Huge Company Announces It Will “Lead The Resistance” Against President Trump
Instead of getting behind democratically elected President Donald Trump and his bold vision for restoring America’s economy to its former greatness, some businesses run by liberals are foolishly taking potshots at Trump at their own expense.
One popular company just took it a step further when its CEO announced that she was promising her whole company would help lead the “resistance” against President Trump.
Outdoor clothing a sportswear company Patagonia, which is based in business-unfriendly California, is dedicating itself to fighting against President Trump. Its CEO Rose Marcario is reportedly unhappy that Trump is reevaluating all the bogus “national monuments” former President Obama used an outdated 1906 law to create as part of a federal land grab.
Said Marcario, “A president does not have the authority to rescind a national monument. An attempt to change the boundaries ignores the review process of cultural and historical characteristics and the public input.”
Continued Rose, “We have to fight like hell to keep every inch of public land. I don’t have a lot of faith in politics and politicians right now.” The company has already donated more than $1 million to oppose Trump and Trump-backed politicians. Some are seeing this as a diversion tactic for the company after it was caught using child labor overseas to manufacture its garments. Will you boycott Patagonia?
Mad Dog Exposes SICK Thing Obama Did After Terrorists Killed US Soldiers!
The enemy of my enemy is my friend should be the life-slogan that Obama goes by. It has never been a secret that Obama is full of love and support for the very muslim countries that want western civilization eradicated, and he has always paid special attention to our biggest enemy-Iran.
In 2011 after Iranian-supplied rockets wiped-out nearly 15 U.S. troops every month in Iraq, General “Mad Dog” Mattis requested to launch a retaliation strike against Iran. Of course Obama denied the request out-right.
nstead of punishing Iran the way a true American President would have, Obama took it upon himself to REWARD them with more than $10 billion in gold, cash, and other assets starting in 2013.
The Traitor-In-Chief stated that he feared such a strike would infuriate the Iranians, and cause the dissent of the Iraqi Occupation to escalate, and he wanted desperately to end that. Obama feared the plan risked starting a war with Iran and he desperately sought to become allies with Iran instead.
Tragically 54 Military personnel were killed in Iraq in 2011, and yet the bogus nuke deal talks crumbled regardless of any strike. Mattis should have blown the Iranian scum to pieces, and as the President at the time Obama should have backed his play. Too bad we have been under the reign of a traitor for the last 8 years and our country is still paying the price for it!
JUST IN: Obama Flown To SHOCK Location After Susan Rice Agrees To Testify
In typical fashion, Obama is setting up his lackeys to take the fall for his crimes. Susan Rice agreed to testify before the House Intel panel on Thursday, prompting Former President Obama to jet off to Indonesia on a moment’s notice. He landed in Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital, Friday. (via ABC News)
Indonesia is one of the few countries that has yet to sign an extradition treaty with the United States, offering protection if an arrest warrant is release for the former president. Barack Obama spent his formative years in Indonesia, the most populated Islamic nation. He lived in Jakarta from the ages of 6 – 10, after his mother married Barack’s step-father, Lolo Soetoro.
Susan Rice served as the national security advisor under Obama, and has been accused by President Trump of spying on members of his transition team before he was sworn into office on January 20th. Investigators revealed that Susan Rice was responsible for revealing the names of members of the Trump campaign who were captured during the course of foreign surveillance, in a process known as unmasking. Rice originally denied any connection to the highly improper unmasking in March, claiming she “knew nothing.” (via Fox News)
However, after new evidence emerged connecting Rice to the unmasking, the former security advisor was forced to admit that she routinely sought the identity of Trump associates. The Democrat narrative immediately shifted. The mainstream media went to bat for Susan Rice, and moved the goalposts. It’s undeniable that Susan Rice spied on President Trump, so the Democrats, and the media, claim the spying was legal — and that Rice didn’t leak the information. However, President Trump never accused Rice of breaking the law or leaking information. Instead, Rice abused her authority, and performed a legal act in a highly unethical manner. She then made the information available to a large number of political operatives, who eventually leaked the information to the press.
Susan Rice’s guilt is enhanced by the fact that she was a political operative, and not an investigator, when she ordered the unmasking. The only reasons to unmask members of the Trump campaign are political. Obama is clearly terrified of the implications of Susan Rice’s testimony, and he’ll be avoiding the United States for the foreseeable future.
SERIAL LIAR: Senator Elizabeth Warren Caught Feeding The Press ‘Fake News’
CNN, The NYT and now the Associated Press are reeling in scandal after getting caught creating ‘fake news’ and now we know that one big source has been Mass. Senator Elizabeth Warren!
Elizabeth Warren became famous after she was caught using her ‘Indian Heritage’ to get her college and political perks. …Only to find out she has no ‘Indian Heritage’.
She is a great big liar!
Not only is he a big fat liar, she knows she has been lying!
The most recent scandal involves a story the Associated Press invented about an imaginary meeting between EPA administrator Scott Pruitt and Dow Chemical CEO Andrew Liveris, and then alleged that some kind of impropriety happened as a result.
The AP had to retract the story. Wonder where the story originated?
Amazing that this is nearly the exact mistake that cost three editorial staffers at CNN their jobs in a scandal that first exploded a week ago today.
It came from Elizabeth Warren who already knew it was a lie. She had already asked the Senate Intelligence Committee to look into it and she already knew it was false!
A Breitbart News investigation uncovered that no such “meetings” took place, the Senate Intelligence Committee was not investigating the matter, and the Treasury Department HAD ALREADY—at the urging of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) to now Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin before Trump’s inauguration—looked into it and determined the matter to be entirely “without merit.”
