Ouch! They Didn’t Know That Cameras Were LIVE! Black Lives Matter Went After A White Reporter…
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This is unbelievable. Black Lives Matter just keep digging themselves into a bigger and bigger hole. Every time these morons speak, what comes out is nothing but racism, inequality, and segregation. Thinking that this group helps this country’s racial divide is complete fantasy.
So imagine our surprise, or lack there of, when we spotted this video of a Fox News reporter being verbally, then physically assaulted when he went to cover a BLM rally.
Does this sound familiar? Sounds a lot like liberal protesters at Trump rallies doesn’t it? This is the side of the radical left that no one wants you to see.
Not representative of the BLM movement? Have you seen them protesting before ma’am? Did you know their actions and racial bigotry got five innocent police officers killed in Dallas?
You, ma’am, are an idiot.
These people are just making things worse. If you want true equality, work hard, get out of the thug and hood mindset, and stop blaming society for your problems. You were born in a country that allows you to do whatever you want and become anything you want.
If you want to be lazy and blame everyone else for your own problems, then nothing will ever happen and you’ll perpetuate the same garbage that’s been happening to you for decades.
BREAKING: Trump and Pence’s $7 Million Bribe to Carrier Just Officially Blew Up In Their Face
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One of the biggest lies Donald Trump has told is that he saved jobs from being shipped overseas, before even taking office.
It’s a high bar to reach, given the regularity with which he lies about everything from the relatively mundane and easily debunked — like where President Barack Obama was born, to the far more dangerous ones, like whether he tried to shut down the FBI’s investigation into Russia.
But when Trump claimed credit in December for negotiating a deal with the HVAC company Carrier to keep its factory jobs in Indiana, Carrier quickly proved him the sucker in that “negotiation” — and now more than 600 workers in Indianapolis, who will be laid off starting next month, are the unfortunate losers.
As CNBC reports, Carrier received “up to $7 million in incentives” in exchange for agreeing to employ at least 1,069 workers for the next decade. But only 730 of those jobs are manufacturing jobs, which are the exact jobs Trump claimed to have saved. The rest of the jobs, CNBC writes, “are engineering and technical jobs that were never scheduled to be cut.”
Of course, that’s not what Trump boasted about when he took a victory lap in Indiana, claiming to have saved more than a thousand jobs — at least — that were scheduled to go overseas.
“That number is going to go up very substantially as they expand this area,” he said in December. “So the 1,100 is going to be a minimum number.”
Trump also left out of his boasting in December that at the time, Carrier said it was still intending to ship another 1,300 jobs — more than he had supposedly “saved” — to Mexico.
At the time, Chuck Jones, president of United Steelworkers 1999 in Indiana, called out Trump’s lies about what exactly he had achieved for workers in Indianapolis. Trump retaliated against Jones on Twitter, of course:
Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!
Soon after Trump’s attacks, Jones started receiving threatening phone calls but continued to speak out to try to set the record straight about the jobs Trump had claimed to save. Nonetheless, much of the media uncritically parroted Trump’s lies and gave him credit for supposedly forcing Carrier to reverse its plans.
The reality, however, is that despite the millions of taxpayer dollars Pence was able to offer Carrier for a few good headlines for the Trump team, more than 600 workers will be out of the jobs Trump supposedly saved for them.
It’s yet another of Trump’s broken promises, built on ugly lies and taxpayer dollars — and it’s American workers who will suffer because of it.
BREAKING: Dems Gets Brutal Blow as Report of Supreme Court Justice’s Retirement Escalates
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Liberal U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy may announce his retirement on Monday, June 26.
That’s the scuttlebutt among both liberal and conservative circles that has been escalating since last month.
In May, author/political consultant Roger Stone predicted Justice Kennedy will retire soon (see video), paving the way for President Trump to appoint his second SCOTUS judge after Neil Gorsuch, who took the bench in April.
Rumors have been swirling for months that both Justice Kennedy, 80, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 84, will retire soon given their advanced age and long tenures on the Supreme Court.
Anthony Kennedy was appointed by Ronald Reagan in 1987, while Ginsburg was appointed by Bill Clinton in 1993.
On June 20, conservative authors Mike Cernovich and Jack Posobiec tweeted: “Rumor: Justice Kennedy retiring next week” and “Kennedy has been discussing retiring with closest advisors for weeks.”
