All Hell Breaks Loose At G20 After What The Camera Caught The Second Trump Shook Putin’s Hand

All Hell Breaks Loose At G20 After What The Camera Caught The Second Trump Shook Putin’s Hand

President Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin meet, reportedly, for the first time EVER. You know what that means right? Besides laughing at the Russian collusion conspiracy theories, it also means every little thing is watched and becomes a big deal. I was hoping Trump would lean in for a kiss on the cheek and set the entire world on fire, but thankfully Trump knows his gender and this one isn’t a bender.

However, people did find at least two things to freak out about. The first is the glorious double hand shake that Trump gave Putin on what is reported as their first handshake ever, because they clearly didn’t shake enough hands during all that Russian collusion, ho hum!

Trump reaches in with the right, Putin goes right, and then Trump slides in with the left, and BOOM! HANDSHAKE! COLLUSION! CONSPIRACY THEORIES! LIBERAL MELTDOWNS!

You’d think this was John Madden giving the obliviously obvious playcall on the last play of closely matched Super Bowl, but nope – just a quick handshake that apparently set the world on a fritz as people analyzed it.

Here’s the handshake between Trump and Putin. Shake it twice and you’re playing with it.
The meeting was preceded by a photo op during which the leaders exchanged comments through translators.

“President Putin and I have been discussing various things, and I think it’s going very well,” Trump said. “We’ve had some very, very good talks.”

Trump has spoken to Putin by phone since his election, but they have not had an official in-person visit before.

These guys can’t even understand each other and leftists cry collusion. It’s hilarious what the left will turn into a big deal or cry about when they lose an election. Meanwhile, they lost the election months ago and they’re STILL CRYING. I can’t believe websites have to cover topics like this. Since when is a handshake something we write news on? I’ll tell ya – ever since the liberals started having meltdowns about everything Trump does.

Sure, they can talk through translators, but who knows if the translators are even saying the right thing. No one knows what they’re saying except for the translators themselves. What if the translators colluded? Wow! Mind blown!

Think about it slowly folks – the left has blamed Trump and Russia for colluding – two guys who don’t speak the same language and are just meeting for the first time. I’m sure their translated emails and phone calls went really well during all that Russian voter fraud. Oh wait, it’s the Democrats who constantly get caught committing voter fraud.

“We’re going to have a talk now and obviously that will continue,”Trump said, adding, “We look forward to a lot of very positive things happening for Russia, for the United States, and for everybody concerned.”

Putin referenced previous phone calls with Trump in his remarks.

“We spoke over the phone … but phone conversations are never enough, definitely,” he said.

Good for Trump and Putin. Two guys speaking different languages trying to make real progress in the world. Meanwhile, back on planet America, you have democrats committing sit-ins, Antifa losers attacking people, and they all speak the same language and can’t make any progress. Why are two people who speak different languages, from different countries, making more progress than people in our homeland? That’s because the left has become intolerant and it’s nearly impossible to work with them. They lack logical thinking skills and they’re like troves of adult babies all being allowed out until the same curfew. They gather and do stupid things like punch a Trump supporter because Trump won the election MONTHS AGO! Have you ever seen someone cry for this long? That’s a lot of liberal tears for Pepe the Frog to swallow. Liberals have cried so much that Pepe the Frog could have babies in a river of liberal tears and elect Trump again in 2020.

Citing an unnamed source, The New York Times reported that Russia had wanted a larger staff presence at the meeting, but the Trump administration wanted a small group to minimize leaks and differing versions of the conversations.

Trump had met with Russian officials in May and then dealt with the fallout from news reports citing numerous versions of what was said in private

Let Trump and Putin hang out in a room by themselves with some translators and everyone else go pour themselves a drink and have a toast to watching liberal snowflakes get triggered into meltdowns over a handshake.

BREAKING: Trump Just Made Massive Border Wall Deal At G20 – Look Who He Got To Pay For It ALL

BREAKING: Trump Just Made Massive Border Wall Deal At G20 – Look Who He Got To Pay For It ALL

During President Trump’s campaign, he made a promise to the American people that he would make America great again. That promise entailed a better job market for Americans, tougher vetting processes for refugees entering the country, and to build a wall along our southern border. Of course, all of these promises have been met with staunch opposition from the left, Trump’s highly anticipated border wall has been the one they have resisted the most. Arguments over who will fund the wall have led to heated debates between liberals and conservatives. However, President Trump being the shrewd businessman that he is just got someone to pay for the wall that will blow liberals minds.

Today is the first day of meetings during the G20 Summit where top leaders around the world get together to speak about global economic growth, international trade, and financial market regulations. While all the world leaders sat down to talk, President Trump was not messing around and got right down to business about the southern border wall.

For the last several months we have heard arguments over who should foot the $12-$15 billion to fund Trump’s U.S.-Mexico border wall. There have been reports in the past that it would be funded by El Chapo’s seized drug money that amounted to$14 billion dollars.

“Fourteen billion dollars will go a long way toward building a wall that will keep Americans safe and hinder the illegal flow of drugs, weapons, and individuals across our southern border,” Senator Cruz stated, according to a statement obtained by Breitbart Texas from the senator’s office. “Ensuring the safety and security of Texans is one of my top priorities.”

