Anti-American Kaepernick Just Denounced U.S. & Leaves The Country – Here’s Where He’s At Now

Anti-American Kaepernick Just Denounced U.S. & Leaves The Country – Here’s Where He’s At Now

Ever since 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick decided to disgrace our country by refusing to stand for the National Anthem, he’s become the most hated man in American sports. With the biggest thing on his resume now being the NFL’s biggest loser, Kaepernick has been licking his wounds in recent weeks, after realizing that no NFL team is willing to risk their reputation with signing him to their team. After mysteriously dropping out of the public eye since the summer began, now we’re learning that Kaepernick has literally taken his ball and gone home, after not being able to cope with being the most hated man in America any longer.
Kaepernick’s anti-American antics over the past 2 football seasons quickly made him the hero of the left, as he was constantly was propped up by Barack Obama and his Black Lives Matter idiots who were all too eager to worship at Kaepernick’s American-hating throne. But ever since Trump got into office, life for Kaepernick has taken a drastic turn for the worst, as Trump’s crackdown on cop-haters across America has made Kaepernick’s popularity take a nose-dive in recent months, as these idiots’ invites to the White House have suddenly ceased. Combine that rejection with NFL executives expressing recently that they “genuinely hate Kaepernick,” and you can clearly see why Kaepernick’s ego is so massively wrecked. So when given the opportunity over Independence Day to denounce the United States and run back to his country of Ghana where he lived before being adopted by white people in Wisconsin, Kaepernick took the opportunity and ran with it.
“How can we truly celebrate independence on a day that intentionally robbed our ancestors of theirs?” Kaepernick tweeted. “To find my independence I went home.”
So freaking glad you “found your ancestors” Kaepernick! Now do us all a HUGE favor and never come back to America! While Kaepernick’s sudden trip to Ghana was used as a way to further push his anti-American rhetoric, the real reason behind his trip is more likely due to the fact that football season is rapidly approaching, and Kaepernick still remains unsigned, an inconvenient fact that is wrecking his little ego. According to the Bleacher Report, the general manager of the NFL said that in addition to the NFL teams “genuinely hating Kaepernick,” that they feel that not signing him as a “good form of punishment” for disrespecting our country.

“They think showing no interest is a form of punishment,” the general manager said. according to Bleacher Report. “Some teams believe Kaepernick cannot play at a high level anymore.”

The backlash for people like Kaepernick is real, especially now that we have an outspoken president like Trump in office who continues to have the backs of our law enforcement, a complete 180 of the sickening antics that we endured under Obama, who was all too eager to prop these anti-American and anti-cop idiots up. Red State Watcher reported:

If Colin Kaepernick was down to a 1% change of getting signed by a NFL football team, he might now be down to 0%.

To get this story straight, spoiled brat Kaepernick is born in Wisconsin, raised by two incredibly nice white parents and allowed to become a millionaire in the U.S. capitalist system by playing footaball.

While the NFL world continues to debate whether Colin Kaepernick remains a free agent because of his national anthem protests, the quarterback is focused on learning more about his heritage.

Kaepernick – who’s of mixed race and was raised by adoptive parents in Milwaukee – posted a clip Tuesday of his visit to Ghana, along with a caption that takes issue with the Fourth of July celebrations in the U.S.

It’s truly amazing what a spoiled POS this guy is. No gratitude at all for the white parents who adopted him from a third world country and gave him a wonderful life, nor to the free country who gave him the opportunity to make his dreams of becoming a football star a reality and a multi-millionaire. There’s truly no love lost for this idiot denouncing America and returning to his bug and crap-infested “home land.” Hopefully more anti-American morons will take Kaepernick’s lead, and leave America if they truly hate it that much!

Donald And Melania Held Special Party At White House Last Night And You Won’t Believe Who Showed Up

Donald And Melania Held Special Party At White House Last Night And You Won’t Believe Who Showed Up

As you can imagine, Independence Day is a pretty big deal at the White House. It’s kind of the reason everybody around there has a job, so they tend to make it a big celebration. The United States declaring our independence from England was a big step and a dangerous one at that. They had to be all in because as Ben Franklin so famously said: “We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”

America has made a proud history of hanging together in good times and bad, clinging to the freedoms that those founding fathers and every generation of soldiers since have secured and kept safe for us. Some really bad times came over the past 8 years when the most un-American and disrespectful presidents in United States history occupied the White House.

