Five Republicans Paid By Soros To Silence Trump! Guess Who’s On The Top…

Five Republicans Paid By Soros To Silence Trump! Guess Who’s On The Top…

Trying to fight against subversive socialists is like trying to fight off an octopus bent on eating you. Every time you fend off one arm, another one immediately grabs you!

That is what conservatives face when they have to deal with liberal RINO Republicans standing right along side the staunch leftist Democrats who want to neutralize and nullify every move President Trump makes in trying to fulfill his promises to the voters who put him in office.

Needless to say, it’s extremely frustrating to know that your enemies may be the people in your own political party. Petty whiners that are upset that Donald Trump achieved what they wanted to do but couldn’t because they are out of touch with average Americans. But how do they stay in office – who is funding their campaigns to keep them in Washington?
The man behind all the feuding, billionaire George Soros, has been funding almost all of the anti-Trump groups. This also includes the rogue RINO Republicans who want Trump demoralized and ousted from office so badly they are willing to collude with Democrats to do it.

Obama Throws A FIT After Being Refused A Meeting With Trump At The White House

Obama Throws A FIT After Being Refused A Meeting With Trump At The White House

Four Secret Service agents and two United States Marines had a good laugh earlier today when Barack Obama showed up unannounced at the White House, demanding a meeting with President Trump. At first, the former president just nodded and waved and started walking through the door at the ellipse like he owned the place until he came face to face with Agent Brock Neidemeir, who used to serve on his detail.

After a short discussion, Neidemyer agreed to call down to the Oval Office and was told by Trump’s secretary Rosalita that he wasn’t welcome and that Trump had no time for him. Obama, being the sore loser that he is, started stomping around like a baby and demanding he be allowed in. People as far away as the south gate could hear him whining.
There’s no telling why Obama felt the need to show up at the White House or why he thought he could just waltz right in like he owned the place. One thing is for sure: Trump isn’t going to allow someone who knows how to do his job that much better than him to come down the halls of the West Wing and show him up. He has real issues to deal with.

Melania Viciously Attacked On Television Last Night As Millions Of Americans Watched In Horror

Melania Viciously Attacked On Television Last Night As Millions Of Americans Watched In Horror

The President and First Lady have had more than their fair share of criticism ever since the President announced that he would be running for office. They’ve gotten grief about the way they look together, the way the act in public, what labels they wear and pretty much just picked apart for anything that might get them the slightest negative press.

Considering how liberals are looking for absolutely anything that they can find to take in and accept that is negative about the first family, it’s no wondering that people like Kathy Griffin think they can get away with the most over the top unacceptably abrasive content about the President and his family.
One long-time adversary of the President and his administration is late night host Stephen Colbert. This so-called comedian takes any and all opportunities to insult the President. He’s even gone so far as to make the most disgusting jokes about the President and his supposed (and completely unconfirmed) connection to Russia.

Colbert’s particularly nasty and personal brand of humor strikes again when he invited a somewhat well-known actress who impersonates the First Lady to read a no doubt labored over script that makes a joke of the first couple’s relationship.
Here’s a little synopsis of how the fake interview went.

Via New York Daily News:

Melania Trump made a late-night appearance on the ‘Late Show’ — or, at least, Laura Benanti’s Melania Trump did.

The ‘Supergirl’ actress returned to Stephen Colbert’s show with her impression of the First Lady.

Just days after moving to the White House, ‘Melania’ rejoiced at being reunited with her husband.

‘I couldn’t be happier. See? These are my happy eyes,’ a miserable Benanti said.

‘It was so lonely in New York, doing whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I called it my prison of freedom.’

Now that Melania and Barron have moved to D.C. — they had to wait for the First Son to finish school and the Comcast guy to turn off the cable — the Trumps are back together.

‘There is nothing. No reason whatsoever why I shouldn’t be in the White House,’ the faux First Lady said.

‘You can look for one, but I can’t find one.’

Melania has arrived at the White House armed with a toothbrush, a romantic photo with her hubby (the picture of her slapping his hand away on the tarmac, which she said she thought was a mosquito because it was so small) and a rollaway ladder ‘in case of an emergency.’

‘With your husband,’ Colbert asked?

‘Okay,’ Melania responded.

The First Lady also insisted that her family would be in power for all four years.

‘We will be together in the White House for 1,315 days, 11 hours, 55 minutes and 20 seconds. America took a vow and Donald Trump is our President, for better or worse, for richer or even richer, in sickness or no health care. And we must honor that, no matter how often America fantasizes about being with Justin Trudeau,’ she said.

‘In your greatest moments of doubt, you can always drink. Make America grape again.’”

In case you wanted to see the clip in its entirety, here’s the smut they’re calling late night television now.
I know everyone wants to pretend that the marriage of the first couple is on the rocks, but they’re basing this on a few ill-timed frames of a life together that has been under the spotlight since it’s conception. The heat was really turned up in the time since President Trump announced that he’d be running for office, and a few times people have gotten what they thought was a whiff of something wrong, and Katy bar the door, you’d think it was all over but the crying.

The Daily Caller also picked up on this particularly ludicrous piece of fiction and had a few comments on it.

