Major U S Company Starts A Civil War With Bloody Move They Just Made Against Trump – BOYCOTT Now

Major U.S. Company Starts A Civil War With Bloody Move They Just Made Against Trump – BOYCOTT Now

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There’s going to come a point at which the entire world sees through this transparent liberal agenda to try and chip away at every single thing that President Trump accomplishes during his time in office. Even the things that they’d normally be completely on board with (i.e. things that liberals had already done) they’re going to object to just because it’s President Trump trying to do it. They seem to be considering his policies to be guilty by association.

One issue that’s floated to the forefront of the liberal masses sheep like brains to rage against a little governmental appropriation which President Trump is thinking about giving back. Our former Communist in Chief treated state’s rights about like he treated every other law (that “they’re more like what you’d call guidelines”) and decided that big brother needed to take some of it for himself. After all, grabbing all the best things and keeping them out of reach of the filthy middle and lower class citizens.

President Trump is looking to rectify this problem, and it has put some liberals on the war path. One such less than pleasant individual is the Ceo of Patagonia who’s declared war on this desire to give back some of the governmentally appropriated lands to the states who they were taken from.

Via Breitbart News:
The CEO of outdoor clothing giant Patagonia is burnishing her anti-Republican bona fides again, this time saying she intends to pledge her entire company to the ‘resistance’ of President Donald Trump.
Patagonia CEO Rose Marcario recently attacked President Trump for his statements about rolling back President Obama’s unusually aggressive campaign of confiscating millions of acres of state lands and claiming them as “national monuments.”

‘We have to fight like hell to keep every inch of public land,’ Marcario said in a May article at Huffpost. ‘I don’t have a lot of faith in politics and politicians right now.’
In an effort to prevent citizens from retaking possession of their state lands, one of her immediate actions will be to sue the Trump administration for its efforts to scale back Obama’s unprecedented land grab.

BREAKING: Sheriff Clarke Just Broke Month-Long Silence To Make Devastating Announcement

BREAKING: Sheriff Clarke Just Broke Month-Long Silence To Make Devastating Announcement

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America’s favorite sheriff has been strangely silent since he accepted the Department of Homeland Security position offered to him by President Donald Trump. The country was ecstatic about this perfect pick for the job, considering that Milwaukee Co. Sheriff David Clarke takes a no-excuses approach to terrorism and citizens’ safety, no matter who he has to offend to protect people. However, since that announcement was made something else has happened, and now the country is hearing from Clarke for the fist time in a while when he broke his silence with a devastating statement.

Clarke accepted the position of partnership and engagement on May 17, that was offered to him by the president who handpicked the conservative firebrand for the important job. At the time, he told WISN in Wisconsin, “I’m both honored and humbled to be appointed to this position by [DHS Sec. John Kelly], working for the Trump administration in this position,” Fox News reported. However, now he’s not only rescinding that offer, he’s announced why he’s has had a change of heart on taking this post.

The Daily Caller reports:

“Late Friday, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. formally notified Secretary of Homeland Security John F. Kelly that he had rescinded his acceptance of the agency’s offer to join DHS as an assistant secretary,” Craig Peterson, Clarke’s adviser, told The Washington Post.

“Clarke, a tough-on-crime conservative Democrat, announced last month that he was taking a job as the assistant secretary in DHS’s Office of Public Engagement. He was to serve as a liaison between DHS and local and state law enforcement agencies.”

The unexpected announcement took excited conservatives by complete surprise and was also disheartening turn of events for our president who believes in putting the best people he can into every important position. Clarke was certainly the right man for the job, but perhaps the timing was wrong.
He was set to start his new job at the end of this month, which would have been approximately a month and a half after accepting the position. Without getting too specific, he simply announced that he’s faced “significant delays” in since accepting it which led him to this final decision about his future.

However, backing out of the DHS post doesn’t mean that this tough-on-crime, cowboy hat-wearing sheriff isn’t going to have an important role in Trump’s administration.