Our freedoms were put at risk and our men and women in uniform were degraded and treated like second class citizens. But not anymore. The President and First Lady killed the fatted calf and put on a 4th of July picnic in honor of our great country and those who so bravely serve it, and everybody got involved.
Via Daily Mail:

[President] Trump and Melania, wearing a long blue and white dress, appeared on the Truman Balcony at the White House on Tuesday afternoon where the 71-year-old president praised the contribution of servicemen and women.

‘Each of you here today represents that rare combination of patriotism, virtue and courage,’ he told the crowd. ‘At this moment your brothers and sisters in arms are posted around the globe, fighting our enemies and standing watch to protect our nation, they are fighting for us.
‘We are thanking them, praying for them and saluting them for their selfless sacrifice.’
Trump pledged his ‘unwavering support’, promising them and their families he would ‘always have your back.’
He also commented on the luck of having such pleasant weather for the event which will be followed by a fireworks viewing event for military families and staffers.

The fireworks celebration on the National Mall is a large-scale event that attracts people from across the country to see the sparks fly in the nation’s capitol.

‘The rain stopped just as we came out,’ he added. ‘I don’t know what that means, but it’s not bad.’
Earlier that day, the president had been spotted at his golf club in Virginia – his 36th day at a golf course as president.

It’s also his 50th visit to a Trump-owned venue since taking office and has spent many a weekend at his Mar-a-Lago luxury resort in West Palm Beach and golf clubs in Virginia and New Jersey.

The president, also wished a ‘Happy 4th to everyone’ earlier Tuesday, tweeted that he was ‘getting ready to celebrate the 4th of July with a big crowd at the White House’, adding: ‘Our country will grow and prosper!’
First daughter and special counselor Ivanka Trump also spoke out about her pride in Americans and her appreciation for the country.

Trump Issued HUGE Warning To China And North Korea And Now He’s About To Make Good On It

Trump Issued HUGE Warning To China And North Korea And Now He’s About To Make Good On It

The world has suffered two world wars so far, and thankfully the tyrannical dictators that started the messes both times were put down by those (including the United States) who stood on the side of justice. The second time around there were some serious advancements in wartime technologies and weapons, and the United States caused some serious devastation go one Asian city in retaliation for their attack.

The reasons for war are usually simple; a credible threat to the lives of those who inhabit a particular country. It’s time to bring out the guns when all diplomatic options have been exhausted. Sometimes it’s hard to tell when the diplomatic options have been exhausted because your enemy might be sneaky, or duplicitous in some way, and a country has to try and sort out fact from fiction. And sometimes they come right out in the open and announce their intentions, as North Korea has. It doesn’t get much more plain than “American bastards would be not very happy with this gift sent on the July 4 anniversary.”

America absolutely must stand up and protect itself, or generations to come will be reading their history books in another language, wondering why we kept quiet so long. President Trump has decided that he’s going to start his offensive by pressuring the United States’ trade partners into cutting off their dealings with the tiny dictatorship, in hopes that will further sway their actions.
Just because you saw it on social media doesn’t mean it’s not serious stuff. The President has to resort to means other than the traditional media because of their terrible bias, but rest assured, the man means business.

Via The Guardian:
“The US has ramped up pressure on North Korea after Tuesday’s successful intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) test, making a show of force off the Korean peninsula and calling for a broad international effort to hamper the secretive nation’s nuclear weapons programme.

The US president’s attacks on North Korea’s most important ally are likely to add to tensions at a UN security council meeting on the incident, due to be held at 3pm New York time (1900 GMT), which was called by Washington, Tokyo and Seoul.

China has already called for restraint from all sides, after joining diplomatic forces with Russia to suggest that North Korea suspend its missile programme in return for a moratorium on large-scale US and South Korean military exercises.

The US secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, earlier said any country that supported Pyongyang, hosted workers sending hard currency remittances or failed to implement United Nations sanctions was ‘aiding and abetting a dangerous regime’.

‘Testing an ICBM represents a new escalation of the threat to the United States, our allies and partners, the region, and the world. All nations should publicly demonstrate to North Korea that there are consequences to their pursuit of nuclear weapons,’ he said in a statement.

Kim delivered his own message on Wednesday, with the state Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) quoting him as saying: ‘American bastards would be not very happy with this gift sent on the July 4 anniversary.’

The news agency claimed the North Korean missile was capable of carrying a “large, heavy nuclear warhead” that could survive re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere.

Kim was quoted as saying the North’s long confrontation with Washington had entered the ‘final stage’ and that Pyongyang would not put its nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles up for negotiation ‘unless the US hostile policy and nuclear threats come to an end completely’.

