Media Tries To Back Trump Into Corner, Backfires Big Time When He Blasts Obama In The Face

Media Tries To Back Trump Into Corner, Backfires Big Time When He Blasts Obama In The Face

It doesn’t take much to see why President Donald Trump has limited his press conference appearances since it’s always a non-stop attack on the man. Unfortunately for the morons who tried to back him into a corner during his most recent public Q&A, it backfired big time as soon as he opened his mouth – and that’s about the time he blasted former President Barack Obama square in the face.

At this point, it’s clear that the establishment media hates Trump. For one, he stands for everything that they disagree with like freedom, deregulation, and Americans keeping more of their money. Although it’s unclear why anyone would be opposed to any of that, liberal networks like CNN and MSNBC have made it more than apparent that those are attackable offenses.

Of course, even when Trump does something that not a single soul could argue with, they won’t congratulate the president as it would contradict their narrative of how evil he is. Too bad for them, their all negative news coverage just blew up in their faces as they tried to corner him during a rare conference with the press.

For those unaware, Trump recently traveled to Poland, where he was lauded and praised immediately upon arrival. Before long, he was on the public stage with Polish President Andrzej Duda, where the two participated in a joint press conference on Thursday in Warsaw.

During that time, the usual suspects in the media tried to get their digs in, but things didn’t exactly go according to plan. In fact, it wasn’t long before reporters were asking Trump about “Russian interference” in the most recent American elections.
Too bad for the idiots who thought they had backed him into the corner, they apparently missed the memo that President Trump is a fighter. In fact, it would all backfire spectacularly as he blasted Obama in the face by personally blaming him for the mishap:
President Trump: The thing I have to mention is that Barack Obama, when he was president, found out about this in terms of if it were Russia. Found out about it in August. Now the election was in November, that’s a lot of time. He did nothing about it. Why did he do nothing about it? He was told it was Russia by the CIA as I understand it, as it was reported and he did nothing about it. [Source: The Gateway Pundit]
Now, it doesn’t take a genius to see exactly where Trump is coming from here as he couldn’t be more right. After all, if you can do something to stop someone else from breaking the rules but chose not to, you don’t have the right to complain about it after they carry out their illicit plans.

In fact, when it comes down to it, it only makes you complicit in the act seeing how you did nothing to stop it despite being in the best position to put an end to it. The left better wake up and smell the roses because all they’re doing is digging their own grave.

Every time they try to make Trump look bad, they end up getting even dirtier in the process as he completely buries them. I mean, losing isn’t fun – you’d think they’d be tired of it by now.

LA Marzulli Is Back From Peru & The Honey Bee

Thursday July 6, 2017

Tonight on the Hagmann Report…

7:00pm EDT Join us for half an hour of news, commentary and analysis with premiere father/son investigative team, Douglas J Hagmann and Joe Hagmann.

7:30pm EDT – 9:00pm EDT   Plan on sticking around for the full show as we welcome longtime Hagmann Report guest and great friend of the show, Mr LA Marzulli.

LA Marzulli just returned from a fact finding mission from Peru, along with Hagmann Report regular guests, Steve Quayle and Timothy Alberino.

If you missed our super hot March 16th show with LA Marzulli and Anthony Patch you can go back and review it here.

Tonight, LA will present the most recent installment in his Watchers series, Watchmen Chronicles.

Also, if you choose to purchase the DVD, please do so at Hagmann Report.  Mr Marzulli was incredibly gracious and has partnered with the Hagmann and Hagmann Report and we benefit substantially from your purchase of Watchmen Chronicles from our website.

9:00pm EDT Melissa “Honey Bee” Zaccaria.

Mellisa Zaccaria, aka The Honeybee, in an independent investigator and citizen journalist. She shares research and techniques on how to connect the dots regarding government scandals, coverups, and abuse of power.
Her most prominant investigative work entails child abuse and exploitation, NCMEC/ICMEC/CPS/ & Government corruption, child sex trafficking, as well as exposing and infiltrating pedophile advocacy networks pushing for pedophile rights, legislation, and normalization. She is the Founder of N.A.P.A.L.M, the Boston Contact for Our Children Matter, and a YouTube personality.

