Elizabeth Warren’s Real Indian Opponent Just Sent Her a GENIUS Gift In The Mail And She’s PISSED!

Elizabeth Warren’s Real Indian Opponent Just Sent Her a GENIUS Gift In The Mail And She’s PISSED!

This is golden….

A Republican who’s running against Senator Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts has taken issue with her repeated claims of having Native American heritage in her bloodline.

So for her birthday last month, he decided it would be a great idea to send her a DNA kit so she can prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that her claims are indeed true. But since she has ignored the gift the Republican senatorial candidate V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai is calling Warren out as the “Fake Indian” that she is.

Warren has never actually provided any proof whatsoever that she is indeed what she claims to be, a Native American. Best she has ever been able to do is tell “family stories” which she claims were passed down to her through generations as her evidence. Umm, no, a story is not proof Pocahontas.
Breitbart Reports:

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) repeats her false claims of Native American ancestry in her new book, A Fighting Chance, which is scheduled for release next Tuesday.
“As a kid, I had learned about my Native American background the same way every kid learns about who they are: from family,” Senator Warren writes in an excerpt published Wednesday in the Boston Globe.

Senator Warren then repeats a line she used often in her 2012 Senate campaign, memorialized in a September 2012 television commercial, writing “I never questioned my family’s stories or asked my parents for proof or documentation. What kid would?”

“Knowing who you are is one thing, and proving who you are is another,” Warren writes.

In 2012 Breitbart News exhaustively documented the facts surrounding Senator Warren’s claims of Native American ancestry and demonstrated that no credible evidence exists to support those claims. But lack of genealogical evidence has never stopped Senator Warren from boldly asserting as fact something which is flatly not true.

In May 2012, Warren’s campaign offered two pieces of evidence, both quickly debunked, in a futile effort to prove her claim.

One piece of debunked evidence was her inclusion of Warren “family recipes” in the Pow Wow Chow Cookbook, published by the Five Civilized Tribes Museum of Muskogee, Oklahama in 1984. The book’s publishers claimed all the recipes in the book were contributed by descendants of the five civilized tribes–Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole.

Each recipe contributor identified the tribe from which he or she claimed to descend. In Senator Warren’s case, she claimed to descend from the Cherokee tribe in each of her published recipes.

Two of the recipes contributed by Senator Warren as evidence of her Cherokee heritage and published in the Pow Wow Chow Cookbook, “Cold Omelets with Crab Meat” and “Crab with Tomato Mayonnaise Dressing” were copied from a 1979 New York Times News Service article by Pierre Franey.

A second piece of debunked evidence, a purported 1894 marriage license application which was said to list her great-great-grandmother as a Native American, was demonstrated not to exist.

Breitbart News and a noted Cherokee genealogist have documented there is no evidence to support Senator Warren’s claim of Cherokee ancestry. There is evidence, however, that shows Senator Warren’s great-great-great grandfather, Jonathan Crawford, was a member of the Tennessee militia in the 1830s who rounded up the local Cherokee as the first step in their forced “Trail of Tears” journey to Oklahoma.

The Globe reported Wednesday that Senator Warren writes in her book “I never asked for special treatment when I applied to college, to law school, or for jobs.”

But, as Breitbart News reported in May 2012, Senator Warren has “[f]or twenty-five years since 1986, and without a shred of credible evidence . . . claimed to have Native American ancestry. She’s made this claim, apparently, to three separate employers–the University of Texas Law School, the University of Pennsylvania Law School, and Harvard Law School. None apparently asked her for proof, nor did she offer any.”

US Supreme Court Just LEVELED Liberal Snowflakes And Shut Them The Hell Up!

US Supreme Court Just LEVELED Liberal Snowflakes And Shut Them The Hell Up!

Last week, the Trump administration scored a few major victories that have conservatives across the country cheering. The first win to note was that the House passed two bills that would crack down on illegal immigration and sanctuary cities across the nation. And, just as the liberal left was adjusting to that stunning defeat they received another stunning blow to their overinflated egos.

Thanks in part to the Obama administration, the world witnessed the birth of the millennial snowflake. These dirty hipsters have overrun the country with their confused gender orientation and feelings based politics. This generation has been used to the former administration that placed how they feel over what was indeed fact.

That is demonstrated when you witness how these snowflakes reacted when Trump attempted to enact a travel ban. Instead of these granola eating hipsters listening to what the ban entailed, they went off the deep end with their insane rhetoric. States around the country blocked the travel ban saying that it was unconstitutional and racist. However, after months of this insanity, the Supreme Court issued a stunning ruling that has shut these libtards up.

One of those components upheld was that people entering America would have to have a “bonafide connection” to someone here. Of course, that makes perfect sense to anyone with that has functioning reasoning skills down. What that means is that someone entering the country must have a personal relationship. The guidelines state that only family members who are a parent, spouse, child, adult son or daughter, son-in-law, a daughter-in-law who are already inside the U.S. would constitute a “bona fide” personal relationship. However, other close family relationships such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, nieces or cousins would not be considered “bona fide” family ties.

That seems pretty reasonable to me, however, one group is losing their mind over this logical guideline.

Take a listen to this spokesperson from the International Refugee Assistance Project.
Talk about being triggered already.

Does this woman actually think that this brand of social justice will sway the opinion of the Supreme Court? Listen up snowflakes, this is not about others people’s feelings or how you feel. This is simply about upholding the law of the land and that gives the executive office the power to implement these sorts of bans.

This is not the first time either that a president has enacted this sort of ban. In fact, three other president’s have issued a ban and for much longer time periods.

After the 2009 discovery that two al Qaeda terrorists were living as refugees in Bowling Green, Ky., President Obama took action. “As a result of the Kentucky case, the State Department stopped processing Iraq refugees for six months in 2011, federal officials told ABC News – even for many who had heroically helped U.S. forces as interpreters and intelligence assets,” ABC New reported in 2013. “One Iraqi who had aided American troops was assassinated before his refugee application could be processed, because of the immigration delays, two U.S. officials said. In 2011, fewer than 10,000 Iraqis were resettled as refugees in the U.S., half the number from the year before, State Department statistics show.”

Also, in 1979 Jimmy Carter took a very similar approach when he banned Iranians from entering the United States after 52 Americans were taken, hostage. Carter also kicked out all diplomats and banned Iranians from entering into America.

“The steps I have ordered today are those that are necessary now,” Carter said in announcing the move. “Other actions may become necessary if these steps do not produce the prompt release of the hostages.”

Oh, but the creme de la creme of them all is the FDR ban. This ban limited the number of Jews entering into America in fear that they could be Nazi spies. Oh, and how can we forget the 120,000 Japanese internment camps that popped up after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. More than 60 percent of Americans were imprisoned because of this, but you don’t hear liberals bring this up, do you?

The fact of the matter is this. The left does not care that this ban is temporary and is only being enacted so that the Trump administration can understand the vetting process better. In fact, the left has even admitted that if Hillary Clinton was the one that had issued this ban they would not have an issue with it.

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