

Sumerian Star Map

Controversial 5,500-Year-Old Sumerian Star Map Of Ancient Nineveh Reveals Observation Of Köfels’ Impact Event

Controversial 5,500-Year-Old Sumerian Star Map Of Ancient Nineveh Reveals Observation Of Köfels’ Impact Event


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Muslims Are FURIOUS After What New Law Forces All Of Them To Do

Muslims Are FURIOUS After What New Law Forces All Of Them To Do

There is an obvious pattern in countries that are full of refugees. Generally, there is a surge in child rape, genital mutilation cases, and terrorist attacks. And, because of political correctness, it is called Islamaphobia to point out the obvious correlation. Thankfully, there are leaders around the world including the Untied States that is taking this Islamic takeover seriously. Which is why Muslims in one country are raging mad after a new law is passed that forces them to assimilate.

Many countries have tolerated the Muslim refugee crisis and their archaic ways. One of those customs is that women must be fully covered and wear a burqa to cover their face. However, with the increase of terror attacks, many countries have looked into banning the burqa. If you remember correctly, France has attempted this ban and even Germany has considered implementing one as well.

But, Austria is one country that is going all in on it, and that is not the only thing are doing. The Austrian government has passed a law that bans people from covering their faces. Also, this law requires these refugees to take Austrian integration classes, including German language, culture, and customs.
But, wait there’s more.

If these Muslim refugees do not take these classes then they are not able to receive any welfare benefits either.

Here is more from RT:

A controversial integration law that will fine women for wearing face-concealing Islamic dress from October, and deprive of benefits migrants who fail to take language lessons has officially been enacted, after being rubberstamped by the President.
“Those who are not prepared to accept Enlightenment values will have to leave our country and society,” reads the text of the law that drew thousands of protesters to the streets earlier this year, before it was passed by a centrist coalition last month.

Women who will wear Islamic veils – either the burqa or the niqab – in public places, will face a fine of €150 ($168).

More generally, newcomers who expect to stay in Austria, will need to enroll in a 12-month “integration course,” which includes German language lessons, if they are to receive their welfare benefits.

They will also be expressly forbidden from distributing incendiary radical materials, and are encouraged to volunteer before they can get their work permits, so that they are better prepared for life in the workplace.

More than 90,000 people have arrived in the Central European country since the start of the migrant crisis in 2015, most of them from Muslim-majority countries outside of Europe.

The law was opposed by the left-leaning Green Party, which said that it scapegoated refugees, and the nationalist Freedom Party, which called it a window-dressing for deeper integration issues and said it had been designed to stop its rise in the polls.

The centrist coalition promised that the legislation would offer a holistic approach. It has since collapsed, triggering an early election in October.

“Work is one of the most important factors for successful integration, which is why we are not only breaking down language barriers with this policy – we are also creating a continuous integration concept for the first time,” said Social Democratic politician Alois Stoger back in May.

France was the first EU state to introduce a similar ban in 2010, levying an identical €150 fine. It has since been copied in other countries, including Germany, which has also pushed through a prohibition of face coverings for state employees.

So, if these Muslims want to talk to someone they are going to have to in German and without a sheet covering their face.
Though what is strange about this is that it is a complete 180-degree turn from Austria’s former policies. Not too long ago, the Austrian president had said that women in his country might have to wear head scarves to fight Islamaphobia and wear whistles in the event of being raped. It is quite possible that with the recent terror attacks in England Austria has seen the error in their ways and is making a positive change.
However, how awesome that is for Austria, I would like to see this sort of law implemented in America. These refugees are a guest in our country and need to assimilate to our culture. If they do not like it then they can board a plane or a camel and make their way back to the middle east.