Well, in case that plan does not come to fruition, President Trump made it known who would be paying for the wall during the G20. In front of the world, President Trump announced that Mexico would “absolutely” be paying for the wall.

Reporter: “Mr. Trump, do you still want Mexico to pay for the wall?”

President Trump, while seated next to Mexican President Nieto: “Absolutely.”
The Daily Caller reports:

“President Donald Trump said Friday that Mexico will “absolutely” pay for a wall on the US-Mexico border during a meeting at the G20 summit with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto.

It was Trump and Pena Nieto’s first meeting since Trump visited Mexico during the presidential campaign. The Mexican president was supposed to visit in January but canceled after Trump continued to insist that Mexico would pay for the border wall.

Building a southern border wall and having Mexico pay for it was a key part of Trump’s campaign. The border wall is estimated to cost $21.6 billion. The White House’s 2018 budget request only calls for a fraction of this money, just $1.6 billion to construct 60 miles of new walling.

This border wall construction is expected to start in spring 2018 and the White House remains unclear about how Mexico will actually pay for it. It is at least clear that Mexico will not be paying upfront. Mexico’s foreign minister, Luis Videgaray, said after the meeting, “The issue of the wall was not discussed, it was not part of the conversation.”
President Trump has not backed down to his promise on building the wall, and that is exactly what the American people desire. Just last month in Iowa President Trump stated that he was interested in adding solar panels to the structure which could lower costs for Mexico who will ultimately foot the bill.

Archive Weekend Update – 07-07-2017

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Obama Pops Up In Germany For G20 Acting Like The President With What He Just Did To Screw Trump

Obama Pops Up In Germany For G20 Acting Like The President With What He Just Did To Screw Trump

In the middle of President Donald Trump is doing a masterful job in Germany today meeting with world leaders and forging deals to make America great again, his predecessor went into total meltdown. Barack Obama can’t handle passing his coveted power over to a capable person who’s for America, so he decided to try to take over and do his hardest to derail Trump at the G-20 Summit with the disgusting thing he did behind his back when he showed up unexpectedly in Hamburg.

Obama has been obsessed with relinquishing the power from Trump that he enjoyed as president for two terms too long. He’s so vindictive that he simply does things to screw with Donald Trump and make his job hard as we saw on our president’s first overseas trip and now again on his second one where Obama appears to have stepped up his juvenile game.

It’s bad enough that the Obamas take endless vacations with an army of protection surrounding them at all times that’s paid for by the American people, but Barack has now added insult to that injury. Instead of keeping to himself on his ongoing Indonesian vacation and allowing the American people the opportunity to forget him, he just insulted the nation he formerly led for eight years by going on a destructive apology tour while Trump is standing up for the U.S. at the G-20 Summit, which the Obamas never did. If that wasn’t disgusting enough, what else he did behind Donald and Melania’s backs is a truly foul move.

It’s no secret that Obama loves to protect the so-called “religion of peace” which aims to destroy Western life as we know it. He used part of his vacation to perpetuate his apology to Muslims for the way Americans see them, during a disgusting speech he gave in Jakarta about “religious tolerance.” Completely overlooking the fact that Jakarta’s Christian Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama was recently imprisoned by Islamic forces who accused him of blasphemy, Obama had the audacity to criticize the United States for our supposed “religious injustice” in the midst of actual injustice in the very place he was delivering his stinging remarks.

Obama called on the world to confront “discrimination against people based on race or ethnicity or religion,” so long as it only protected followers of Islam, not Christianity.

“If we don’t stand up for tolerance and moderation and respect for others, if we begin to doubt ourselves and all that we have accomplished, then much of the progress that we have made will not continue,” Obama said.

“What we will see is more and more people arguing against democracy, we will see more and more people who are looking to restrict freedom of the press, and we’ll see more intolerance, more tribal divisions, more ethnic divisions, and religious divisions, and more violence.”
While his words sound like he’s pushing something positive, his apology about America’s actions suggested the complete opposite.

“The world is at a crossroads,” he said. According to the Hill, the former president spoke against pursuing national interests to the detriment of the international community. The implication that President Trump was doing exactly such a thing was made explicit when Obama criticized “the temporary absence of American leadership” on climate change while riffing on nationalism, Conservative Report reported.

“We start seeing a rise in sectarian politics, we start seeing a rise in an aggressive kind of nationalism, we start seeing both in developed and developing countries an increased resentment about minority groups and the bad treatment of people who don’t look like us or practice the same faith as us,” Obama said.

After these insulting remarks made about not just our president, but Jakarta’s Governor as well, Obama doubled down on his resentful reaction to Trump being president with what he did to him in Germany ahead of G-20. It was reported on Thursday that the first couple couldn’t find luxury accommodations in Hamburg and now it’s come out that this was likely the work of Obama to try to deter the president from a successful trip.

Young Conservatives reports:

“Donald Trump is in Hamburg, Germany for the G-20 summit and apparently he wasn’t able to get a hotel room at one of the top 5 star hotels.”

“The media has been joking around about how dumb Trump is but, as usual, they are leaving out a key piece of information.”

“The hotels were already booked on Election Day.”

“Which means, it was up to Obama to make sure that the next president was set up.”

While he will likely make is sound like a simple oversight, it was probably and intentional move since Barack Obama has proven to not be above these childish punishments to his replacement.