Two days later, MSNBC pundit Chris Hayes also told his Twitter followers that Justice Kennedy could announce his retirement on June 26.
Hayes tried to foment panic among moonbat conspiracy theorists that Roe v. Wade could be overturned if Trump appoints another conservative justice (which is ridiculous, because legal experts say abortion will never be outlawed again in the United States).
Paul Ryan Losing His Job? Latest Announcement Brings Him To His Knees
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We have seen a great divide since then-candidate Donald Trump became the Republican nominee for president. As most hard-working Americans supported and voted in a Trump presidency, there were certain public officeholders of the Republican persuasion that were doing their best to pretend that Donald Trump didn’t exist.
Well, now that President Trump is in office, working for the people, the same Republican-in-name-only (RINO) officeholders are truly showing their colors by doing their very level best to stop the president at all costs.
And what will it cost them? Well, for Speaker Paul Ryan, it may very well in fact cost him his job. A Republican challenger has announced his candidacy for Paul Ryan’s congressional seat in Wisconsin. And candidate Paul Nehlen is a Trump supporter that plans to help the president all that he can, as opposed to Ryan.
From Breitbart:
Paul Nehlen, a Republican businessman from Wisconsin’s first congressional district, has just launched his 2018 congressional campaign against the anti-Donald Trump House Speaker Paul Ryan.
This is the second time Nehlen is challenging Ryan, after coming up short in the 2016 GOP primary in Wisconsin’s first congressional district.
“Speaker Ryan didn’t help Mr. Trump defeat Hillary Clinton, and even pledged not to defend the president,” Nehlen said in his announcement. “But I have a message for Speaker Ryan: The American people are not done fighting for President Trump’s good agenda. That’s why I am announcing my second challenge to Paul Ryan for the nomination in Wisconsin’s first congressional district.”
Nehlen’s comment refers to audio unearthed by Breitbart News of Ryan during a conference call with House GOP members in which he not only abandoned now-President Donald Trump during the most crucial month of October of the 2016 presidential campaign but pledged to never defend the president again.
“I am not going to defend Donald Trump—not now, not in the future,” Ryan said in the audio of the conference call with House GOP colleagues, which came after the Access Hollywood tape of Trump emerged. Ryan’s comments were notable because he did not say he specifically would not defend Trump on the Access Hollywood tape. His comments meant he would not defend the man who is now president of the United States on anything.
Ryan refused to campaign with President Trump at all until the end of the campaign, but did appear with now-Vice President Mike Pence.
At the time, Ryan spokesman Brendan Buck said things have changed since Trump won the election.
“The world is well aware of this history,” Buck said of the audio tape of Ryan throwing Trump under the bus.
“And obviously a lot has happened since then. As everyone knows,” Buck also said, adding in a third comment that “of course they were” when asked if these comments were specifically about the Access Hollywood tapes, even though Ryan did not qualify his abandonment of Trump in the conference call.
“This was in response to that, but as everyone knows, they came together toward the end of the campaign and the Speaker vocally supported him and even campaigned with Pence,” Buck said.
Even since the leaked tape, we have seen Ryan’s inability to work with the president – he stalled and gave us an Obamacare repeal package that is lacking – and he’s now stalling on a tax plan to save Americans money.
People of Wisconsin, take note. Review what each candidate is going to do for the president, and vote accordingly.
Border Patrol Agents Pull Over U-Haul – What They Find Inside PROVES Trump Was Right
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Liberals love to pretend that illegal immigration is not an issue that we as a nation should be worrying about. What Border Patrol agents just found inside a U-Haul, however, shows exactly why Donald Trump is cracking down.
The Washington Examiner reported that Border Patrol agents discovered eight illegal aliens suffering from heat exhaustion inside a U-Haul that was pulled over near El Paso by a Texas police officer.
Three of the illegal immigrants were from Brazil while the rest were from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Ecuador and Mexico.
The aliens had each been locked in the cargo area of the moving truck on a day where the external temperature had exceeded 100 degrees.
One of them was found unconscious while the other seven were suffering from the early stages of heat exhaustion and dehydration.
“This was clearly a precarious situation, and could very easily turned life-threatening,” said Big Bend Sector Chief Jesse Shaw.
Customs and Border Protection said the driver of the U-Haul and those who conspired with him will probably face enhanced prosecution for putting the immigrants in a dangerous position as well as for smuggling them across the border.
What do you think about this? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.