Steve Scalise Can’t Defend Himself But MSNBC VICIOUSLY Attacked Him Anyway

Steve Scalise Can’t Defend Himself But MSNBC VICIOUSLY Attacked Him Anyway

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Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise is still hospitalized and in serious condition but liberal MSNBC host Joy Ann Reid didn’t let that stop her from portraying Scalise as an extremist just three days after an angry left-winger shot Scalise and tried to assassinate dozens of Republican congressmen in Alexandria, Virginia on Wednesday.

Reid had NAACP board member Rev. William J. Barber II — a prominent liberal who spoke at at the Democratic National Convention last July — on her show Saturday morning and the two quickly set about attacking Scalise, who is physically unable to defend his record.

“There’s a whole country out there and a lot of people, at least in my Twitter timeline, and it’s a delicate thing, because everybody is wishing the congressman well and hoping that he recovers, but Steve Scalise has a history that we’ve all been forced to sort of ignore on race,” Reid claimed.

“He did come to leadership after some controversy over attending a white nationalist event, which he says he didn’t know what it was,” Reid said.

The liberal host appeared to be referencing the fact that Scalise allegedly spoke to a white nationalist group as part a series of talks he gave about tax legislation in 2002. “I didn’t know who all of these groups were and I detest any kind of hate group,” Scalise said three years ago, adding at the time that “as a Catholic, I think some of the things they profess target people like me.” Democratic Rep. Cedric Richmond, who is black, dismissed the accusations of racism and said: “I don’t think Steve Scalise has a racist bone in his body.” Reid did not note that Scalise has repeatedly condemned the group.

“He also co-sponsored a bill to amend the Constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman. He co-sponsored the House healthcare bill, which as you said would gut healthcare for millions of people including three million children and he cosponsored a bill to repeal the ban on semiautomatic weapons,” Reid continued, bashing Scalise for holding mainstream Republican positions. “Because he is in jeopardy and everybody is pulling for him, are we required in a moral sense to put that aside in the moment?”
Carter answered that they’re required to hope Scalise recovers but that the Republican “should not go forward being homophobic” because one of the Capitol police officers who saved his life was a lesbian. Neither Carter nor Reid noted that the officer was a member of Scalise’s security detail.

Carter also asserted that “the only way you can get to civility, is you must start with the establishment of justice. you must provide for the common good and you must provide the general welfare” and that Republicans “have to have a change in the trajectory of policy.”

Reid promoted the segment in a Twitter post that said Scalise “was shot by a white man with a violent background, and saved by a black lesbian police officer, and yet…” and included a screenshot of a one-sided MSNBC graphic on Scalise’s record.

Al Sharpton Told Blacks To Kill Cops In A Speech, But He Didn’t Know The Camera Was ON!

Al Sharpton Told Blacks To Kill Cops In A Speech, But He Didn’t Know The Camera Was ON!

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We all know Al Sharpton is a massive scumbag, but this video proves that he’s also a hate monger, racist, and violent dictator of the so-called black community Everything Dr. Martin Luther King was, Al Sharpton isn’t. Sharpton has taken the King mantra and made it into a joke. The Dallas shootings of those innocent police officers were the direct result of decades of work by Sharpton and his followers to instill in the minds of young, black, poverty stricken people that it’s society’s fault they are the way they are: impoverished. It’s not, but that’s how Sharpton makes his money. He preaches hate and misinformation. We live in a world where you can make anything of yourself with enough hard work, but with people like Sharpton saying things like this, it’s never going to stop. Watch below as he talks about killing cops and “crackers” outside of where he’s speaking.
I say we all boycotts everything this man says. Share this post. Get this message out. We will NOT be swayed by the likes of race bating hate mongers anymore! ALL lives matter and saying anything else is racist and ignorant.

Howard Stern Slams Anti-Gun Liberals, Says “You’re A Bunch Of F**king Sheep!”

Howard Stern Slams Anti-Gun Liberals, Says “You’re A Bunch Of F**king Sheep!”

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I’ve never been a huge fan of Howard Stern fan, though I have listened to him on occasion. But after what he just said about gun control is absolutely on point and has FIRMLY put me in his camp. After the Orlando terror attack by the coward Omar Mateen, Stern was pissed and rightfully so. Pissed about the attack itself, upset about how it went down, but also pissed off at the reaction the attack has been receiving from the left. Gun control is now the hottest topic in the country and Stern’s response to anyone calling for gun control after this tragedy is incredible. This should be heard by every American! *WARNING: STRONG LANGUAGE*
“I’m so upset about Orlando and what went down,” Stern said, “but I can’t believe these people would come out afterward and their answer to Orlando is to take away guns from the public. It’s f***ing mindblowing to me.” Stern then illustrated his point with an analogy equating the public to sheep, the terrorists to wolves and the military and police as sheepdogs. And even as Stern humorously imitated a generally passive, sheep-like populace with bleating noises — baaaa — his analogy was chilling at a deeper level.
“Now, let’s say I walked up literally to a sheep herd, and they know that every night the wolves pick off a couple of them,” Stern said. “What if I went up to the sheep and I said, ‘You wanna have a shot at the wolves? I’m gonna give you a pistol. You can actually even the playing field with these wolves whose fangs are out — you could shoot them and save your family.’” Stern then took on the role of the passive sheep: “Well, baaaa. We’re not gonna do that. We don’t want to fight baaaack. He didn’t hurt uuuus. He only hurt the family down the streeet. And the shepherd will protect us, the sheepdogs are out there, they’ll protect us.” Stern’s hypothetical reply? “Well, the sheepdogs are protecting you, but some of them can’t be with you all day. There’s not a sheepdog for every citizen, and a wolf is still eating one of you every night.” Here’s the full segment, which you should absolutely listen to. His point and analogy might be the most accurate we’ve ever heard when it comes to gun control. Do you agree with Stern here? We sure do. If you do to, share this with your friends and have your voice heard!

