PHOTOS: Chris Christie Freaks Out As He’s Busted At Jersey Shore

PHOTOS: Chris Christie Freaks Out As He’s Busted At Jersey Shore

Governor Chris Christie was caught red-handed at the New Jersey shore. Paparazzi captured the moment Christie realized the jig is up, and he has been in damage control mode all day long. Whether you love or hate Christie, you’ll be amazed by his bravado as many New Jersey citizens are completely pissed off by his actions. You don’t want to miss this.

A dispute between Gov. Chris Christie and the Democratic leader in the state’s General Assembly, Vincent Prieto, has blocked the Legislature from passing a state budget. Their fight is over a plan to overhaul control of the state’s largest health insurer, Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey, a non-profit that operates under special state laws.

Christie ordered all “non-essential” state services to be closed down and that includes the Jersey Shore, which is a huge destination for the 4th of July weekend. Police are stationed, blocking entrances, and anyone caught on the beach could be arrested. So, when a seasoned photographer got a hunch, he got his crew and they went up in a Cessna plane.

Scouring the Jersey Shore, Andrew Mills was looking for a large figure on the sand, which wasn’t too hard to spot. Sure enough, Mills’ intuition was right. The only people on the beach were Christie and his family, soaking up the sun.

“In my 23 years as a photojournalist, I’ve been on enough stakeouts to know when I’ve been made, and Gov. Chris Christie looked right at me as I pointed the long-range lens at him from the Cessna about a thousand feet above Island Beach State Park in Berkeley Township on Sunday,” reports Mills.

Mills captures Christie with his wife Mary Pat seated next to him, both in beach chairs. Around them are his kids and extended family. Christie can access the beach from the Governor’s beach house, and he ordered his security detail to stand guard.

Mills recalled the moment Christie looked him right in the eye, saying, “Most of the time, I get the shots and make a clean getaway. But once in a while, when the eyes meet, you know the jig is up.” He added, “[I]t wasn’t difficult to find him. There Christie was, with family and friends, on a long and empty stretch of beach near the governor’s shore residence, nobody else within a country mile.”

Reporting for, Mills continued, “In one photo, Christie looks me dead in the eye. He has to know what’s happening. Why else would a plane make two passes over his private beach party when there’s no one else around? Did we know he would be sunbathing on a closed beach? No, but we took a shot and it paid off.”
Christie then made the huge mistake of saying in a presser that he did not “get any sun” that day. His poor press secretary had to make up a story, saying, “Well, he was wearing a hat, so he didn’t get any sun.” When that went over like a lead balloon, Christie said the beach house is separate from the park and that his family does not ask for any state services. Christie, who is in his final months in office, added, “Run for governor, and you can have a residence there.”

Chris Christie is always confrontational when the media presses him, and in his point of view, it’s the Democrats who refuse to come to the table and compromise on a doable budget. His getting caught was probably a run of bad luck, considering the citizens of New Jersey are pissed off that they can’t access the shore. I can understand their disappointment, and Christie should have realized this wasn’t the best time to throw a beach party.

President Trump Offers To Help Deathly Ill Baby Britain Thinks Should “Die With Dignity”

President Trump Offers To Help Deathly Ill Baby Britain Thinks Should “Die With Dignity”

JULY 3, 2017
In a tweet this morning, President Donald Trump stated his desire to help a terminally ill British baby.

As reported previously, Charlie Gard’s parents would like to bring him – using crowdsourced funds – to the United States to partake in an experimental treatment they believe could save his life.

The European Court of Human Rights, however, has ruled against the parents’ wishes, siding with doctors in stating that Gard – who, according to Sky News, suffers from a rare genetic condition and brain damage – should “die with dignity” in a British hospital.

Their belief is that Gard is suffering and the experimental treatment in the U.S. is unlikely to change that.

And so, Gard’s life machine was set to be turned off on Friday.

However, as The Daily Mail reports, the hospital later relented and announced it would leave Gard on the machine for a few more days.

As the situation gained international attention, Pope Francis spoke out and expressed his support for Gard’s parents and their wishes to accompany him to the United States for treatment.

Now, President Donald Trump has added his voice to the mix.

“If we can help little #CharlieGard, as per our friends in the U.K. and the Pope, we would be delighted to do so,” he wrote on Twitter this morning.
It’s unclear exactly what Trump could do given that European officials have ruled on the matter.

However, his statement of willingness to act has garnered plenty of praise online.

BREAKING: FBI Investigation Uncovers SICK Huma Abedin Crime – LOCK HER UP.

BREAKING: FBI Investigation Uncovers SICK Huma Abedin Crime – LOCK HER UP.

This is worse than the Clintons selling secrets to China.

Two of Hillary Clinton’s top aides have been caught sending American secrets to an unsecured personal email account for personal gain – as revealed by an email cache released by Judicial Watch, (via WND)

Cheryl Mills, who served as Chief of Staff to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Huma Abedin, who served as Deputy Chief, have been caught sharing Top Secret information.

Both Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin were forwarding emails containing highly classified information to one or two private email accounts controlled by Huma Abedin.

The final location of the emails in unknown, however, the classified emails were discovered on a private computer accessed by Abedin’s husband, Anthony Weiner.

Weiner, the former Democrat Representative for New York’s ninth district, was caught engaging in a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old girl. Weiner pled guilty to related charges in May.

During the investigation, the FBI uncovered Top Secret emails contained on a computer owned by Weiner and Abedin in a folder marked “life insurance.” It is unknown who was in control of the computer.

However, the name of the folder indicates that whoever was saving the emails knew they contained politically damaging information. The emails were apparently held in case the Clintons turned on Weiner or Abedin.

Additionally, Abedin may not have even known about the life insurance folder. Cheryl Mills was also forwarding emails to her, and Mills would have little interest in Abedin’s life insurance. It is much more likely that someone else had access to the emails.

Abedin has numerous family (including both her parents) and personal ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and other known terror networks associations. Before she joined the State Department, Abedin served on the board of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs alongside a known terrorist, Abdullah Naseef. Naseef left the board after multiple charities he control were declared illegal terrorist fronts, (via WND)

If Abedin was sharing American secrets she was sharing them with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Stealing classified information would not be worth the risk unless Abedin stood significant personal gain. In this case, she was carrying on her father’s legacy by, allegedly, aiding the terror organization he helped create.
What do you think about this comment below.

Igniting Yellowstone Volcano & Stratospheric Aerosol Injections to Create New Ice Age, July 2017

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Tonight’s Tipping Points: #4thOfJuly2017, NRA ad, & #CharliesFight!

Tonight’s Tipping Points: The United States of America 241 years old, the Women’s March goes ballistic about an NRA video, & British baby Charlie Gard sentenced to die by a court in the UK’s single payer healthcare system! And that’s what Senator Elizabeth Warren wants to bring here: a single payer healthcare system where govt bureaucrats decide who lives & who dies. I’m Liz Wheeler. Join me tonight on Tipping Point at 9pm ET.