Can You Prove REALITY Is REAL?

In recent news it has been reported that several tech billionaires….
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including Elon Musk, are spending billions of dollars trying to prove that humanity exists inside a simulated reality. But what about going the other way? Can we prove that our reality is real? Theoretical physicist Brian Greene believes that if we live inside a simulated reality, our best bet of proving this is by looking for glitches.The idea of our race existing inside a simulated reality is based mostly on the assumption that one day mankind will be able to do the same.Another piece of simulated universe evidence posed by Brian Greene and Neil deGrasse Tyson is the problem of the Big Bang. What might the purpose of our simulated reality be? If we can answer this question, we should be able to take action to prove whether we’re in one or not.

Boom! Cher Turns on Nancy Pelosi After Ossoff Loss

Boom! Cher Turns on Nancy Pelosi After Ossoff Loss

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“Admire & respect Nancy Pelosi, but in ‘every’ race, GOP runs against her,” Cher said.

In an interview with Breitbart News on the eve of the election, Handel said that Democratic voters in Georgia’s sixth district did not mind that Ossoff lived outside the district, because she said Ossoff was “completely aligned” with Pelosi’s positions.

“[Democrats] want someone who will march lockstep with the liberal mantra,” Handel said.

Cher joined several House Democrats in questioning Pelosi’s leadership following Ossoff’s loss. The 76-year-old California Democrat easily fended off a challenge from Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan to retain her leadership position in November.

“I think you’d have to be an idiot to think we could win the House with Pelosi at the top,” Rep. Filemon Vela (D-TX) told Politico Wednesday. “Nancy Pelosi is not the only reason that Ossoff lost. But she certainly is one of the reasons.”

In an interview on Breitbart News Daily Wednesday, Democrat radio host Rick Ungar said it was time for Pelosi to “move on to the next stage of her life.”

“Nancy Pelosi was all over this race in Georgia,” Ungar said. “Every TV ad coming from the Republicans was Nancy Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi.”

Cher has been an outspoken opponent of Trump. The singer regularly uses her Twitter account to criticize the president, often replacing Trump’s name with a toilet emoji.

But the Grammy-winner has also been critical of the Democratic Party. In an interview with Billboard last month, Cher blamed the party leadership for being out of touch with American voters.

“The Democrats f*cked up so bad in their message, and how old [the leadership] is,” she said. “You’ve got to pray that old people die before young people can get involved with the party.”

ENTIRE State Is About To Go Bankrupt Because Of Liberals Politics & It’s NOT California!

ENTIRE State Is About To Go Bankrupt Because Of Liberals Politics & It’s NOT California!

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Illinois is grappling with a full-fledged financial crisis and not even the lottery is safe – with Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner warning the state is entering “banana republic” territory.

Facing billions in unpaid bills and pension obligations, the state is hitting a cash crunch that is rare even by Illinois standards.

A top financial official just warned 100 percent of the state’s monthly revenue will be eaten up by court-ordered payments. Rauner is calling a special session of the Democrat-led General Assembly in a bid to pass what he hopes will be the first full budget package in almost three years.

And Illinois will – literally – lose the lottery if the budget fails.

The state lotto requires a payment from the legislature each year. The current appropriation expires June 30, meaning no authority to pay prizes. In anticipation of a budget deadlock, the state already is planning to halt Powerball and Mega Millions sales.

“It is disappointing that the legislature’s inability to pass a budget has led to this development and will result in Illinois lottery players being denied the opportunity to play these popular games,” Illinois Lottery Acting Director Greg Smith told Fox News.

“We’re like a banana republic,” Rauner said earlier this month, after the General Assembly failed, yet again, to pass a budget package by the regular session deadline. “We can’t manage our money.”
The governor has called for a special session starting Wednesday. The state so far is operating on a series of stopgap spending packages.

But the problems are years in the making, caused in large in part by the state’s poorly funded pension system— which led Moody’s Investors Services to downgrade the credit rating to the lowest of any state. The state currently has $130 billion in unfunded pension obligations, and a backlog of unpaid bills worth $13 billion.

Reports have suggested the state could be the first to attempt to declare Chapter 9 bankruptcy — but under the law, that’s impossible unless Congress gets involved.

“Nobody here in Illinois is considering bankruptcy—first of all, it’s not allowed,” said Steve Brown, press secretary for Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan. “Second of all, it would damage the reputation of the state and it’s just not necessary.”

U.S. Sens. Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth, both Democrats from Illinois, declined to respond to Fox News’ request for comment on whether they would consider getting involved in introducing a measure allowing state bankruptcy.

