BREAKING: Obama Bombshell Opens Door To His Intimate Past

BREAKING: Obama Bombshell Opens Door To His Intimate Past

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Barack Obama’s past has always been shrouded in mystery. It’s that way on purpose–the Leftist media has done everything it can to keep it a secret. It’s the opposite of Donald Trump, who’s transparent and on the public radar for decades.No one knew who Obama was before he ran for president. Now the truth about him is coming out–and it ain’t pretty. Two of his ex-girlfriends describe him as a cold individual who was obsessed with Islam and Pakistani culture (via The Telegraph).Genevieve Cook and Alex McNear were two women who had the displeasure of calling Barack Obama their boyfriend. They had the opportunity of getting to know the President as few people have.

Even more fascinating is that they knew him when he was in his twenties. The portrait these two women offer of Obama is valuable because it gives us insight into who he was before his fame and manufactured public persona. They saw the true nature of the man who would be President.Obama’s ex-girlfriends gave their remarks to David Maraniss, Obama biographer and associate editor at The Washington Post. How convenient that these two women never shared these recollections with anyone before.But of course, Obama is no longer running for president. There’s no longer need to have the Democrat political machine carefully filtering unwanted details about Obama’s history. That’s why the true story is beginning to come out.
According to Genevieve Cook, there was a “coolness” about Obama. Cook maintains that Obama put on a facade of “sweet words” that hid his inward cold nature. Wow, that sounds familiar!After all, that’s the same trick Obama pulled with the American public. He used a lot of nice words, promising voters the sun and the moon only to fall short on everything; a sweet talker with nothing of substance below the surface.But that’s not the worst of it. That most disturbing part of these two women’s accounts is their description of Barack Obama’s fixation with Islam. Even during his college days, Obama existed infatuated with Middle Eastern culture. Apparently, Obama had Pakistani friends whose influence on him was enormous.

McNear wrote: “As the multiracial product of an international upbringing, he complained of being ‘caught without a class, a structure, or tradition to support me’ and envying the defined lives of Pakistani friends.” That’s something every American should have known about Obama before election day in 2008. Every voter deserved to know Obama was a Muslim sympathizer.In 1981, Obama took a trip to Pakistan with his college roommate, Mohammed Hasan. We have little information about what happened on this trip. We can only assume the experience solidified Obama’s pro-Islam anti-America ideology.Barack Hussein Obama should never have become president. Our greatest threat is Islamic terrorism. How could a Muslim apologist lead us successfully? That’s why Obama intentionally weakened our country and strengthened terrorists.It’s too late now to stop what Obama did. But by bringing the truth to light, we expose his true “legacy” and get Americans to rally against the harm he did to this nation.

Clinton Foundation “Charity” Con Is Colossal Fraud Swamp and Unprosecuted Epic Criminal Conspiracy

Wall Street financial analyst par excellence and investor Charles Ortel has applied the same expert research skills he employs to determine if a prospective investment follows sound solvent accounting to the Clinton criminal charity conspiracy and fraud machine. Ortel has called the Clintons the “Bonnie and Clyde” of charity fraud who make Bernie Madoff look like a piker.

This is the latest installment of my conversation with Mr. Ortel.


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WATCH: Bats on ‘The View’ Have COMPLETE MELTDOWN After Dem’s Latest Loss

WATCH: Bats on ‘The View’ Have COMPLETE MELTDOWN After Dem’s Latest Loss

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Democrats suffered a humiliating setback on Tuesday night when Jon Ossoff lost to Karen Handel in a Georgia special election that ended up being the most expensive one of all time. Afterwards, Whoopi Goldberg and her fellow hosts of The View were so upset that they went into complete denial and refused to accept Ossoff’s defeat as a colossal defeat for the entire Democratic Party.

“You can say it’s a loss; I don’t see it that way,” Whoopi said, even though that’s exactly what it is. “I see that Democrats are coming out. And they’re not coming out in perhaps the numbers you want them to come out in. … I’m saying I’m not looking at this as a loss. I’m looking at it as slow progress.”

The Blaze reported that Whoopi’s co-hosts tried to explain that the Democrats’ faulty message might be the reason they keep losing, but the comedian wouldn’t accept this either. Instead, Whoopi pressed on with her incoherent diatribe to try and explain what the Democrats’ message is.

“Look I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the message,” Whoopi said. “I think what’s happening is that people need to make decisions. You know, you feel like you don’t want to see any more gay people I’m sorry, gay people are here. They’re staying.”

“You want people to understand how you feel about your God, well I know how you feel about your God,” she added. “That’s great, but you can’t force me to feel about your God how you feel about your God. There are a lot of specifics that people, that people, don’t want to hear anymore. They don’t want to see a lot of changes, people are tired of change, but this is America, this is what we do!”

It’s pathetic that Whoopi and her friends are in such denial that they can’t even admit when they lose these days. Furthermore, the Democrats have no message, no plan to offer to the American people and yet don’t understand why they lost. This epitomizes the ridiculous liberal mentality that has spread throughout this country, and it’s one of the many reasons why Americans voted for Donald Trump this last election.
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