Entitled Pro Basketball Players About To Get Their Butts Kicked For What They Did To Trump After Win

Entitled Pro Basketball Players About To Get Their Butts Kicked For What They Did To Trump After Winning Playoffs

The NBA just endured one of the most boring seasons in basketball history. A league based on a few super teams and a majority of average teams unable to compete with super teams made for boring games and an NBA playoffs that was virtually unwatchable. The NBA playoffs not only took way too long, but it was so predictable that you didn’t even have to watch it to know what would happen.

The Golden State Warriors capped it off with their super team victory over the other super team, the Cleveland Cavaliers. Warriors were guided by Steph Curry and Kevin Durant while Lebron “the faker and flopper” James and Kyrie Irving lead the way for the Cavs. Had the Cavs learned how to use Kevin Love, then maybe they would’ve had a better chance in the playoffs.

Regardless of how bad the NBA season and playoffs were, the final zig in the zag is that the champion Warriors will allegedly snub the White House because they apparently don’t like President Trump.

That’s right folks. People are giving up a free trip to the White House to meet the President and they think anyone cares. WRONG!

If you don’t want to go, then don’t go. If you think anyone cares, then you’re wrong. No one cares if you go or not.

The fact that these overpaid millionaires think anyone cares what they do off the court is hilarious. I didn’t even know the NBA champs went to the White House until someone canceled and acted like it was a big deal. Good for you guys as you have every right to do whatever you want to do, but let’s not act like people really care or that this is even newsworthy because it’s not.

…before the fizz had gone off the champagne, reports are out that the Warriors are likely to snub President Donald Trump by declining to make the traditional visit to the White House.
According to the liberal blog Raw

Story “Golden State Warriors refuse to visit White House after winning NBA title: reports”:

The NBA champion Golden State Warriors unanimously agreed to skip the customary White House visit, according to reports, although the team hasn’t yet commented.

This is funny. Before the Golden State Warriors even say anything, there’s already other people reporting that the players will skip the trip to the White House. That’s hilarious because everyone tries tying things in with a Trump story. Everyone’s hot on the press seeking ratings like a heat seeker headed for an enemy aircraft. What’s next? Lebron blames his next flop on Trump in the middle of a game next year?

Can’t people get an actual statement from the players or the team before they spout off with their hopes of getting the hot headline of the moment? Journalism and reporting is a joke just like the NBA. Not that this is journalism or reporting, but real journalism and reporting has taken a huge nosedive just like the excitement level of the NBA playoffs. Sure, game five ratings hit record levels, being the highest watched contest since a game featuring Michael Jordan in 1988, but just because a lot of people watched it, doesn’t mean it was worth watching. We’ve all been duped before. Wouldn’t it be nice for journo’s out there to report accurately with factual info instead of leading themselves into the pit of fake news?

Head’s Up Veterans. Shop Online At Military Exchanges Beginning Veterans Day, 2017

Head’s Up Veterans. Shop Online At Military Exchanges Beginning Veterans Day, 2017

Honorably discharged Veterans need to know that on Veterans Day, 2017, they will be able to shop online at all military exchanges.

This was made official on January 18, 2017, when Peter Levine, Under Secretary of Defense For Personnel and Readiness issued Department of Defense Memorandum DTM 17-003. This memo

Extends limited online military exchange shopping privileges (no uniform items, alcohol, or tobacco products) to all honorably discharged veterans of the Military Services effective November 11, 2017 (Veterans Day, 2017).

This means that, regardless of your service branch, veterans will be able to shop at any of the four military exchanges:

The Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES)
The Navy Exchange Service (NEXCOM)
The Marine Corps Exchange (MCX)
The Coast Guard Exchange (CGX)
Note: this privilege does not allow access to military facilities to shop in the various on-base exchanges.

Thomas C. Shull, chief executive officer of the Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) has been working on this project for three years. He expressed two reasons for it:
One was to reward their service with exchange product savings that, on average, will be near to 20 percent versus commercial department store prices when military exemption from state and local sales tax are considered too.

And two:

To increase exchange revenues to help offset troubling declines due to the drawdown of active duty forces, base closures and the end of military tobacco discounts for the higher priority of healthier populations.

How do veterans participate in this upcoming benefit? It’s easy, just go to the AAFES website and follow the instructions.

Why would veterans want to take advantage of this new benefit? One major reason is obvious: veterans will not pay any state and local taxes. People are pretty much unaware of those rates outside their own city and state.

Nationally, state and average local tax rates very from the minimum of less than 2% in Alaska (there is no state sales tax here) up to greater than 11% in California. In fact, there are 13 states whose state and local sales tax rates are in excess of 8%.

OK, veterans, sign up now and be ready to save yourself and your family money beginning on Veterans Day, November 11, 2017!

It’s Official! Donald Trump Will Make HISTORY With What He’s Going To Do Next Month

It’s Official! Donald Trump Will Make HISTORY With What He’s Going To Do Next Month

Many people in the United States today have gone way out of their way to make sure that all the veterans who come back from active duty feel loved and appreciated. Not that there’s anything we can do to completely make up for the sacrifice that many make, but anything we can do, we definitely should.

