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Month: July 2017
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WATCH: Shock Video Surfaces To Expose MASSIVE Voter Fraud – It’s WORSE Than We Thought
WATCH: Shock Video Surfaces To Expose MASSIVE Voter Fraud – It’s WORSE Than We Thought
Voter fraud is one of the biggest threats to our country. If we can’t ensure the integrity of our elections, we don’t truly have a Republic. The tolerance of voter fraud means any interest, domestic or foreign, can buy an election at will.
A new undercover video is blowing the lid off the widespread voter fraud carried out by the Hillary Clinton’s election machine during the 2016 General Election. Insiders were caught on camera describing how they hired illegal aliens to vote for Hillary! This is disturbing.
The video was recorded by an organization called Voter Fraud is Real. Their website emphasizes the bipartisan need to stop voter fraud in America. Both sides of the political spectrum benefit from honest elections.That’s why they went to great lengths to talk to an inside source who worked for the Clinton campaign. His identity is kept anonymous for his protection. Since he was actively engaged in organizing voter fraud on behalf of Clinton, he’d be facing serious jail time and worse, given the Clinton history of “dealing” with those who cross them.
The source came forward to Voter Fraud is Real after being ripped off. After Clinton had lost, the campaign didn’t pay him the money they’d promised. The money train ran out as there would no longer be public money or graft without Hillary Clinton in the White House.The video reveals that illegal aliens are at the heart of Democrat voter fraud schemes. The anonymous subject was tasked with registering illegals to vote. The total number of illegals who cast ballots for Clinton nationwide was in the MILLIONS!
The Clinton campaign used these illegal voters to help her beat Bernie Sanders in the Primary Election. Then, they came to her assistance again to try to rig the General Election against Donald Trump. Fortunately, they weren’t successful.Nevertheless, they came close. They managed to create the illusion that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, giving Leftists an excuse to riot and challenge President Trump’s legitimacy.It’s funny how Democrats always laugh at even the suggestion that there’s voter fraud in the United States. When Trump or his surrogates assert that voter fraud is real, the Left mockingly asks “where’s the evidence?” We have documented thousands of cases of illegals voting. Just this year, a Texas non-citizen woman was arrested for voting for Clinton (via New York Times).
Ex-SEAL GOP Rep Destroys CNN Anchor: ‘You’re Getting Played!’ [VIDEO]
Ex-SEAL GOP Rep Destroys CNN Anchor: ‘You’re Getting Played!’ [VIDEO]
Former Navy SEAL and Virginia Rep. Scott Taylor blasted CNN on Monday for dedicating too much coverage to Trump’s tweets.
CNN’s Alisyn Camerota asked Taylor about the origin of Trump’s recent tweet that showed him body slamming CNN during a fake wrestling performance. The video apparently came from Reddit and showed Trump during a recent WWE cameo fighting Vince McMahon with the CNN logo superimposed on McMahon’s head.
Taylor let out a little chuckle before giving Camerota a piece of his mind.
“Well, I don’t know anything about what you just said in terms of whose account it was or anything like that, I have no idea,” he said. “But if I could give objective advice to you, I think that you guys are getting played, man.”
“Every time he does this you guys overreact…and you play right into his hands,” Taylor continued. “Now you’re like, ‘oh my god he’s inciting violence!’…most Americans don’t believe he’s inciting violence from a WWF clip.”
Camerota seemed unsure how to respond, as she clearly wanted to ask Taylor more questions about the tweet. Instead of switching to “real news,” as Taylor requested, she doubled down and asked if the tweets should be considered official presidential statements.
“You guys gotta start reporting on news,” Taylor responded.
BREAKING: Mueller Caught Making MASSIVE Anti-Trump Move. FIRE HIM NOW.
BREAKING: Mueller Caught Making MASSIVE Anti-Trump Move. FIRE HIM NOW.
The fake news train has been barrelling down the tracks for quite a while now. We need to start calling the mainstream media out to bring that train to an abrupt stop.
The Special Counselor for the Russia investigation, Robert Mueller, has added multiple Left-leaning attorneys to the Russia-Trump investigation committee. Now, he’s added Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew Goldstein, according to NBC News. We’re NOT looking at a coincidence here.
Goldstein used to work for Preet Bharara, who was fired by President Trump after refusing to resign. What are the chances — out of EVERYONE involved — that Goldstein would get pulled into this mix?
Right after the news broke, Preet Bharara took to his Twitter to congratulate Goldstein: “Andrew Goldstein, my corruption chief, joins Special Counsel Mueller. Best of best in every way. Fair, tough, smart.”
It seems like Bharara has a lot of confidence in Goldstein. It’s worth wondering if this is all part of a bigger plan to undermine the president. We wouldn’t put ANYTHING past the Democrats at this point.
You should know that there’s a good chance of this being a setup. If you need any evidence, turn on your T.V., and jump over to a mainstream media channel to see what they’re talking about. It’ll just be a constant barrage of Trump propaganda, and it never stops.
There’s no integrity in journalism anymore. People report whatever they need to report to appease their bosses.
The “committee” Mueller is putting together seems to be made up of people who openly talk about their dislike for the president. Now, they’re going to really go after president Trump.
Something AWFULLY fishy is going on here. There’s a bigger plot here — not to just remove Trump from office, but to gain complete control of our country.
We’ve all witnessed crimes against our freedom. It’s evident that the left want to do everything they can to get Trump out of office, but oddly enough, it’s like they forgot — getting Trump out means Pence goes in.
Mike Pence, the Vice President, would become President of the United States. Would the left just start the character assaults once again when it dawned on them that Hillary wouldn’t show up on a red carpet with a crown on her head? If they think they can overrule the will of the PATRIOTS of this country, they have another thing coming!