“Sheriff Clarke is 100 percent committed to the success of President Trump and believes his skills could be better utilized to promote the president’s agenda in a more aggressive role,” Peterson said following Clarke’s announcement. The sheriff met with the president as recently as this past Tuesday, before rescinding this position was made public. Perhpas the two talked about what capacity this incredible conservative leader could have in or out of the federal government.

“The sheriff is reviewing options inside and outside of government,” Peterson added. “Sheriff Clarke told Secretary Kelly he is very appreciative of the tremendous opportunity the secretary was offering, and expressed his support for the secretary and the agency.”

The liberal media is already jumping on his resignation with accusations and assumptions about why he’s not going to take the DHS position. Raw Story eluded to controversies he’s allegedly been caught in as reason for him being not only unfit for the role but even a mediocre member of law enforcement at best, who has simply been glorified as a sheriff by media for no other reason than being an unapologetic conservative who is tough on groups like Black Lives Matter.

“Clarke is notorious in Milwaukee for the disproportionate size of his media presence as compared to the actual size of his role in the city’s sheriff’s department. His sole area of jurisdiction is one of the city’s jails,” Raw Story reported. “However, four deaths — including a newborn baby — took place in the jail in 2016 due to neglect and mistreatment.”

The left’s lack of love for this incredible American leader isn’t for the “controversies” they come up with, as they claim. It’s that Clarke is a combination of everything they hate, being conservative and African American and not afraid to issue appropriate punishment to other black people who deserve it, instead of making excuses for them. They can’t call him racist for cracking down on Black Lives Matter rioters, so they resort to claiming that he’s not good at his job. In their minds, only a sheriff who allows this kind of criminal debauchery is good at his job.

WATCH Nasty Transgender Tries To Show Guys At Skate Shop What’s Under His Skirt – INSTANTLY Regrets

WATCH: Nasty Transgender Tries To Show Guys At Skate Shop What’s Under His Skirt – INSTANTLY Regrets It

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All across America, members of the LGBT community keep ramming their debauchery and lifestyle choices down our necks. You can’t even watch a show on television anymore without there being a least one gay love scene or or a transgender character, as our society is being forced into accepting this lifestyle as the “new norm.” As these obnoxious people continue to shove their rainbow flags in our faces while labeling us bigots for not readily accepting their points of view, a transgender in Georgia just got a brutal wake-up call after after shoving his vagina into the faces of several unassuming skaters outside a local skate shop over the weekend in an attempt to pick a fight.

The beauty of living in America is you are free to do and say whatever you want, as long as your actions don’t interfere with the rights of others. But this transgender wasn’t just happy to put on a dress and makeup and go about his merry way identifying as a member of the female sex. He decided to get confrontational and demand people accept his lifestyle choices, choosing to harass locals outside a local skate shop in Atlanta where he was screaming at patrons trying to enter the store, “I’ve got a f*cking p*ssy!”
This harassment had been going on for quite a long time, as someone witnessing the incident was able to piece a bunch of short clips together to paint a bigger picture of what went down that day. The transgender can be seen getting into people’s faces while screaming about his vagina, where he could be clearly heard shouting things like, “I’ll f*ck you up.”

But one person who was simply wanting to gain entry into the skate shop wasn’t having the transgender’s harassment. Without a second thought, the man flings the drunk cross-dressing idiot onto the ground, where the worst ass-whipping of the transgender’s life shortly ensued.
Nothing like a good curb-stomping to get your point across! This cross-dressing moron was clearly the one doing the harassing and assaulting that day, but of course liberals wasted no time labeling the man who defended himself as “transphobic.” The man who recorded the incident said it was not a case of transpobia at all, and that the person who curb-stomped the transvestite was simply acting in self-defense. The GA Voice reported:

The young man who posted several Vine videos to the internet depicting a person being violently attacked in Little Five Points says the assault was not motivated by transphobia.

“She was yelling ‘f*ck you’ and doing all this crazy stuff. It seemed like a usual day in Little 5 Points,” he said. “She seemed aggressive and was throwing herself on the ground.”

“There was nothing mentioned about gender. She was just yelling at us,” he said. “The videos don’t show the context of what happened.”

