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Most of the time, the words we use on a daily basis are taken for granted. Don’t you ever wonder how people back then came up with a specific word for something like an evil character in a book? There are some surprising words that have very different meanings when they were founded, so let’s take a look at a few of them.
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‘Prophetic’ Image Captured Over Trump’s Shoulder During Meeting With Polish President
While visiting Europe, U.S. President Donald Trump held a private meeting with Polish President Andrzej Duda. However, viewers were far more intrigued when they noticed what some might call a “prophetic” image just above Trump’s right shoulder.
It’s no secret that since Trump’s election, Muslims and their useful liberal dhimmis have striven tirelessly to thwart his every move. Understandably, Muslims vehemently oppose the American President because of his unwillingness to appease their religious demands and blunt criticism of their religion’s dangerous fundamentals. Of course, Trump isn’t the first world leader to combat the Islamization of his nation. However, according to what viewers just spotted symbolically positioned just above him, he may very well be a more significant weapon against Islamization than we anticipated.
During Trump’s trip to Poland, which harbors widespread adoration for the U.S. President, he was seated before a portrait that holds incredible significance when it comes to Islam and the West. Breitbart reports that, either by phenomenal coincidence or by the Polish President’s own doing, Trump was seated directly under a painting of King Jan (John) III Sobieski, who is accredited with driving out Islam from Central Europe.
Known as “The Hammer of the Turks,” King Jan is especially famous for leading an army to retake Vienna from the Ottoman Turkish Empire’s forces which exacted cruel Sharia law on their captives. Although the Muslim invaders vastly outnumbered King Jan’s troops, he managed to complete one of the greatest cavalry charges in the history of warfare, subsequently defeating the Ottoman occupancy.
Rafe Heydel-Mankoo, an Anglo-Polish expert on royalty and European history, immediately spotted the uncanny similarities and told Breitbart London that Trump’s position next to King Jan was more symbolic than some might think.
“Having routed the Ottomans and saved Christendom, King Jan III Sobieski took the captured green standard of the Prophet and sent it to the Pope, along with the words ‘Veni, Vidi, Deus Vicit’ (I came, I saw, God conquered). I suspect the president would be more likely to declare: ‘Trump came, Trump saw, Trump Conquered.’”
Although Heydel-Mankoo did agree that the seating position may be too perfect to be serendipity, he still slammed Trump, suggesting that the American leader can’t expect to cooperate with NATO and Turkey while still opposing Muslim migration.
“If President Trump now believes in NATO and seeks Turkey’s cooperation in the region, he might want to downplay association with a king nicknamed ‘The Hammer of the Turks.’”
King Jan is attributed with saving Central Europe in 1683 from the expanding Ottoman Empire, which resulted in the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of non-Muslim civilians. He is not only renowned for combatting what could’ve resulted in much of the world’s Islamic conquest but also for restoring religious freedom.
Because of King Jan’s proactive response, Poland has continued his legacy of resisting Islamic invasion and subjugation to this day. In fact, Poland has been harassed by the EU to take in their “fair share” of Muslim migrants. Instead of caving to the EU demands, Poland refused to open its border to the influx of Islamic invaders once again.
A recent survey found that 57 percent of Poles would rather forego EU development funds than be flooded with asylum seekers. Despite being the seventh-poorest in the Eastern bloc and the largest beneficiary of EU financial support, Poland’s citizens have opted to forfeit the aid in order to preserve their culture, heritage, and freedom from migrants who refuse to assimilate.
“It is utterly wrong to say Poland is anti-European,” Polish columnist Konrad Kołodziejski writes. “The liberal elite is possessed with the Bolshevik mission of building a new society, and to do so they are lighting the fuse to set fire to, and destroy European civilisation. We do not want to take part in this suicide.”
Whether Duda sees the commonalities between Trump and the historical infidel king or this was simply an eerie coincidence, Trump has perhaps resisted Islam more than any U.S. president since Thomas Jefferson. Hopefully, he continues to stand firm against the political jihad taking place in our country.
