CNN Promoting Trump’s Assassination NEXT With HORRID Thing They Will Be Airing Any Second

CNN Promoting Trump’s Assassination NEXT With HORRID Thing They Will Be Airing Any Second

Because us moral and peace loving good people know we can’t expect better from the likes of The New York Times and CNN’s parent company Time Warner. Both corporations have sent out press releases saying they are standing by their sponsorship of the Broadway play that clearly depicts the assassination of President Donald Trump.

And to make matters even worse, After this morning’s shooting of Republican Congressmen Scalise and 3 other individuals at baseball practice by a Bernie Sanders supporter who followed Sander’s orders and “resisted.” CNN has stated they will be adverting the very Broadway show that gives people the idea it’s ok to assassinate our president and our elected officials.
CNS News Reports:

Trump ‘Assassination’ Play Still Funded by Time Warner, Taxpayers

Time Warner funds “assassination” of Trump
Time Warner, the parent company of CNN, is one of the companies still sponsoring The Public Theater, a New York Shakespeare group that offers free tickets to anyone who wants to see President Trump assassinated in the group’s rendition of Julius Caesar.

The New York City government’s “Department of Cultural Affairs” also sponsors the theatre group. In this “Shakespeare in the Park” play, a man with unkempt blonde hair, a blue suit and red tie is married to a woman wearing designer outfits and speaking with a Slavic-like accent.

At the end of the play, the Trump/Caesar character is brutally stabbed to death in a lengthy assassination scene. The play’s director, Oskar Eustis, calls the play a “contemporary” “WARNING PARABLE”:
“Rome’s leader, Julius Caesar, is a force unlike any the city has seen. Magnetic, populist, irreverent, he seems bent on absolute power. A small band of patriots, devoted to the country’s democratic traditions, must decide how to oppose him. Shakespeare’s political masterpiece has never felt more contemporary.”

“Julius Caesar can be read as a warning parable to those who try to fight for democracy by undemocratic means. To fight the tyrant does not mean imitating him.”
CNN host Fareed Zakaria, like his employer’s parent company, Time Warner, supports the play. Zakaria even went so far as to declare it a “masterpiece.”

“If you’re in NYC, go see Julius Caesar, free in Central Park, brilliantly interpreted for Trump era. A masterpiece,” he tweeted at the end of May.

Lionel Destroys An Incoherent Code Pinker In An Arlington Shooter Debate

Watch this at your own peril. Just watch this.

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Atrahasis – Creation and Destruction of Humankind

Atra-Hasis was a central figure in the ‘creation’ and ‘deluge’ accounts chronicled by the Sumerians hundreds of years before the first book of the Bible was ever written…

Atra-Hasis (“exceedingly wise”) is the protagonist and namesake of an 18th century BCE Akkadian epic. The Atra-Hasis tablets include both a creation myth and a flood account, which is one of three surviving Babylonian deluge stories. The oldest known copy of the epic tradition concerning Atrahasis can be dated to the reign of Hammurabi’s great-grandson, Ammi-Saduqa (1646–1626 BCE), but various Old Babylonian fragments exist.

According to one version of the Sumerian king list, in the years just before the Flood swept over the earth, Ubara-Tutu (who is named as the father of Atrahasis in Gilgamesh) was king of Shuruppak, where some of the earliest writings known to the entire world have been discovered. According to a different version of the Sumerian king list, Atrahasis, called there by his Sumerian name Zuisudra, himself ruled the city Shuruppak, preceded by his father who was named like the city. A wisdom composition known as The Instructions of Shuruppak is now attested on clay tablets from the Early Dynastic period in the early third millennium BC, and contains sage advice given by Shuruppak to his son Zuisudra. Thus, Atrahasis was a notable figure even at the dawn of history.

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