Tonight, Mellisa intends to take off the gloves and describe exactly how each of YOU can hurt the pedophiles in the cyber world.  There are techniques that are very effective, legal and brutal to the recipients.  Remember the “professor” who was “doxxed” by Pol and ultimately indicted and now faces ten years for cracking Trump supporters on their heads, with a bike lock?

This coward could have potentially killed unsuspecting victims, in a sucker-punch, move.  He was busted by exactly the same techniques that Mellisa is going to explain tonight.

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Lionel: “CNN could face criminal liability for coercion and a host of charges.”

CNN says it knows the identity of a 15-year-old who created a gif of President Donald Trump body-slamming the CNN logo and who sought to publicize all of the media giant’s Jewish employees. An article about how they found Reddit user “HanA**holeSolo” was seen as threatening by many, as the network hinted it would make his identity public if he should “repeat this ugly behavior.” Media and legal analyst Lionel of Lionel Media joins RT America’s Ashlee Banks to discuss the legal dangers of seemingly blackmailing the teen into behaving.

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Muslims Just Issued Starbucks Shocking Dose Of Karma After Refugees Served Feces Filled Drinks

Muslims Just Issued Starbucks Shocking Dose Of Karma After Refugees Served Feces-Filled Drinks

The world’s largest coffee franchise was just issued a devastating blow they had coming after deciding to rebuke President Donald Trump and let their liberal politics mix with their brand. If the bitter burned taste of Starbucks doesn’t leave a bad enough taste in your mouth, their catering to Islam and hate for President Donald Trump probably does, in addition to tests proving that there is feces in their drinks. This disgusting find probably isn’t coincidental, having surfaced after vowing to give 10,000 Muslim refugees jobs in a show of resistance against our president’s travel ban. However, that just backfired on them again with a big slap of the hand by the people they helped.

Starbucks’ Public Relations person has probably been working overtime to cover the company’s backside from the second they alienated conservatives, but now their work is really cut out for them after unfortunate test results prove that there’s feces in the overpriced iced beverages they sell. They company is still suffering the burn of that find and blow to their customer base, when they were just hit with a second punch to the gut by Muslims.

The company’s CEO telling customers who supported traditional marriage to get their coffee somewhere else turned out be doing right-wingers a favor who were spared consuming more of their feces-filled beverages which millions of customers have been unaware of that they’re drinking. This stance on marriage has now proved to be problematic for an unexpected reason in which they could really pay for.

ABC News reports:

“Muslim groups in Malaysia and Indonesia have called for a boycott of Starbucks because of the coffee chain’s support for LGBT rights.”

“Malaysian group Perkasa, which supports a hard-line form of Islam and nationalism, this week called on its more than 500,000 members to stay away from Starbucks coffee shops. This week and last, leaders of Indonesia’s second largest mainstream Muslim group, Muhammadiyah, with an estimated 29 million members, denounced the chain.”
“The groups were apparently reacting to comments made several years ago by former CEO Howard Schultz in support of gay rights that drew renewed attention amid an increasingly anti-LGBT climate in both of the predominantly Muslim countries.”

“Perkasa said in a statement that the Malaysian government should revoke the trading license given to Starbucks and other companies such as Microsoft and Apple that support LGBT rights and same-sex marriage.”

It was only a matter of time before Muslims proved to Starbucks that the sympathizing only goes one way. It’s ironic that a very gay-friendly company would be so supportive of a religion which believes in throwing homosexuals off the top of buildings, among other atrocious treatments for their “sinful” sexual preference. This is the problem with liberalism, in that they take these strong stances without fulling realizing – or caring – what they are actually supporting.

Starbucks is only lucky that they are just being boycotted and not beheaded for their beliefs since most of their public statements of their beliefs would result in such a reaction by radicals.

According to the Chicago Tribune:

“Sodomy is illegal in Malaysia and punishable by up to 20 years in prison. Homosexuality is not illegal in Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim nation, but a case before the Constitutional Court is seeking to criminalize gay sex and sex outside of marriage.”

“A boycott Starbucks hashtag was briefly popular on Twitter in Indonesia and shares of the company that operates Starbucks in the country fell sharply this week. But its stores in the capital Jakarta appeared as popular as ever.”

The company’s act of resistance toward our president just proved how right he is about the so-called “religion of peace.” They don’t want to assimilate and will punish those who don’t believe the way they do. Trump has done more for the gay community than Muslims ever will and is certainly tolerant of their differences, so it’s really idiotic that Starbucks sided with Islam over our own president.