“Illinois is the fiscal model of what not to do,” Rep. Peter Roskam, R-Ill., told Fox News, while not commenting on the bankruptcy question. “This avoidance in behavior toward dealing with our challenges is what leads to the devastating impacts we are seeing today.”

BREAKING: Obama Social Security Scandal Leaks – Massive Corruption Rocks Washington

BREAKING: Obama Social Security Scandal Leaks – Massive Corruption Rocks Washington

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A now-exposed massive Obama-era scandal PROVES the Washington establishment is taking the money of hardworking Americans and throwing it at illegals. This is huge!

A new audit of the Social Security Administration (SSA) shows that the government paid $1 billion over the last ten years to individuals who don’t have a Social Security Number (via FOX News). Illegals are stealing Social Security benefits!

We’ve known for years that illegal aliens were receiving handouts under-the-table from the Federal government, but the Democrats consistently deny it. Now, there’s no way to hide the law-breaking that’s been going on!

A recent audit found errors in the documentation for representative payees–individuals who receive payments on behalf of someone else. THOUSANDS of cases were found to have no Social Security Number (SSN) on file.

Illegal aliens and the Democrats who support them have found a loop-hole they can abuse to give money to people who shouldn’t be in our country in the first place. The amount of money they’re stealing from taxpayers is incredible.

The total number of representative payees without an SSN was 22,426. That amounts to $1 billion! The auditor estimated that the loss of money would continue unless immediate action is taken to fix this issue:

“Furthermore, unless it takes corrective action, we estimate SSA will pay about $182.5 million in benefits, annually, to representative payees who do not have an SSN or paper application supporting their selection.”
Outrageous! We’re going to be losing $182.5 million a year! Imagine if we invested that money in real (read: legal) American citizens. We would see massive prosperity here at home. Instead, the money is fraudulently allocated to illegals who send most of it back to their home countries–and don’t pay taxes on what they keep.

This illegal activity calls for a massive clean-up of our Social Security program. The Social Security Administration is a hotbed of bureaucratic corruption like so much of the Federal government. Democrats have designed welfare so that it most benefits their target demographics, including the illegal aliens who help them commit voter fraud. Meanwhile, honest Americans have a hard time getting help.

American citizens do the work that keeps the country moving. We pay taxes that support schools, infrastructure, hospitals, and social welfare programs. But if you’re a law-abiding citizen, you have to go to hell and back to qualify for assistance when you need it. Illegal aliens, on the other hand, just show up and are handed benefits–no questions asked!

Leftists have created a backward system; a system that treats illegals better than our citizens. It truly is sickening that this has been going on for so long. And it’s not just Obama–plenty of RINO Republicans support this abuse, too. They’re all part of the same establishment.

The first step is for President Trump to order a clean-up of the Social Security Administration ASAP! That includes prosecuting illegals caught stealing benefits. Then, we need to toughen our borders to prevent more illegals from eating up our hard-earned tax dollars. Let’s build that wall!

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Bill O’Reilly Breaks His Silence, Drops TRUTH BOMB About Fox News – Revenge Is Coming…

Bill O’Reilly Breaks His Silence, Drops TRUTH BOMB About Fox News – Revenge Is Coming…

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It’s been two months since Bill O’Reilly was fired from Fox News after a series of sexual harassment claims against him came to light. Now, he is making his return to the spotlight, and Fox isn’t going to like what he has to say.

CNN reported that O’Reilly spoke out at a show in Westbury, New York last weekend to say that the truth about his firing is about to come out.

“In the weeks to come, there will be a bunch of news stories that will explain what happened and why it happened,” O’Reilly said. “It’s pretty grisly. It’s pretty nasty. It has to do with far-left progressive organizations that are bent on destroying anybody with whom they disagree, including the president.”

“I can’t really get into depth about why I left Fox and what’s going to happen now,” he explained Saturday, “because my lawyers are pleading with me, ‘For once in your life, O’Reilly, could you just shut up?’”
These comments were made during a stop on O’Reilly’s “The Spin Stops Here Tour,” which he has been doing with conservative comedian Dennis Miller since 2011. O’Reilly shocked his fans during the show by suggesting that he is about to start his own network, which would be a direct rival of Fox.

“There could be a new network,” O’Reilly said. “A bunch of people are looking to compete with Fox because there’s a perception of decline.”

“I am starting my own operation. We are going to do that,” he added, revealing that he will soon be rolling out a ‘beta-test’ for a newscast.

“We will go into a studio and here it will look like ‘The Factor,’” O’Reilly continued. “It’s basically an experiment to see how many people are going to want this service. That’s coming and will be here before September in a robust form. But I suspect there will be another network maybe merging with us. There will be a network that rises up because the numbers for Fox are going down.”

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