A report in its state media said Kim urged his scientists to ‘frequently send big and small ‘gift packages’ to the Yankees’.
Analysis by Japan and South Korea has supported the account given by North Korea’s Academy of Defence Science, which said the missile reached an altitude of 1,741 miles (2,802km) and flew 580 miles. The US initially described it as an intermediate-range missile but now concedes it was an ICBM.

North Koreans have celebrated the ICBM launch in the capital, Pyongyang. A 38-year-old Pyongyang resident named Ri Song-gil said his country ‘can attack anywhere in the world’. He added: ‘Now, the time when the US could threaten the world with nuclear weapons has passed away.’

Well, Well, Well, Look Who Was Just Accused Of Extortion And Now Is Going To Pay BIG Price For It

Well, Well, Well, Look Who Was Just Accused Of Extortion And Now Is Going To Pay BIG Price For It

Just when we all thought CNN couldn’t sink any lower, it appears they have now broken the state of New York law of coercion.

Earlier this week CNN discovered the identity of the Reddit user who created the GIF of Donald Trump body slamming CNN from a WWE outtake. Although CNN’s so-called “I-team” has agreed not to include the identity of HanA**holeSolo in their report about tracking him down, they did go on to clearly state that they reserve the right to identify him in future reports, should Mr. A**holeSolo ever repeat his ugly behavior on social media. Are you kidding me?
Although early this past Sunday morning he had originally boasted on social media that he was ecstatic that the president had tweeted out his GIF, on Monday the Redditor who created the CNN-bashing GIF suddenly apologized after learning CNN knew who he was. CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski reported Tuesday night that HanA**holeSolo had begged with the network not to reveal his identity. He added that the user stated that he was terrified for his personal safety.

Of course, after all this went down, Jullian Assange got involved in the drama. He clearly points out that what CNN did is a felony.
Variety Reports:

How quickly the Internet tides turn: CNN is facing a backlash for its handling of a story about the Reddit user who created the video depicting President Donald Trump delivering a bodyslam to CNN.

The Reddit user, who has not been publicly identified by name beyond his handle of “HanA–holeSolo,” posted a lengthy apology on Tuesday for crafting the CNN video and for previous Reddit posts widely deemed racist, anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic. He apologized to CNN and to members of the Reddit community for dragging them into controversy that erupted on Sunday when Trump tweeted out the CNN bodyslam video — crafted from an old WWE appearance by Trump prior to his election. The 28-second video depicts Trump tackling a person ringside at a wrestling match whose head has been replaced with the red CNN logo.

Trump’s tweet sparked condemnation and criticism across the political spectrum last week, with some suggesting that the video could incite violence against CNN employees and other journalists. But late Tuesday, CNN began facing accusations of “blackmail” in an online story headlined “How CNN found the Reddit user behind the Trump wrestling GIF.”

CNN asserted in the story by Andrew Kaczynski that it had uncovered the man’s name but decided not to publish it in light of his apology. The Reddit user has deleted his prior posts, including one that featured photos of prominent CNN employees with Jewish stars next to their names.

However, a caveat in the story regarding the possibility of disclosure in the future has sparked anger.

“CNN is not publishing “HanA**holeSolo’s” name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again,” Kaczynski wrote. “In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same. CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.”

A CNN source said there was no intention to pressure the Reddit user but rather to emphasize that they made the decision to spare him from being outed publicly because of what they perceived as the sincerity of his apology. The man, described by CNN as middle-age despite assertions on social media that he is 15, posted the apology and then contacted Kaczynski by telephone.

In a statement CNN said it opted not to publish his name “out of concern for his safety” and strongly asserted that there was no quid pro quo in the user’s apology and the decision to keep his identity private.

“Any assertion that the network blackmailed or coerced him is false,” the statement said. “The user, who is an adult male not a 15-year-old boy, apologized and deleted his account before ever speaking with our reporter. CNN never made any deal, of any kind, with the user. In fact, CNN included its decision to withhold the user’s identity in an effort to be completely transparent that there was no deal.”

The latest flap highlights the contentious relationship between the Trump administration and mainstream media outlets, and it also underscores the hot-house environment of social media. In his apology, the Reddit user claimed that his past offensive posts were the result of an “addiction” to seeing if he could get a rise out of other users with extreme statements. The user insisted he “never meant any of the hateful things I said in those posts.” He said the Trump-CNN video was “a prank, nothing more.”