The CNN story said the Treasury Department was investigating the meeting at the behest of Elizabeth Warren who wanted to know whether it had involved a discussion of the economic sanctions the Obama administration had imposed on Russia. She already knew and did not care that she was trying to stir up a lie!
Breitbart News’s investigation into CNN’s very fake news piece forced the network to retract it. That has led to the resignation of three top officials from inside CNN. Now that the Associated Press has made literally the exact same mistake with different actors and players. It alleged a meeting took place that never occurred. That it supposedly led to something untoward that also didn’t happen. The news wire service is not stepping up and holding its staff to the same level of accountability. The only difference between the CNN scandal and this AP scandal is that the AP did not also inaccurately allege the existence of non-existent Senate and Treasury investigations.
You can count yourself how many of the 7 she is guilty of:
Proverbs 6:16-19 – 16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
Breitbart reports that Warren’s office has not responded to requests for comment on this matter. CNN’s Kuhn has not denied that Warren was involved in the publication of the hit piece the network has retracted.
Of course then there is the big NYT scandal:
The New York Times was forced to issue a correction on an article. It incorrectly claimed all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies agreed that “Russia orchestrated the attacks, and did it to help get [Trump] elected.” The lie was caught during the Comey testimony. Elizabeth Warren was an early caller for the Comey investigation. #JustSayin
Elizabeth Warren was one of the first Democrats to call for impeachment because of the supposed Trump/Russia collusion scandal.
Warren declared that allegations of collusion between President Trump’s inner circle and the Russian government were potentially worse than the Watergate scandal. She repeated that every ‘pressure’ available should be used to take him to the mat.
On a side note, there is also the time:
The Time Elizabeth Warren Lied to Avoid Disclosing $1.3M Line of Credit by failing to include a $1.3 million line of credit against her Cambridge, Massachusetts, home on financial disclosure forms.
BREAKING: Fight Just Broke Out In The Oval Office – Look Who Threw The First Punch!
Life in the White House is a whole lot of hustle and bustle. Everything is important, and everything’s got to get done now. Especially all of the things happening in the Oval Office. The President has the incredible responsibility of signing bills into laws, sending out executive orders and building relationships with foreign dignitaries. This comes with its own set of challenges, like the media that feels the need to record every single move that he makes.
The media is extremely vetted before ever getting near the President or any of the other high profile people who enter the West Wing of the White House, however, when there’s only so much President and so many square feet around him to do their jobs, things can get ugly. The media that usually have clearance to be in the Oval office was recently expanded to include the local affiliates of South Korean news organizations while the South Korean leader and his wife are visiting the President and First Lady in Washington.
Since these are people usually unfamiliar with the practices of the White House in general, and the Oval Office specifically, they didn’t quite behave the way they were supposed to. They got so out of hand at one point that the President actually called them down. They pushed and shoved until they displaced the furniture, knocked over a table and lamp and put the President’s bodyguard on extreme alert.
Via Daily Mail:
“A crush of photographers and reporters nearly broke a lamp in the Oval Office on Friday as they elbowed for room to see Donald Trump meet with South Korean President Moon Jae-in.
It’s customary for a limited contingent of journalists, called a press pool, to be allowed into the president’s office to witness him greeting heads of state.
But Moon’s arrival attracted a larger than usual contingent of foreign press from Korean outlets, and the White House gamely tried to accommodate them all.
Few in the group were familiar with how Oval Office photo-ops work.
As they clambered over each other to get the best view, still and video cameras smacked at least one print journalist in the head.
A few photographers pushed a couch. Which nudged an end table. Which sent an expensive lamp tipping over toward its doom.
A quick-thinking Keith Schiller, the former Trump bodyguard who now serves as director of Oval Office operations, saved the day with a one-handed grab.
Moon seemed amused.
As impatient shutters snapped fast enough to sound like a Washington downpour, the president turned to his Korean counterpart.
‘They knocked the table down,’ he said.
‘It’s actually a very friendly press. Don’t let that get you, although we just lost a table.’
Schiller, one of Trump’s longest-serving aides, was famously dispatched to the FBI quarters on May 9 with a letter telling then-director James Comey that he was being fired.”
It seems that the press was only more out of hand than usual because of the increased presence, but that didn’t keep the President from holding them to his regular standard. One could assume that President Moon Jae-in was smiling because it’s really not his problem to deal with. It would be kind of like if you’re at a friend’s house and their kids are acting up. You just smile and thank heaven it’s their kids and not yours because you don’t have to deal with the problem.
Other news sources reported more about the incident.
1 London reports:
“A crush of photographers and reporters nearly broke a lamp in the Oval Office on Friday as they elbowed for room to see Donald Trump meet with South Korean President Moon Jae-in.
It’s customary for a limited contingent of journalists, called a press pool, to be allowed into the president’s office to witness him greeting heads of state.
But Moon’s arrival attracted a larger than usual contingent of foreign press from Korean outlets, and the White House gamely tried to accommodate them all.
Few in the group were familiar with how Oval Office photo-ops work.
White House director of Oval Office operations Keith Schiller saved an expensive lamp from tumbling to the ground on Friday when a crush of Korean photographers slid a couch into an end table as they jockeyed to get pictures of South Korean President Moon Jae-in.”
Thankfully the incident was shut down in short order, but not before the President’s guards had to put fear in the camera-toting vultures who were a little too enthusiastic about their jobs.
I don’t know if there’s a “you break it you buy it” rule at the White House, but it does make you wonder what a lamp that lights up the executive office might cost. I know that if I were any of these reporters, I’d be watching where I put my feet from now on.