The First Family Has Headed To A Very Special Place This Weekend For The First As President

The First Family Has Headed To A Very Special Place This Weekend For The First As President

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It is Father’s Day 2017 and our President will be enjoying his holiday with his family at Camp David for the weekend. This will be the first visit by President Trump and it will be interesting to see how he likes it.

Presidents have been going from the White House to Camp David for seven decades — for pleasure and some historic diplomatic negotiations. Franklin Delanor Roosevelt met British Prime Minister Winston Churchill there in 1943, reviewing plans for the invasion of Normandy. Jimmy Carter used it for peace talks between Egypt and Israel, and George H.W. Bush’s daughter Dorothy, or “Doro,” was married there.

The first president to use the retreat was Roosevelt in 1942. He was looking for an escape from Washington’s summer heat, while still remaining nearby during World War II. He dubbed the site Shangri-La, but Dwight Eisenhower, a regular visitor, later renamed it after his grandson. John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson were infrequent visitors, though they did use the camp to meet with advisers from time to time. Richard Nixon was a fan of getting away there as was Ronald Reagan. McBride said George W. Bush loved to ride his bike around the trails, while wife Laura liked to go hiking. “It was a place that really refreshed them,” she said.

So, it is awesome to see our 45th president carrying out the tradition and taking his family there this weekend.

According to Conservative Fighters:

President Donald Trump, along with his wife Melania and son Barron, boarded Marine One Saturday for the family’s first visit to Camp David. Stephanie Grisham, the director of communications for first lady Melania Trump, revealed the visit in a tweet Friday night. The family will stay at Camp David through Father’s Day on Sunday.
The president has relaxed on weekends by traveling to his properties in Florida and New Jersey. Camp David has traditionally been the getaway spot for presidents ever since 1942, and Trump will be the 14th president to stay there. The retreat is located 68 miles northwest of the capital in the hills of Maryland’s Catoctin Mountain Park. Prior to getting into office, President Trump said in an interview that “Camp David is very rustic, it’s nice, you’d like it.” He added, “You know how long you’d like it? For about 30 minutes.”

Camp David is a bit different from what the Trump’s are used to there is no question about that but I think they will enjoy it after spending some time there. If they don’t they are more than welcome to send me up there in their place, right?

Rustic relaxation is probably exactly what they need for a couple of days after the non-stop assaults from the left about the fake Russian collusion crap and finding all the little moles and leaks within the system that are determined to destroy his Presidency. Time to have some peace I would say. I’m betting he will come back refreshed and full of fire to continue fixing this amazing country of ours.

WOW: LGBT Community Is Attacking The St. Louis Cardinals For This Ridiculous Reason

WOW: LGBT Community Is Attacking The St. Louis Cardinals For This Ridiculous Reason

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Despite the outcry from the LGBTQ community, the St. Louis Cardinals are sticking to their guns when it comes to hosting their ‘Christian Day’ with former player and speaker, Lance Berkman due to Berkman’s stance on certain issues.

St. Louis Pride protests the Cardinals’ choice of speaker and demands that the Cardinals cancel his appearance at their annual Christian Day where a speaker has always spoken about how Christianity has affected their lives.

According to Daily Caller:

Berkman drew criticism from the LGBTQ community in 2015 and has been lambasted as a homophobe over his opposition to a Houston city ordinance that would allow transgender people access to bathrooms opposite their biological gender.

Berkman expounded on his opposition to the ordinance in an interview, explaining that, in his view, the ordinance tramples public liberty for the whims of a few. “The issue is, what to do about a 15 or 16-year-old boy who thinks he’s a girl and wants to shower with the girls,” Berkman said. “Maybe he is [transgender], maybe he’s confused. But I wouldn’t want him in the shower with my daughters. We shouldn’t have the rights of 2 percent of the population trump the rights of the other 98 percent.”

Berkman also blasted what he saw as indiscriminate tolerance and the harm it does to the U.S. “To me, tolerance is the virtue that’s killing this country,” Berkman said. “We’re tolerant of everything. You know everything is OK, and as long as you want to do it and as long as it feels good to you then it’s perfectly acceptable do it. Those are the kinds of things that lead you down a slippery slope, and you’ll get in trouble in a hurry.”

St. Louis Pride issued a statement to the Cardinals to express their opposition to Berkman and request that the Cardinals host a pride night. “Pride St. Louis is disappointed by the decision of the St. Louis Cardinals to provide a public platform for Berkman, an individual whose words and actions towards the LGBTQ+ are divisive and demeaning,” the statement said. “We know that the Cardinals can do better, and we want to extend an offer to help them by co-organizing their official LGBT Pride Night at Busch Stadium. Let’s work together to promote love, diversity, and inclusion.”

The Cardinals stood by their original intentions and issued a statement of their own in defense of both Christian Day and Berkman. “As an organization, the Cardinals have always been committed to bringing like-minded groups together to share in the unifying experience of Cardinals baseball,” the statement said. “We are an inclusive organization with a social responsibility to be welcoming to all types of people and organizations. We continue to try and reach out to every part of our community, and have hosted a variety of themed events like Christian Day, Jewish Community Night, Catholic Family Night, Bosnian Heritage Night, Fiesta Cardenales, and many others. We are excited to announce that we will be hosting our first Pride Night later this season (details to follow shortly) which will bring members of the LGBT Community together to enjoy Cardinals baseball.”

The Cardinals’ Christian Day is scheduled for July 30.

Thank you for standing up for what you believe in sir! We definitely need more people like you around.