White House Mole About To Get Their Butt Kicked What Leaked Private Pics Of Kellyanne Showed

White House Mole About To Get Their Butt Kicked What Leaked Private Pics Of Kellyanne Showed

WARNING: Literally nothing in this article has been verified yet. This is simply a report on what has been put out there on the Internet. We are not verifying this, but only reporting on it. Do not report this as verified or true until it is revealed to be so. Also, don’t act like you’re Brian Williams and say things like “I would know. I was there.”

Cops At Anti Sharia March Have Awesome Surprise Waiting For Liberals Who Sided With Islamic Terroris

Cops At Anti-Sharia March Have Awesome Surprise Waiting For Liberals Who Sided With Islamic Terrorists

The left has been doing their best to sell that Islam is a religion of peace to the American people. Even after the numerous terror attacks around the world these leftist idiots still claim that this is just the actions of a few bad apples. While the rest of know that this is a blatant lie, there are those in America that have bought into the Islamic sham. So, those that have bought into this insanity are now advocating for Sharia Law to be implemented in America. Well, this past weekend, there was Anti-Sharia Law protests popping up across the country. Of course, leftist nitwits decided to attend and show support for these Islamic terrorists. However, these Islamic supporters received one hell of a surprise from the police they won’t soon forget.

During the Obama administration, there was a new brand of “tolerance” that swept over America. Barack Obama pushed for the citizens of our country to accept violent Muslim practices as the new normal. However, we were not about to let this happen and are pushing back against this sick religion.

For example, conservatives gathered together this past weekend to protest genital mutilation, honor killings and other practices associated with Sharia law, as part of the nationwide “March Against Sharia.”
Ok, this is where the insanity really begins to show folks.

We as conservatives are standing up against a barbaric religion that mutilates young women, advocates for the murder of homosexuals, and oppresses women. However, we are the ones that are crazy.

As we are aware ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, and other leftists groups have been physically attacking conservatives at rallies. This time though they were given a karmic lesson they soon won’t forget.

During a Seattle protest on Saturday, when leftists attempted to break through the conservative side they were promptly smacked down. But, what pissed off these crybaby leftists is that the police allowed it to happen.
Check out the whining from the liberal rag BiPartian Report:

An individual from the aforementioned Seattle counter-protest who served as a marshal says that Seattle police allowed far-right demonstrators to physically harass members of the counter-protest with no repercussions.

The marshal, who has chosen to remain anonymous, says that the marshals’ jobs were “to facilitate the counter protests march to and from City Hall Plaza and help work to de-escalate situations and keep participants safe throughout the duration.” The individual adds that the marshals for the counter-protest, who were people from the “Greater Seattle General Defense Committee” along with other local organizations, met with representatives of the Seattle PD before the day’s events got underway.

Still, this counter-protest marshal alleges, when members of the Alt-right hit members of the counter-protest in the face after being prevented from mingling with the protest, police simply ignored it.

This marshal alleges that after she “immediately went to them” and identified herself as a marshal for the counter-protest and asked for the police’s assistance, she was “met with a response” that she characterizes as “If you aren’t letting them march through your crowd, then we can’t stop them from hitting you.”

Oh, but that is not all that happened. There are reports that Seattle police used pepper spray on these leftist trolls from trying to start more fights. But, somehow to these liberal bridge trolls conservatives are the ones that are evil and intolerant.

Give me a break already.
While that was happening in Seattle there were similar incidents in other parts of the country. In North Carolina, police were seen pushing back leftists mobs as they inched closer to the Anti-Sharia marchers.

I am not sure how this is so hard for people to understand.

There have been vicious attacks perpetrated by radical Muslims and we are trying to protect our country. These people do not want to assimilate to western culture so they don’t belong here.

Our country was founded on the principals of freedom and liberty. Sharia Law does not follow those principals at all. Their system of government is oppressive and does not mesh with our constitution. If they so badly want to live that way they have the whole middle east to practice their barbaric religion in.

This latest scuffle shows exactly how much the left hates America and what we were founded on. It is going to take a long time to turn this tide back, but I am glad to see so many patriots standing their ground and pushing back against those that want to harm our country.