The alleged victim says clearly, “I have a p*ssy.” She yelled that as well as, “F*ck you, George Bush!” and was cursing other celebrities, he said.

The person was asked to leave the property by a Stratosphere employee but she refused to go and continued to yell and show, he said. The person is a homeless woman he has seen in Little Five Points a lot, he added.

“She refused to leave. She seemed to be starting fights,” he said.

The people he was with who were being yelled at offered her a cigarette to try to make her leave, according to the man who filmed the attack.

He said he started filming what was happening because what was happening was “so odd.”

Another man walked up to the group, who did not know was happening, and the homeless woman lunged at him, he said. That man pushed her to the ground and then stomped on her. According to the Vine use, the guy stepped on her shoulder, not her head. He said she was also helped up by others and was unfazed by the attack.

Everyone standing around yelled at the guy right after he stomped on the woman and he left the scene.

“Right after it happened all the bystanders were shocked and told him off. A couple bystanders helped her up. She was intoxicated and I saw her walking away,” he said. “She was not injured.”

Maybe this little snowflake will think next time before deciding to verbally assault innocent bystanders and forcing his vagina onto people. It looks like Americans are getting finally getting fed the hell up with the debauchery of the left being shoved in our faces on a daily basis and are finally starting to react!

BREAKING: This Means WAR After What Russia Just Vowed To Do To The United States Any Day Now

BREAKING: This Means WAR After What Russia Just Vowed To Do To The United States Any Day Now

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After six long years, the Syrian Civil War may be pushed into a full-scale world war after what happened this past weekend. It was revealed that the United States military shot down a Syrian bomber since it was targeting U.S. backed forces. And, you can guess that Vladimir Putin was not too pleased by this action, and has issued a chilling warning.

When Barack Obama was president, Putin had become rather used to being able to push Obama around. For instance, during Obama’s administration, he routinely failed to match his tough talk with his actions. Obama sounded stern when he told Syrian President Bashar not to cross the “red line”, and when Bashar crossed that line there were never any real consequences.

Well, finally after 8 long years of having weak leadership in the White House we have elected President Trump. And, Trump is not about to be pushed around by anyone including Russia or Syria.

So, this past Sunday a US Navy F/A-18E Super Hornet shot down a Syrian SU-22 jet. According to American sources, the Syrian plane had earlier bombed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) near the ISIS capital of Raqqa. Of course, when this happened the Russians were not too pleased about it and tensions are escalating rapidly between the world powers. Now, Russia has claimed that they will shoot down ANY places west of the Euphrates, which could very well mean American planes too.
At the moment the details on what happened yesterday are still a little hazy, but this is what we know. According to various sources, the Syrian jet was being operated by pilots that are loyal to al-Assad. The Syrian jet was in the process at the time of firing upon ISIS targets. However, there have been conflicting reports that say the jet was retaking Raqqa from ISIS.

Here is more from Breitbart:
The U.S.-led coalition announced that it shot down the Syrian plane “in accordance with rules of engagement and in collective self-defense of coalition-partnered forces.”

“The demonstrated hostile intent and actions of pro-regime forces toward coalition and partner forces in Syria conducting legitimate counter-ISIS operations will not be tolerated,” the coalition stated.

According to the U.S. military, the pilot of the Syrian plane was able to eject.

“The attack stresses coordination between the US and ISIS, and it reveals the evil intentions of the US in administering terrorism and investing it to pass the US-Zionist project in the region,” the Syrian government responded.

The Washington Post notes it was the first American downing of a Syrian jet since U.S. forces entered Syria’s civil war in 2014, the first time a U.S. plane brought down a manned hostile aircraft in over a decade, and the fourth time in a month the U.S. military has been obliged to fire on pro-regime forces.

The Post reports that U.S. commanders used a special “deconfliction channel” to contact Russia before firing on the Syrian plane, in an effort to prevent the situation from escalating, and also conducted a “show of force” to warn Syrian forces away before resorting to live fire.