Now, it’s not just conservatives boycotting the chain for their crapy politics and overpriced drinks with actual feces in them, it’s Muslims who don’t care what they did for 10,000 Islamic refugees. Time to switch your fix to someplace local where customers are appreciated and not isolated.

Feminists Hold Music Festival But Forget 1 Important Detail… And Muslims Will Love It

Feminists Hold Music Festival But Forget 1 Important Detail… And Muslims Will Love It

While feminists march around in their pink pussy hats, a Swedish comedian has taken a huge step back for gender equality. She and her feminist friends are in the beginning stages of planning a music festival, but they have forgotten one very important detail. However, Muslims will love it, but not for the reasons one would think.

Emma Knyckare is a Swedish feminist who believes she has the answer to the rising number of sexual assaults at music festivals in her home country. So, she plans on organizing an event where men are not allowed to attend. “This new festival will be for women, planned by women, in which men will not be allowed to participate,” she said. Yes, someone who prides themselves on gender equality wants to exclude one of the two genders.
Feminists Hold Music Festival But Forget 1 Important Detail… And Muslims Will Love It
July 5, 2017 Emily Ann Politics, World News

Emma Knyckare (left), Stock image to represent a music festival (right)
While feminists march around in their pink pussy hats, a Swedish comedian has taken a huge step back for gender equality. She and her feminist friends are in the beginning stages of planning a music festival, but they have forgotten one very important detail. However, Muslims will love it, but not for the reasons one would think.

Emma Knyckare is a Swedish feminist who believes she has the answer to the rising number of sexual assaults at music festivals in her home country. So, she plans on organizing an event where men are not allowed to attend. “This new festival will be for women, planned by women, in which men will not be allowed to participate,” she said. Yes, someone who prides themselves on gender equality wants to exclude one of the two genders.

Emma Knyckare, Swedish comedian and radio personality, acting as DJ and setting up a track in the Musikhjälpen glass box studio.
The intention behind Emma’s female-only festival is to create an environment where women will feel safe. However, someone might want to break the news to her that she will need male security to protect against all the violence that happens at festivals.

“It was an idea I had for all those men who rape at festivals… this was a solution,” she said. The solution to Sweden’s music festival sex assault problem, according to Knyckare is to simply ban men from attending the event. She also said men would be banned from performing at the festival as well. [Source: Breitbart]
Last year, Swedish music festivals were plagued by underage molestation, which lead to many of them being shut down. However, what Knyckare is forgetting to mention is the sex attacks were overwhelmingly perpetrated by those with “foreign origins.”

This is no surprise since Europe has been taken over by female-degrading Muslims. In fact, Sweden alone has taken in more so-called “refugees” than any other European country. Now, the feminists are confused because they don’t want to downplay the threat of sexual violence, but they also don’t want that to offend the politically-correct police by calling out the Muslim refugees responsible for so many rapes.

“We should object and protest, but we should not make the distinction about people from another ethnic background that they are more violent than we are,” said Emma, “because otherwise we find ourselves in a place of saying: ‘I’m not a racist, but…”‘ [Source: Time]
So, we can’t blame an ideology that not only condones but encourages such behavior against women, especially non-believers, but we can condemn an entire sex for the actions of a few. One is a choice, one is not. Muslims decide to follow the barbaric and archaic religion of Islam, acting out the violent commands as modeled by their pedophilic prophet, but males don’t choose their sex, contrary to what the left would have us believe. But, that’s liberal logic for you.

According to Emma, the feminist festival is in the beginning stages of planning, and she hopes to have it up and running by 2018. Her dream scenario is for the event to become an annual occasion that will last for many years and become a classic place that woman can come and feel safe.

As the feminists are threading the needle between sexual assault and gender equality while trying to establish a man-free festival, they might want to stop pretending they are for equality if they’re excluding people. Let’s solve the problem by going back to sexual segregation — which ironically is also encouraged by Islam’s Sharia law —that seems like a good idea, Emma. Unfortunately, leftists like her don’t even realize they are playing right into the Islamization of their own countries, where eventually there won’t be any gender equality at all. Don’t believe me? Just look to the many nations that were once Christian and are now Muslim-majority countries.