Trump Tweets an Obviously Edited Video of Him Beating #FraudNewsCNN and the Dems Still Have No Plan

Kayfabe. President Donald J. Trump is a genius and continuing his mega-colossal feud against the legacy media. On Sunday morning, he tweeted a photoshopped video showing him violently punching a man with the CNN logo on his head during a WWE wrestling match.
The video follows Trump’s series of tweets Saturday where he renewed his well-deserved resentment against what he called the phony “fake and fraudulent” media. He defended his amount of tweeting as “modern day presedential” and called out CNN saying, “I am thinking about changing the name #FakeNews CNN to #FraudNewsCNN!” Gawd, I love this man.

The original video footage is from WrestleMania XXIII (2007) when Trump matched up against WWE CEO Vince McMahon during a “Battle of the Billionaires” match. Both Trump and McMahon chose wrestlers to represent them in the ring and I suppose this is news.

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Flirting Flashback Clips of ‘Scorned’ Mika Explains a Lot! Check Out Her Schoolgirl Crush on Trump

Flirting Flashback Clips of ‘Scorned’ Mika Explains a Lot! Check Out Her Schoolgirl Crush on Trump

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

That could explain Mika Brzezinski‘s rage toward President Donald Trump, according to social media observers.

The MSNBC host has been locked in an escalating feud with the president after he mocked her “bleeding face lift” this week following months of ugly personal attacks by Brzezinski.

Since then, the two have thrown petty jabs back and forth. But could Mika’s fury stem from a deep-seated, unrequited secret crush?

That’s what observers suggested on social media, pointing to old footage of the 50-year-old divorcée flirting with the billionaire mogul before he became president.

“Mika Brzezinski is a gushing ,” one Twitter user said. “Clearly, she’s got it bad for the Don, Don .
YouTuber “Godfrey Reborn” followed up by posting a video montage of Mika flirting outrageously with Trump and lovingly stroking his hair when he visited her “Morning Joe” show over the years.

Ironically, Trump had been on good terms with Mika Brzezinski and her boss/lover/fiance Joe Scarborough before falling out in recent months after the couple viciously attacked the president daily on their morning news show.

As everyone in media knows by now, trashing Trump is a ratings bonanza for cable news shows, even one as low-rated as MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

Mika — who admitted she’s neurotic and pathologically insecure in her 2014 memoir— has called Trump “mentally ill,” crazy, unfit to be president, a liar, and other nasty names.

But the minute the president jabbed back, self-proclaimed feminist Mika played the “woman victim” card, and the anti-Trump liberal media piled on.

Brzezinski amped up her attacks by telling InStyle magazine she thinks Melania Trump secretly wants to leave Donald, but is staying for the sake of their 11-year-old son Barron.

The First Lady immediately smacked Brzezinski down, suggesting she’s a shriveled press whore who’s saying outrageous things against her husband for media attention.

“It is sad when people try to further their own agenda by commenting on me and my family, especially when they don’t know me,” Melania told the Daily Mail.

Meanwhile, Brzezinski denied getting a face lift, insisting she only got plastic surgery to tighten the jowls under her neck after her mom mocked her “turkey neck.” Um, okay…
P.S. – Mika, no one cares if you got a face lift. TV stars get plastic surgery all the time. Just don’t lie about it as you call the president a liar around the clock.

Warning Issued About 4th Of July BBQs 48 Hrs Before The Holiday After Common Item Nearly Kills Man

Warning Issued About 4th Of July BBQs 48 Hrs Before The Holiday After Common Item Nearly Kills Man

Most Americans across the country have already gotten a head start on celebrating Independence Day by taking advantage of the long weekend. Knowing that most people’s plans probably include a barbecue or two, you may want to think twice before getting your grilling on. Authorities have just issued an urgent warning after one man nearly died from a common item at cookouts and there could undoubtedly be more if some don’t get the message in time.

Barbecues are part of what makes summer so great but there’s something that could ruin it in a hurry if you’re not careful. Hot grills, coals, and undercooked meat are certainly all obvious dangers, but now there’s something far sneakier to be concerned about that could severely harm or kill you or anyone at your barbecue.

Chester Poole was cooking burgers for his family and had made one he was really proud of. Anticipating that first bite, he bit down into his masterpiece that had just come straight off the grill and got a sharp pain instead of the enjoyable juicy mouthful of grilled meat. Seconds later, he was screaming in pain and had to be rushed to the ER where he underwent emergency surgery.