Trump-Hater Mika Furious As Daughter’s Pic Goes Viral When Viewer’s See What She’s Wearing
The relationship between MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski and President Donald Trump is rocky, to say the least, as the leftist reporter continues to hurl insult after insult. Unfortunately for her, things just took an unexpected turn as Mika was left furious to learn that one of her daughter’s photos had gone viral for an embarrassing reason – and the surprise was downright nasty.
We’ve likely seen the back and forth between the Trump-hater and our president. At first, Mika tried to be civil in hiding her fury when Trump was elected, but it didn’t last for long. In the end, she was unable to suppress her unwarranted and biased feelings, leading her to launch an endless wave of attacks at the man whom she loathed so much.
Too bad for her, she would learn the hard way that you shouldn’t poke a bear unless you want to be mauled. Proving just that, their feud came to a head when Trump finally replied to the personal attacks with a comment of a personal nature about Mika’s “face-lift” habits.
As one would imagine, the left went absolutely berserk, but that didn’t slow the president down. Even worse yet, at least for Mika, things only continued to go downhill as she’s most recently got some more bad news.
Come to find out, her daughter’s picture just went viral for an embarrassing reason – and it couldn’t have happened at a worse possible time. There really doesn’t appear to be anything special in the image until viewers notice what she’s wearing on her head.
According to Conservative Tribune, “In a post to the social media platform Instagram in February of 2016, Emilie Hoffer — Mika’s daughter — posed with a cousin wearing the Trump-inspired ‘Make America Great Again’ hat.” It seems that despite Mika’s best efforts, she couldn’t even persuade her own daughter to despise Trump.
The image was dug up and shared widely over the weekend, which has to be, without a doubt, a thorn in Mika’s side, considering the recent feud. It just goes to show that before you go to war, you better dang well check to make sure that your own “troops” are fighting for your cause. Too bad for Mika, her own child seems to be a fan of her enemy.
Of course, for this reason, it wasn’t long before several people on social media bashed the liberal host as she received what can only be described as a nasty dose of karma, Young Conservatives reports.
Although some people suggest that there’s a possibility the girl was wearing the hat as a joke, we all know what they say about unringing a bell. In the end, a picture is worth a thousand words, and having a picture floating around that shows Mika’s daughter wearing a hat in support of her fiercest opponents, well, it’s got to have her blood boiling — and that’s exactly what you get when you mess with the wrong guy.
SEE IT: Trump Spots Sign With 5 Words In Polish Crowd, Instantly Knows What To Do
President Donald Trump landed in Poland on Wednesday night, marking the start of his second overseas trip in as many months. Ahead of the G20 Summit in Germany on Friday, the president spoke to a boisterous Polish crowd on Thursday, where he spotted a man holding a sign emblazoned with just five words. Upon seeing the Polish man’s message for him, President Trump instantly knew what to do.
According to NBC News, Trump’s trip got off to a momentous start on Wednesday, when he received a red carpet welcome upon touching down in Poland. On Thursday, when he spoke to throngs of Polish citizens disenfranchised with liberal politicians, he received an even more enthusiastic welcome, complete with a sign that said it all.
By nearly all accounts, President Donald Trump represented true American leadership while visiting Poland.
From the gleeful reception he and First Lady Melania Trump received when landing in the country, to the thunderous applauded he received following his speech, Trump must have been overjoyed to see the support.
It seems there was something he especially appreciated, a sign that read, “Poland Loves Trump Big League.”
The President noticed the sign out in the crowd during his speech and shared the photo on his Instagram account. [Source: Sarah Palin]
Coincidentally, the American mainstream media has been trying steadfastly to downplay the support Trump has received in Poland, which shouldn’t surprise anyone at all. The left even began circulating an edited video which purported to show the president being snubbed by the Polish first lady. When watched in its entirety, though, the footage went on to show her offering the president a warm welcome.
The media loves to knock Trump for his use of social media, but he wouldn’t have to take to Twitter and Instagram on a daily basis if they would simply do their jobs and report the news without bias. If Trump didn’t tweet or share photos like the one above on Instagram, we might have no idea how much he is beloved by those from around the world. Indeed, it would be much easier for the media to keep us all in the dark if Trump had no social media accounts, but we’re so glad he does.