Muslims’ Ramadan Party In Texas Just Came To A Sudden End After What Happened Overnight

Muslims’ Ramadan Party In Texas Just Came To A Sudden End After What Happened Overnight
The Muslim celebratory month of Ramadan is finally winding down but that doesn’t mean that Islam will slip away until next year at this time. It’s been a particularly bloody couple of weeks around the world as terror attacks continue in Europe where refugees have been widely welcomed in to take over. Meanwhile, in America, Muslims who call the great state of Texas home are realizing that things aren’t so great for them there as they are in more apologetic liberal states and nations.

Just as they were wrapping up their celebratory month, their party came to a screeching halt when they suffered a huge blow to the biggest part of their belief system. Texas isn’t just taking their state back from these people, they’re the first to hit them where it really counts regardless of the subsequent outrage from Muslims and apologists about “rights.” Everyone has a right to safety and the governor just ensured that with a swift, yet surprising, move he just made.

When Muslims move into an area in groups, their plan isn’t to assimilate to the American culture or “coexsist.” Islam preached for a takeover and world domination, by killing or converting all non-believing infidels. Anyone who knows even just the smallest part of what the Muslim holy book, the Koran, preaches, it’s that women and children are horribly mistreated. They’re used and abused by men in their lives who hold all of the power. This comes with the cornerstone of the religion, which is “Sharia Law.”

Despite Sharia Law being unconstitutional and illegal in the U.S., liberals are open to the idea to make this place better for Muslims. There are sneaky ways to slip it into our way of life and make it legal, which Muslims who want to dominate with it are well aware of. Liberals fall fast for this by making it sound that it’s their “religious right,” but that doesn’t mean they have a right to impose these inhumane rules on those who want no part of it in a free country.

In what is being billed as a death blow punch in the fight against Islam and their savage Sharia Law. Texas state legislators just passed a law called the “American Law for American Courts” bill, or Texas House Bill 45, Freedom Daily recently reported.

“This new law now makes it illegal to practice Muslim Sharia law within the Texas state lines. Both houses of the Texas legislature voted in favor of HB 45. The ‘Texas Foreign Law Procedural Protection Act.’ on Monday, and today the bill has been signed by Texas Governor Greg Abbot.”

“Sharia Law is the Islamic religious governing code which governs all aspects of Muslim daily life. Including death for infidels, adulterers, the LGBTQ community, the crucifixion of highway robbers, amputation of limbs for theft, and so many other none or petty crimes.”
“This law is also the one responsible for Muslim honor killings of women and young girls who have been deemed to have brought shame to their families. Which is something that is already starting to happen here in the states. There have been cases reported in Texas and especially the state of Michigan which is currently starting to resemble an Islamic 3rd world cesspool.”

This house bill was necessary and urgent since an Islamic Tribunal is already set up in Texas and is practicing Sharia Law, as Breitbart recently uncovered:

“An Islamic Tribunal using Sharia law in Texas has been confirmed by Breitbart Texas. The tribunal is operating as a non-profit organization in Dallas. One of the attorneys for the tribunal said participation and acceptance of the tribunal’s decisions are ‘voluntary’.”

“Breitbart Texas spoke with one of the ‘judges,’ Dr. Taher El-badawi. He said the tribunal operates under Sharia law as a form of ‘non-binding dispute resolution.’ El-badawi said their organization is ‘a tribunal, not arbitration.’ A tribunal is defined by Meriam-Webster’s Dictionary as ‘a court or forum of justice.’ The four Islamic attorneys call themselves “judges” not ‘arbitrators’.”

“El-badawi said the tribunal follows Sharia law to resolve civil disputes in family and business matters. He said they also resolve workplace disputes.”

Muslims have a great way of skirting the system and making things sound innocent when there’s always something much more sinister beneath the surface. While they take advantage of liberals as their useful idiots to impose Islam on them, it’s time for states to follow in Texas’s lead and start fighting back against this evil. Montana recently attempted to ban Sharia Law in their state, but liberals won in the end. Anyone who fights to defend this set of rules and lifestyle should be forced to live it for a week and see if they still think it’s a good idea to make America a Muslim nation.