War Erupting At Southern Border? Look At What Mexico Just Did To Texas

War Erupting At Southern Border? Look At What Mexico Just Did To Texas

Why does Mexico want to make it so easy for its citizens to leave their country and immigrate into the the United States? Are these illegal immigrants criminals or people who are largely unemployable they are trying to get rid of?

There’s obviously a problem here in that it certainly does not speak well of a nation when sizable numbers of their citizens are willing to risk arrest in the United States just to get out of Mexico? Why is Mexico engaging in this act of self-humiliation?

Anyway, sanctuary cities in the U.S., which are desirous of hiding illegal immigrants from federal border control authorities are suing Texas to overturn the law that makes such actions by local officials a crime in Texas. Mexico has just filed a brief with the court in support of the position of the sanctuary cities.

It sounds like Mexico wants nothing to stand in the way of their getting rid of some of their citizens, whatever their motivation might be for such a position.

“Mexico filed an affidavit Monday in support of a lawsuit against the implementation of a Texas law to punish sanctuary cities and allow police officers to inquire about the immigration status of someone they have arrested or detained.

“The Mexican government said in a statement that the law could increase racial discrimination and create an environment of persecution.
“The statement said that the number of calls to the center for information and assistance for Mexicans in Texas in May and June increased 678 percent compared to the year prior. This is reflexive of the uncertainty and ‘anguish’ that the Mexican community in Texas has felt due to the law.”

There you go. When all else fails, play the race card: “[T]he law could increase racial discrimination.”

Race is irrelevant in this case. Mexicans and other Hispanics are most welcome to apply to enter the country legally, and many do.

If Mexico were such a desirable place to live, you would think Americans would want to pour into the country. But apart from a couple of nice vacations spots Americans visit briefly, that is certainly not what is happening.

Perhaps the best conclusion would be to presume that Mexican leadership is offended or insulted by the fact that the U.S. might find some of their citizens to be undesirable residents in the United States. They might go so far as to accuse us of racism, which has nothing to do with it.

What we’ve got hold of here is a case of Democrats wanting to flood states like Texas with voters who will no doubt show their gratitude to those Democrats who have led the way to giving these illegals sanctuary by voting for the Democrats in upcoming elections. So these unfortunate souls are really political pawns.
The court should send a note to the government of Mexico thanking them for their helpful suggestions after which discarding the affidavit without further consideration.

BREAKING: Anti-Trump NYC Mayor Caught In $2 MILLION Scandal. He Should Be In Prison

BREAKING: Anti-Trump NYC Mayor Caught In $2 MILLION Scandal. He Should Be In Prison

If there’s one thing that unites all of the anti-Trump opposition, it’s the fact that they are corrupt. Far-Left New York Mayor, Bill De Blasio, is no different.

De Blasio, a Clinton supporter and a critic of Donald Trump’s immigration policies, is now in hot water for using public money to cover his private bills. In total, De Blasio used a blog post on Medium to announce that the city (i.e. THE TAXPAYERS) will be paying approximately $2 million in his private legal fees, via Politico.

De Blasio is currently being investigated for potentially illegal fundraising activities.

While De Blasio has managed to survive most state and federal charges against him, lawyers did find that De Blasio’s fundraising practices “violated the intent and spirit” of the law, via New York Post.

Like his friend Hillary Clinton, De Blasio got off thanks to strange legalese.

However, the fact that the mayor is now tapping into public money in order to pay off his own bills is certainly going to ruffle more than a few feathers.

Added to this scandal is the fact that as mayor, De Blasio has been an utter disaster for New York.
After years of Republican control of the city, De Blasio, a hard-Left Democrat, has noticeably changed the look of New York for the worse. The homeless population, for instance, has increased in size and visibility, via New York Times.

Under De Blasio, New York City went from being the model city in terms of crime control, to once again being a thieves’ paradise.

Even the Department of Justice has labeled De Blasio’s approach to crime as “soft,” via The Hill.

More infamously, De Blasio, who was an ardent supporter of Communist dictatorships long before becoming the city’s mayor, has become the epitome of anti-police politics.

After doing away with the Stop & Frisk law that reduced crime in New York’s black and Hispanic neighborhoods, De Blasio further raised the ire of the NYPD by publicly insinuating that the department is racist.

When Black Lives Matter terrorist murdered officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, other NYPD officers turned their backs on De Blasio in a show of solidarity against the type of politics that caused the murders in the first place, via Time.

