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SICK: Nobody Saw WHAT Baseball Star Did Behind Trump’s Back Today
Donald Trump invited the Chicago Cubs to the White House today to celebrate their World Series. Little did he know that Baseball Star Albert Almora, Jr had plans of his own…
Almora Flipped Off the President of the United States Behind His Back!
Yep. It was that low. Trump wanted to honor their victory, and instead, they decided to shoot him the bird.
Even weirder was how little Almora seemed to care about Trump or his politics before the shoot. When the Chicago Times asked for his opinions on Trump, he simply responded,
“I just look at it as it’s not every day you get to meet the President of the United States, and in a year I get to meet two.”
See what I mean? He sounded excited to meet Donald Trump.
Look, I’m not gonna defend his actions. They were inappropriate 100%. But he is only 23. Maybe he is a dumbass kid and not a Trump-hating SJW.
Still, it’s gonna be hard NOT to compare this picture of him with Obama in January…
IT’S OVER! Senate Slams Obama-Appointed Democrat With Major FBI Corruption Probe
James Comey’s recent testimony concerning the Clinton and Trump investigations was supposed to be the final nail in the coffin the left-wing media’s been building for Trump.
They were hoping that Comey would back up the Russia collusion propaganda they’ve been spewing since the election.
Instead, Comey completely destroyed the fragile narrative they’ve built up against Trump. He provided no evidence of Trump’s supposed wrongdoings, but he did manage to confirm that he was working against the president from the shadows.
Not only did he admit to leaking conversations he had with the president to the press, he detailed the pressure he felt from former Attorney General Loretta Lynch to downplay the Clinton email scandal. As a result, the Senate has turned its eyes towards the Obama crony and is poised to launch an investigation into her actions.
As reported at the Washington Times, the Senate Judiciary Committee has opened a probe into former Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch’s efforts to influence the FBI’s investigation into 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
The committee has sent a letter to Lynch, asking her to explain her level of involvement in the FBI’s investigation, and whether or not she told Clinton that the inquiry wouldn’t “push too deeply into the matter.”
During Comey’s testimony, he talked about how Lynch’s behavior made him feel “queasy” and that she wanted him to refer to the probe as a “matter” not an investigation.
How Orwellian. After Lynch and Bill Clinton had their infamous tarmac meeting, Comey felt he could no longer rely on the Justice Department’s impartiality, which resulted in a separate investigation by the FBI.
Comey has rightfully been in the spotlight over his mishandling of the Clinton investigation and subsequent betrayal of President Trump, but Lynch’s role in this scandal is just as important. Under the leadership of Obama, she tried to strong-arm the FBI in order to aid Hillary’s election chances, which makes her just as guilty as Comey.
But now their crimes are finally catching up to them.
This wouldn’t be possible if Comey hadn’t spilled the beans on the witness stand. Why he chose to do so is a mystery. Maybe he got too cocky and thought nothing would be done about his leaks or Lynch’s corruption.
He’s not entirely wrong to think the cowardice of the GOP and power of the leftist media would protect him, but it’s starting to look like a severe miscalculation on his part.
Needless to say, this investigation could be the missing link that finally blows the Clinton email scandal wide open.
It looks like the liberals have finally had enough of Barack and Michelle Obama. The knives are out, the blades are sharp, and the liberals are turning on their one-time hero. Look, after all of Obama’s debacles, it is shocking that this is what made the liberals abandon their one-time golden boy.
I won’t bore you with his full list of failures – that would be too long to read in one sitting – just the most egregious. Obama stood on the sidelines, afraid of his own shadow, as Syria and Iraq exploded. Obama caused ISIS because he was too weak to act.
ISIS directly led to Radical Islam spreading across the globe like a plague, ripping apart Europe and damaging the United States. That is bad but add in North Korea and that he was so weak Putin played him for a chump as did China and even Turkey got the best of him on multiple occasions and he ranks as the worst ever.
But that was not enough for the liberals to turn on Obama. No, it was, curiously, his giving the middle finger to the American taxpayer as he gallivants around the globe on our dime. According to Democratic operatives contacted by Fox News, the Democratic base is furious with Barack Obama’s actions post office. for his endless and shameful tour of his millionaire and billionaire friends luxury homes. Mainly for his endless and shameful tour of his millionaire and billionaire friends luxury homes. “These trips are like the lifestyles of the rich and famous,” said Democratic strategist Pat Caddell before adding the obvious, “I think the Bernie Sanders wing of the party, when they see President Obama, whom they instinctively want to defend being the corporatist president, I think it makes the base uneasy.”
You think? Obama was always a sham and everyone on our side knew he would sell out America and the American middle class to line his pockets. “I think every time Obama opens his mouth, the fair question is: Which billionaire’s paradise island did he do it from? When is he going to do anything to help people other than enrich himself? How can he possibly be doing things? How do you do things from Marlon Brando’s island? It’s in stark contrast to Carter, Caddell said. By the way do you remember where George Bush went on vacation after his terms? Crawford, Texas because the man had class. Crawford, Texas because the man had class and didn;t want to burden the American taxpayer.