Via Daily Caller:

Late-night host Stephen Colbert included a skit in his Tuesday show to poke fun at both the President Donald Trump and the first lady, suggesting that Melania Trump fantasizes about Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

The mock-interview, in which the first lady was played by ‘Supergirl’ actress Laura Benanti, was centered around Melania’s recent move from New York City into the White House.

Liberals Implode After Former Muslim Speaks To Senate, Educating Them On “Islamism”

Liberals Implode After Former Muslim Speaks To Senate, Educating Them On “Islamism”

Many on the left refuse to speak honestly about Islam. Some even go so far as to say Sharia law is consistent with our country’s constitution. Fortunately, some recognize just how absurd this is and are starting to speak up.

For example, just recently, an ex-Muslim woman recently met with Senators to talk about “political Islam.” She told them bluntly that it is not compatible with the constitution and criticized them for not effectively combating what she insists is an extremely dangerous ideology.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a former Muslim who underwent female genital mutilation (FGM) as a young girl and experienced “honor violence,” testified against Michael E. Leiter, the Former Director of the National Counterterrorism Center earlier this week. According to Leiter, “Muslim’s honoring of Sharia is not inherently in tangent with living in constitutional democracies anymore than it would be for Christians or Jews who also seek to honor their religious traditions while still complying with civil authority.”
However, Ali, who is extremely familiar with Sharia law, argued the exact opposite in her written testimony. “The Islamists’ program is fundamentally incompatible with the U.S. Constitution, religious tolerance, the equality of men and women, the tolerance of different sexual orientations, the ban on cruel and unusual punishment and other fundamental human rights,” stated Ali, noting, “[it] implies a constitutional order fundamentally incompatible with the US Constitution and with the ‘constitution of liberty’ that is the foundation of the American way of life.”

To clarify, Ali stated that political Islam, also known as “Islamism,” seeks to destroy democratic institutions and replace them with theocratic ones using a combination of nonviolent tactics, like “dawah,” and violent tactics, like suicide bombings. “The term ‘dawah’ refers to activities carried out by Islamists to win adherents and enlist them in a campaign to impose sharia law on all societies. ‘Dawah’ is not the Islamic equivalent of religious proselytizing, although it is often disguised as such by blending humanitarian activities with subversive political activities,” explained Ali. “The ultimate goal of ‘dawah’ is to destroy the political institutions of a free society and replace them with strict sharia. Islamists rely on both violent and nonviolent means to achieve their objectives,” she added.

Your ‘thoughts and prayers’ are meaningless. To stop mass shootings we need to do this

Your ‘thoughts and prayers’ are meaningless. To stop mass shootings we need to do this

Your “thoughts and prayers” mean nothing after a mass shooting. They mean less than nothing. When expressed on social media, as they were Tuesday and every other day someone trains a gun on innocent people, those well-meaning sentiments create the illusion of a caring community in the face of tragedy.
In point of fact, these messages are expressions of denial wrapped in futility. What they say is: “There is nothing I can do about this senseless, unspeakable tragedy but type these meaningless words and share them with my ‘friends’ to make myself seem compassionate when in fact I’m a coward.”

Four wounded in Alexandria, Va., Tuesday when Republican members of Congress and others were shot while playing baseball.

Three killed and two wounded at almost the same time in San Francisco at a UPS facility.

In the face of endless, pointless violence, we are all cowards unless we raise our voices against violence and the root of violence: the proliferation of guns in America.

We are all cowards if we draw false conclusions about the motives and backgrounds of shooting suspects and use this misinformation to smear people whose political views we oppose.

We are all cowards if we care more about the race, identity or political affiliation of the shooters than anything else.

We are all cowards if we use each shooting to prop up our personal biases and politics.

We are all cowards if all we can think to say after each senseless shooting is: “Thoughts and prayers.”

Our thoughts and prayers mean nothing in the face of gun violence. Our politics and biases only distract us from the undeniable reality that it is too easy for bad actors to get guns and ammunition in our country.

How many more shootings will it take before we focus on guns? Instead, we obsess on how James Hodgkinson – the suspect in the Alexandria shooting –was virulently against President Trump’s policies and had volunteered for Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign.

That’s all it took for social media to spread our national disease of denial on gun violence.

“One has to wonder if the vitriolic and hateful messaging of the far left in recent months contributed to this guy’s violent turn,” tweeted Dave Gilliard, a local conservative political strategist.
It appears that Breitbart News, Fox News, Alex Jones, Drudge and all the other purveyors of right-wing hate slipped Mr. Gilliard’s mind.

To pick up a gun and harm another human being is non-partisan. In that moment of inhumanity, Hodgkinson was not a liberal – he was an assailant just like the white supremacist who killed African American church congregants in Charleston in June 2015. He was just like the homophobe who killed 49 people almost one year ago to the day in Orlando. He was just like every other misguided criminal who picked up a gun and killed because buying a gun is as seemingly easy as buying a refrigerator.

You want to do something courageous? Confront the denial over guns in America. Because until you do – until we all do – our expressions of sympathy over each mass shooting will remain expressions of denial and cowardice.