De Blasio is just another example of the venal and corrupt Democratic class. These people, all of whom hate President Trump, are not only liars, but they are petty grifters, too.

Bernie Sanders Wife Is Headed To Prison After What Was Discovered She Did To Disabled People

Bernie Sanders Wife Is Headed To Prison After What Was Discovered She Did To Disabled People

Daily we hear more and more about the disgusting and heartlessness of the Democratic party and those they choose to surround themselves with but this one takes the cake! Jane Sanders, Senator Sander’s wife, took it upon herself to essentially leave residents of a disabled group home completely homeless! Not only that but she is currently being accused of monetary fraud as well. Do these people really think now that alternative news-sites are the only viable news that we wont find these things out?

According to Breitbart :

The wife of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) reportedly attempted to evict disabled group home residents living on land where she was seeking to expand the Vermont college of which she was president.

This is the latest part of a sordid situation reportedly being investigated by the FBI, and one that threatens any hope of another presidential run for the socialist senator. Records obtained by Judicial Watch offer more insight into the time when Jane Sanders was president of Burlington College in Vermont, between 2004-11. Sanders’ push to expand the college is reportedly being investigated by the FBI, namely the allegation by Vermont blog VTDigger that she said she had $2.6 million in pledged donations in her loan application when in fact she had only half a million pledged. Sen. Sanders himself is also reportedly part of the investigation over allegations he put pressure on bank officials over the loan. Sanders denies the accusations and has called the claims “pretty pathetic.”

But Judicial Watch now reports that the parcel of land that Jane Sanders eyed for the college’s expansion included a group home for disabled people. Part of the deal was that she negotiate the transfer of the residents before the college took the property. However, the watchdog reports that she tried to kick them out of their home instead. The report cites a letter to the group’s attorney in which she says, “It is simply not fair to expect the College to continue to carry the burden of the expenses associated with housing both your population and ours until February 2012.”
Sen. Sanders faces re-election in Vermont this year, where he is a comfortable favorite. But the allegations surrounding him and his wife may tarnish his reputation to the point where a 2020 presidential run becomes untenable. The pair has reportedly taken on lawyers as the FBI investigates. Burlington College, meanwhile, shut down in 2016 citing the “crushing” amount of debt that Mrs. Sanders’ land deal inflicted upon the college.

This is absolutely appalling and foul to say the least. Mr. and Mrs. “Everyone should get everything for free” should just sell their $175,000 Audi and provide a charitable contribution in the form of a new Group Home for the residents.
You know, since they are all about giving things away for nothing and all! Democrats have always been and always will be one thing, trash. Helping and giving is all fine and dandy as long as they are giving something that came from someone else to begin with. I.E. TAXPAYERS! I hope the group home sues the hell out of these two crooks after the FBI investigation!

Bowe Bergdahl Just Received Devestating News From Judge That Could Land Him In Prison For LIFE

Bowe Bergdahl Just Received Devestating News From Judge That Could Land Him In Prison For LIFE

Finally the traitor Bergdahl will see his day in court for his disgusting abandonment of his unit. 2 men were seriously injured because of his cowardly actions and the Judge on his Court Martial case isn’t too happy about it. One of the rarest charges in the military has been levied at Bergdahl and the Judge plans to see it through.

According to Western Journalism :

Despite efforts by his defense attorneys to have the charge dropped, Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl will face the rare charge of misbehavior before the enemy — which carries a possible life sentence — when he faces his court-martial in October.

The charge is levied against a solider who endangers his comrades. In 2009, Bergdahl walked off his post in Afghanistan. Bergdahl then spent five years as a captive held by the Taliban. Bergdahl was freed in a controversial May 2014 prisoner swap that included five Taliban leaders being released from the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Col. Jeffery Nance, the judge in the case, rejected arguments by the defense that the charge of misbehavior should be dropped, while admitting that case law on the charge is scarce. The defense said that crime was more serious than warranted. “There is simply no way the accused could not reasonably have understood that his conduct was proscribed,” Nance wrote. “The government avers that the accused left his combat outpost intentionally, without authority and for the purpose of causing search and recovery operations, which he ultimately did cause. How could such alleged conduct be characterized as anything other than misconduct under any definition of the word?” he wrote.

