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Outro Music: “Dark Trap” by rh_music

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While You Were Celebrating The 4th, Lib Lawmakers Screwed Americans With SICK Gift To Illegals YOU P

While You Were Celebrating The 4th, Lib Lawmakers Screwed Americans With SICK Gift To Illegals YOU Paid For

This past weekend we all celebrated Independence Day and this year it held a much deeper meaning than before. However, while conservatives were taking the time to celebrate our freedom from Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, liberals were doing their best to stick it to American taxpayers again.

Leave it to liberals to find a way to ruin Independence Day by pushing through legislation that will cost Americans millions. I am sure if you asked a liberal if they saw the irony in this they would be at a loss for words. But, I digress.

Over this past weekend, the liberals in Oregon decided to pass a bill that would grant all women, girls, and illegal immigrants access to free abortions. Seriously, who in their right mind is ok with their tax dollars going to the murder of the unborn? Liberals, that’s who.

At any rate, the bill was passed in the Oregon House where the Democrats also took the time to condemn President Trump and his pro-life stance.

“While the Trump Administration and Congressional Republicans in D.C. continue their efforts to slash access to women’s health, Democrats in the Oregon House today stood up to preserve and expand comprehensive reproductive health care to all Oregonians,” the lawmakers said, adding:

House Bill 3391, the Reproductive Health Equity Act, ensures that all Oregonians receive the full range of preventative reproductive health services they need at zero out-of-pocket cost – regardless of their income, citizenship status, gender identity, or type of insurance.

The bill passed, 33-23, with no Republican votes and one Democrat joining Republicans, and now heads to the state Senate.
In celebrating the passage of the bill, Oregon Democrats rebuked Republican-led state legislatures:

Republican-led legislatures in other states have been cutting reproductive care through draconian budget cuts and legislation making it harder for women to access critical services. Republican politicians in Washington D.C. are attempting to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which would cause Oregonians to lose no-cost preventative reproductive health care and essential benefits. With HB 3391, Oregon will be moving boldly in the opposite direction, protecting and expanding access.

Trump Issues Devastating Blow To CNN After He Watched What They Did To This 15 Yr Old Supporter

Trump Issues Devastating Blow To CNN After He Watched What They Did To This 15-Yr-Old Supporter

The lunatic left has been in disarray ever since Donald Trump was elected as president. Never in their fascist dreams could they have imagined that Donald Trump would beat Hillary Clinton and erase Barack Obama’s destructive legacy. And, while that is fantastic news in itself, that is not all that Trump has been able to accomplish. For years, the mainstream media has been peddling fake news as legitimate reporting, but that all has changed thanks to President Trump.

One of the biggest purveyors of fake news has been CNN with their falsified stories and outlandish lies. Who could forget the time that CNN reported that President Trump was afraid of stairs in their hard-hitting “investigative piece”. Or, what about the time that CNN dedicated two segments of air time to report that Trump had two scoops of ice cream at a White House dinner. Well, if that was not bad enough CNN has crossed the line again and I am not sure they will ever recover from this.

The CNN network that always prided itself in the past with its high journalistic integrity has turned into a tabloid news station. These journalistic hacks have published stories that have been discovered to be outright lies. Not only has this “news” network had to issue numerous retractions they have themselves admitted that they have published fake news. Just recently, Project Veritas exposed CNN as the liars they truly are when one of their investigative journalists went undercover. Project Veritas posted a video that showed CNN Producer John Bonifield admitting that the network intentionally pushed the Russian hacking story, and is not concerned with journalistic ethics.
You would think that after this damaging report that CNN would clean up their act, but that was not the case.

Last week, President Trump tweeted a gif that showed him beating up a man with a CNN logo superimposed over his face. The gif went viral since he accurately displayed how Trump single-handedly took down the lying news network. Instead of CNN “rolling with the punches” they decided to whine that this gif was really unfair to them.
These crybabies at CNN and MSM began to say that this tweet by the president incited violence against journalists.

CNN media reporter Brian Stelter tweeted this pissy diatribe.

View image on Twitter

If that was not bad enough, here is where it takes a turn for the worse. CNN then decided to hunt down the person that made the gif, and it turns out it was a 15-year-old boy. Instead of letting the young lad scamper off to make more dank gifs they chose to extort an apology from him by threatening to dox him. For those who are not sure what dox means let me give you the definition to you. When someone threatens to dox a person that means that they will publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent.

That is extortion which happens to be a crime.

Obviously, the young man that uses the handle HanAssholeSolo issued an apology on Reddit Tuesday, calling the video a “prank, nothing more.”

“The meme was created purely as satire, it was not meant to be a call to violence against CNN or any other news affiliation… …I had no idea anyone would take it and put sound to it and then have it put up on the President’s Twitter feed.”

Which prompted this response from people on the internet. It seems appropriate to me, right?

View image on Twitter
Of course, the liberals at CNN did not find it funny and Andrew Kaczynski tweeted said that people were misinterpreting the article.
Yeah, ok buddy you go on and believe that one. For the rest of us that use common sense, this is what that article really meant. CNN isn’t publishing his name since they feel the teen was remorseful and because he is a private citizen. However, they are reserving the right expose his identity if you don’t like how he behaves in the future. Sounds like a threat to me.

And, of course others on the internet also saw it as a threat too.
Yes, Trump Jr. that is a threat.

This network needs to be shut down for good, but I rather watch them self-implode all on their own. They have lost all credibility and it will take years for them to come back if they ever do. But, in the meantime, these reporters need to be held accountable for what they have done to a minor. They have no right to threaten anyone just because they do not like that what they posted on the internet.

Here is a little memo to all those lib trolls out there, this is what you would call facsim.

Canada Just Secretly Screwed America With What They Did For Muslim Terrorist Who Killed Our Soldier

Canada Just Secretly Screwed America With What They Did For Muslim Terrorist Who Killed Our Soldier

Islam is rapidly spreading like a cancer across the globe, thanks to the asinine policies of liberal politicians. But as our focus remains on terror-infested Europe, Muslims are now actively invading our Canadian neighbors to the north, as Canada recently opened their borders to whoever wants in. But in the wake of the Muslim-pandering insanity, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has just done the unthinkable to America, proving that we truly need to watch our backs when it comes to this Canadian country we automatically continue to assume has our six.
Justin Trudeau makes it no secret how much he loves Muslims. Immediately after President Trump initiated his original migrant ban, Trudeau was quick to jump on social media blasting Trump for being a racist, announcing the bold move to open Canada’s borders to whoever wanted in, ignoring that many of the migrants are closely tied to ISIS terrorists.

Then during Ramadan, Trudeau continued his love fest with Muslims, sporting Islam-themed socks, while ignoring the plight of dozens of Canadian girls and women who were sexually assaulted in Canada by the very same migrants he let invade his country.

But unfortunately for the free world, Trudeau’s Muslim-pandering antics were just getting started. Now in an unbelievable “F YOU” to America, Canada has now decided to give $10.5 million dollars to a convicted GITMO terrorist who killed an American soldier, because