Unfortunately, that was not always the case. Many of you reading this may remember the pain and suffering that those who’d already given up pieces of themselves for our country had to suffer when they came back to the United States after the Vietnam War. Those who thought that the conflict was a bad idea decided to make sure that those who were fighting for Uncle Sam felt their displeasure. This meant that what was an already traumatic transition back to civilian life became a nightmare for those who’d already gone through more than enough in the jungles.

Sadly those soldiers, sailors, and airmen were overlooked in more ways than one; while we now recognize how valuable their contributions were to our country and the people of Vietnam, to date no veteran from the Vietnam War has received the medal of honor. That wrong is about to be righted when President Trump bestows this honor on Vietnam Veteran James C. McCloughan.
Via Daily Caller:

“Donald Trump will present his first Medal of Honor to [a] veteran from the Vietnam War who risked his life to rescue fellow soldiers.

The White House announced Tuesday that the president will bestow the nation’s highest military award on former Specialist Five James C. McCloughan during a ceremony in late July — nearly five decades after his service. McCloughan, who was 23 years old at the time, is credited with risking his life nine separate times within a 48-hour window to rescue his wounded comrades in Vietnam in May 1969.
‘He suffered wounds from shrapnel and small arms fire on three separate occasions, but refused medical evacuation to stay with his unit, and continued to brave enemy fire to rescue, treat, and defend wounded Americans,’ Press Secretary Sean Spicer noted in his announcement.

New York Authorities Just Raided High School Prom – Citizens Horrified About The Reason Why

New York Authorities Just Raided High School Prom – Citizens Horrified About The Reason Why

Schools across the country have been coming to and end over the last couple of weeks, which also means it’s time for one of the most anticipated events of the year for teens — the prom. This milestone moment didn’t exactly go as well as one school hoped when federal agents got involved and crashed the dance with their necessary raid. When parents in town found out about the reason for it, they were horrified beyond belief since they never imagined something like this could happen and aren’t too happy about it.

Westchester County high school staff and students thought they had every detail worked out for the magical night. What they didn’t take into account was that it wasn’t just teens anticipating this evening, it was federal agents who had been watching and waiting for their time to strike, which ended in an arrest that was a long time coming. While authorities got a criminal off the streets, many in the area said they crossed the line with this apprehension. Agents aren’t backing down from their decision to do what they did, and their explanation as to why only infuriated liberals in the area even more.

Diego Ismael Puma Macancela, 19, was arrested on his way to the school’s senior prom last week and still remains detained today. His supporters, which are many, are demanding his immediate release, but it’s not looking too promising that Macanela will ever get his chance at a high school prom again.
New York Daily News reports:

“Diego Ismael Puma Macancela, 19, crossed the U.S. border in 2014 with his mother to escape violent gangs in Ecuador, according to his lawyer. Since then, he has lived in Ossining where he was set to graduate from high school this summer.”

“Instead, Macancela was arrested as he cowered in his cousin’s home last Thursday.”

“’On the very day he was going to attend his prom, he was detained instead,’ said Steve Choi, executive director of New York Immigration Coalition, which arranged a Monday rally in front of Federal Plaza in lower Manhattan.”
“‘Instead of wearing a tuxedo and putting a boutonniere on his wrist, he was wearing an orange jumpsuit and shackles,’ he added.”

“The teen ran to his cousin’s home a day after his mother was arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents inside their house.”

It only took a matter of hours for people in this county of New York to come out in droves in protest of this alien’s arrest right before his prom. The timing of his arrest shouldn’t matter as much as the fact that he broke the law does, but that’s semantics in the eyes of liberals who are only interested in protecting the wrong people if it goes against President Trump’s policies — especially on immigration.

“The acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement on Tuesday defended the agency’s decision last week to arrest an illegal immigrant who was on the way to his prom,” Washington Examiner reports. “ICE Acting Director Thomas D. Homan was asked at a House Appropriations Committee hearing about Diego Puma Macancela, a 19-year-old who was detained last week. Rep. Nita Lowey, D-N.Y., asked if it’s an ICE policy to target students on the way to school or church.”

“If you have a student who’s walking to school waiting at a bus stop, you have someone waiting to arrest him?” Lowey wanted to know, asserting that since the suspect was on the way to a school activity it was unethical to arrest him.

“Homan stated that ICE was unaware that it was the day of Manancela’s prom, but he defended the actions taken because Manancela had an order of removal. He stated that because Manancela had entered the country illegally and had an outstanding order of removal, he should have been ‘looking over his shoulder’,” the Washington Examiner’s report continued.

“We’re talking about somebody who had his due process and lost his case,” Homan said. “There’d be no integrity in the system if we didn’t uphold the rulings of a judge. This is a country of laws, we need to stand by the laws.”

Why should anyone care that this legal adult teen was on the way to his prom that he had no right to be at anyway? If it was so important to him to attend these things and live the American way, he would have entered into this country correctly. Instead, he chose to break the law and risked any given night being ruined that he was here illegally.

Protecting this kid’s right to attend a dance is defending a criminal’s actions and sends a really disgusting example to teens entering into the world after high school. every parent who is screaming in defence of this illegal alien not being arrested when he was, is telling their teen that they’re free to break the law as long as they do so on their way to school or church. It’s time for every citizen and illegal alien in the country to recognize that we’re a nation of laws that need to be resepected.