Bergdahl is charged with “misbehavior before the enemy by endangering the safety of a command, unit or place” and “desertion with intent to shirk important or hazardous duty.” The desertion charge carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison. Nance also ruled this week that evidence of injuries to those who searched for Bergdahl can be used in the sentencing phase of Bergdahl’s court-martial. He would not allow that evidence to be used in determining Bergdahl’s guilt or innocence because it might trigger a verdict based on emotion and not the facts.

Sgt. 1st Class Mark Allen and retired Senior Chief Petty Officer James Hatch, a Navy SEAL, were both injured while searching for Bergdahl. “Neither Allen nor Hatch would have been where they were doing what they were doing but for the actions of the accused, assuming he is found guilty of (misbehavior before the enemy),” Nance wrote. Allen was shot in the head while searching for Bergdahl. He suffered a traumatic brain injury, is confined to a wheelchair and is unable to communicate. Hatch suffered a career-ending broken femur on a separate mission to search for Bergdahl.
Bergdahl likes to claim that he abandoned his post to “save the lives of his fellow soldiers,” but I am not buying it as most of America isn’t buying it. He is a coward and should be treated as such. We don’t like traitors and this one got men hurt. He needs to pay for his crimes and as harshly as the courts allow!

BREAKING: Five Cops Assassinated After Following Obama’s Old Order To Leave This One Thing Behind

BREAKING: Five Cops Assassinated After Following Obama’s Old Order To Leave This One Thing Behind

Something needs to be done about groups like Black lives matters. Recently 5 police officers were killed by Black Lives Matter terrorist Micah Xavier Johnson. Time and time again we keep informing the public that political correctness kills, sadly this time it was literally.

Dallas Police Association Mike Mata told CBSLocal News, “They were told not to wear their heavy gear,” which, if worn, “may have stopped some of those rounds.” Logically this can say that because of this command, that could be the reason that cost these police officers lives.

When will the United States Government repeal the lax law and order laws that were made by Obama? Facts are facts, the way that Black Lives Matter conducts their business are acts of terrorism. Similar tactics they use are what the Palestinians use when they terrorize innocent Israelis. In the interview, Mata said, “They didn’t want the police department to look militaristic to the community, look aggressive, incite any type of trouble.”

All of the officers who worked the event wore standard issued soft armor, but followed orders and left their better protective gear behind, including ‘stronger, thicker body armor, and helmets’ in their cars. Again this needs to change to protect the men and women who protect the citizens of the United States of America.

Lawmakers need to stop taking many recesses and start working to ensure their safety. We elected a President who wants to bring back law and order. Enough with the anti-Trump nonsense and let the man do his job. America’s finest have families that they provide for.

Dallas Officers Told To Leave Armor Behind Before Attack

Dallas, TX – Dallas police officers who worked a Black Lives Matter rally July, 2016, were not allowed to wear certain armor because it would look “too militaristic”, according to CBSLocal. The political correctness might have cost them their lives.

Five police officers who worked that rally were murdered by Black Lives Matter terrorist Micah Xavier Johnson. Dallas Police Association Mike Mata told CBSLocal News, “They were told not to wear their heavy gear,” which, if worn, “may have stopped some of those rounds.”
In the interview, Mata said, “They didn’t want the police department to look militaristic to the community, look aggressive, incite any type of trouble.” All of the officers who worked the event wore standard issued soft armor, but followed orders and left their better protective gear behind, including ‘stronger, thicker body armor, and helmets’ in their cars.

According to Mata, they were also not allowed to carry their department-issued rifles for the same reason. Armed with just their pistols, officers were outgunned by Johnson who used a rifle in the attack, which was the deadliest for law enforcement since 9/11.

Johnson, a military veteran, had set out to kill as many white police officers as he could, according to The New York Times. The assassinations were fueled by the false narratives and violent rhetoric of Black Lives Matter members, as shown by Johnson’s own words to police during the incident.

He said that he was ‘upset at the recent police shootings’, ‘…upset at white people’, that he ‘…wanted to kill white people, especially officers.’

The shootings were alleged to be payback for the July 5, 2016 shooting death of Alton Sterling by Baton Rouge police officers, and the July 6, 2016 shooting death of Philando Castile by a St. Anthony police officer.

Later on, after an investigation, the Department of Justice refused to charge the officers involved in the shooting of Alton Sterling. The officer who shot Philando Castile was acquitted by a jury.

Mata said that the protective gear that was not allowed to be worn might have saved lives, or prevented more serious injuries. He said “A lot of those shots, and a lot of those wounds …were chest shots, lower abdomen wound shots, and those heavy vests would have covered them.”