Poole was diligent about cleaning his grill and like most people used a wire grill brush to clear off the grates. These seemingly indestructible tools can slough off more than just charred piece of food left behind, as Poole found out the hard way. Some of the tiny wire bristles had come off in the cleaning process. When Poole put his fresh meat on the grill, his patty picked up the bristle and had gotten lodged in his throat on his first bite.
CTV News reports:

Poole told CTV Atlantic on Thursday that he immediately went to the hospital where he was told to avoid drinking or eating until he could see an ear, nose and throat specialist in Halifax the next day.
“The doctor came in and he said, ‘I want to be brutally honest with you,’” Poole recounted. “He said, ‘There is one chance in 100 that I am even going to find this.”

The doctor who examined Poole’s throat, Dr. Tim Brown, said he generally sees a couple of similar cases every year.

“It is a tiny little needle and if you think of the neck as a haystack they can get lodged anywhere between the mouth and all the way down to the throat and even further, so finding it in soft tissue back there, this tiny little filament, can sometimes be almost a mission impossible,” Dr. Brown said.

Despite the slim odds, Dr. Brown was able to locate and remove the pin-sized metal bristle from Poole’s throat.
Authorities are warning of what to look for so this doesn’t happen to you or anyone else you know. While they encourage cleaning the grill, they say to be sure to check the bristles on your wire brush on a regular basis. Over time, they can become rusted, loose, or sparse and will stick to your grill without you realizing it. Since they are so small, you may not even see them on the grill and won’t even know it’s there until it gets in your food and into your body where it will certainly be felt.

Poole contends that his barbecue brush wasn’t even that old or well-worn when he swallowed the bristle, CTV News reports. “If you’re not concerned about yourself, I think you should be concerned about your kids, grandkids, even church groups that have church barbecues,” he said.

The Yarmouth man said he won’t be using another wire barbecue brush in the future and has since switched his previous one with a wooden scraper instead.

There is no shortage of things to be concerned about when trying to enjoy yourself this summer and especially this Independence Day. While these things shouldn’t hold you back, you need to be aware of the dangers as to avoid anything that could ruin your good time and our nation’s birthday. Spending time with those you love is the most important, which is better spent outdoors rather than in a hospital.

Please share this warning with everyone who has plans to barbecue this summer so they can avoid this little-known danger with a potentially devastating outcome.

SURRENDER : Angela Merkel Just Caved to Trump and IT’S GLORIOUS!

SURRENDER : Angela Merkel Just Caved to Trump and IT’S GLORIOUS!

President Trump simply can’t stop winning.

The brilliant thing about Trump is that most of his winning stems from his amazing ability to negotiate.

He’s now using the same business savvy that made him a successful billionaire to negotiate with world leaders in the best interests of America.

In his latest victory, German Chancellor Angela Merkel caved to Trump’s pressure and has significantly reduced her G20 Climate Plan.

American strength.

We love it!

From Breitbart

Germany has ‘massively weakened’ its climate action plan for next week’s G20 summit in Hamburg in order to appease Donald Trump.

According to a shocked report in the green, EU-linked propaganda outlet Climate Change News this represents a disastrous cultural surrender which

“….shows the degree to which the German presidency has bent to the will of the Trump White House.”
In public, Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel has been talking tough on climate change, promising to put it at the forefront of the G20 summit and making none-too-subtle swipes at any world leaders out there who happen to dissent from her position.

Without naming him, Merkel appeared to lament U.S. President Donald Trump’s uncertainty about human-induced climate change, saying, “We can’t, and we won’t, wait until the last person on Earth is convinced of the scientific evidence for climate change.”
Behind the scenes, however, it would appear that Merkel’s negotiating teams have been bending over backwards to tone down the climate action plan and avoid an embarrassing rejection by Donald Trump.
This can be seen by comparing the two draft climate action plans for the summit, one from March and the revised one from May. According to Climate Change News, American negotiators have watered it down considerably.

“The US massively weakened the language in the energy part of the action plan,” one source with knowledge of the negotiations said. “It pushed for references to so-called ‘clean’ fossil fuels and made it less explicit that the energy transition has to be built on energy efficiency and renewables.”
“It also provided cover to some other G20 members – such as the Saudis and Russia – to weaken some climate sections of the document, including the pledge to phase out fossil fuel subsidies.”
Here are some of the elements which have been removed from the original draft:

A 2025 deadline for the end of fossil fuel subsidies
References to the risk of “stranded assets”
A call for “the alignment of public expenditure and infrastructure planning with the goals of the Paris Agreement”
A push for carbon pricing
A commitment to publish mid-century decarbonisation blueprints by next year
A pledge to develop a “profound” climate plan for multilateral development banks
Seven references to the UN’s 2018 review of nationally-determined contributions
11 references to the 2050 mid-century pathway for net zero emission
16 mentions of infrastructure decarbonisation
In other words, this represents the most massive victory for climate rationalism and energy realism – and a crushing and humiliating defeat for the global green blob.