Carl Bernstein pulls this beaut out of his arse: We are in the midst of a ‘malignant presidency’

Journalism faux legend and horseshit peddler Carl Bernstein called on the US press Friday to rise to the challenge of the Donald Trump presidency, which he characterized as “malignant.”

“We’re in foreign territory,” Bernstein said, speaking on CNN’s “New Day.” “We have never been in a malignant presidency like this before. It calls on our leaders, it calls on our journalists to do a different kind of reporting, a different kind of dealing with this presidency and the President.”

Bernstein went on to argue that the Trump presidency’s deepest problems are becoming an open secret in Washington.

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BREAKING: Trey Gowdy Reveals Why Obama Really Fled To Indonesia

BREAKING: Trey Gowdy Reveals Why Obama Really Fled To Indonesia

Is it just a coincidence that Barack Obama and family are on an extended vacation in Indonesia precisely when Congress is investigating some of his top former officials with possible criminal implications for the 44th president?

It can’t be ignored that Indonesia has no extradition treaty with the US, and that Obama has family in the world’s largest Muslim nation.
This suspect series of events was hinted at by Rep. Trey Gowdy during an interview with Fox News.Gowdy is leading the charge against former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and he’s looking to put former National Security Advisor Susan Rice on the stand, too.
But the one Gowdy’s really gunning for is those two women’s boss – Barack Obama.

Mad World News commented:

Susan Rice and Loretta Lynch have one thing in common; namely, their boss to whom all of their activity was reported. That boss, Barack Hussien Obama, is now off river rafting in Bali like he doesn’t have a care in the world. Trey Gowdy is using Rice and Lynch to get to the one who ordered all of these illegal actions. Mr. Obama, now a private citizen with no special privileges, may be living it up at the moment, but he will have to come home and face Gowdy sooner or later. We can’t wait to see him sweat; the heat is on, and his special trips abroad are coming to an end, real soon.

Muslim Told Texas Man, “TAKE DOWN THE FLAG!”- His Response Is Amazing!

Muslim Told Texas Man, “TAKE DOWN THE FLAG!”- His Response Is Amazing!

Muslims are lashing out as Fourth of July celebrations ramp up. It’s clear they don’t respect our country, or our values.

A Muslim landlord demanded that Asian-American, Duy Tran, remove the American flag which Tran flew immediately after moving to the apartment complex. “I’m gonna leave my flag there, as an American, until she shows me proof that I don’t have the right to leave my flag there,” He shot back. (via The Political Insider)

Duy Tran says his landlord approached him shortly after he moved in, demanding he remove the flag hanging off his balcony — because it was a threat to Muslims!

“What really stunned me is that she said it’s a threat towards the Muslim community,” he told reporters in disbelief, adding, “I am not a threat towards nobody.”

The disgusting request was made just before our Independence Day celebrations. Other apartments in the complex featured proud displays of red, white, and blue.

Managers at the apartment complex refused to respond to questions from the local media. They justified their demand by referring to the safety of the community.

However, Duy Tran is not backing down, and he will not remove his flag willingly. Tran says he hangs the flag to honor his friends who died serving our country.
True patriots have leapt to the defense of the Asian-American, who is proudly displaying our greatest symbol of freedom. Thousands of patriots have complained to the building’s management.

Ultimately, the disgusting demand made by the building’s management reveals an unspoken reality about Muslims in America. Muslims do not respect our country, our flag, or the values it stands for. This is why Muslim immigrants, unlike other immigrants, flaunt American law in favor of their system of Sharia.

If you’re offended by the American flag, then you have no business being in America. America is the number one destination for immigrants the world over. We live in the most free nation in the history of man. If Muslims are not willing to assimilate to our customs and our culture, there are many other immigrants who will.

Now, there’s no denying that Muslims have no intention of integrating into American society. It seems the liberals know this is true, demanding patriots around the country, not just Duy Tran, quiet their patriotism.

The building’s management should be ashamed of themselves. We should never give in to anti-American sentiment.
What do you think about this comment below.

There Is Mostly Good News From The VA In June

There Is Mostly Good News From The VA In June

Amidst all of the reports from and about the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA), most of it in the last ten days is good news.

An excellent article entitled, “He Runs VA. He Soothes Trump. He Is: The Most Interesting Doctor In The World”, discusses the challenges Dr. Shullkin has experienced in his new position. As VA Secretary. After all, he is the first in this position with two attributes that are totally different from all of his predecessors: he’s not a veteran but he is an M.D. Many veterans think this is one good way for the VA to get their house in order.

And the VA announced last week a “Plan to Dispose Of Or Reuse All Its Vacant Buildings in 24 Months” (either by demolishing or setting for reuse). VA Secretary, Dr. David Shulkin said,

“We owe it to the American taxpayer to apply as much of our funding as possible to helping Veterans. “Maintaining vacant buildings, including close to 100 from the Revolutionary War and Civil War, makes no sense and we’re working as quickly as possible to get them out of our inventory.”
Then last week, President Trump signed the “Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017”. This bill will now allow Dr. Shulkin more freedom to reprimand or fire VA employees for failing to carry out the duties of their office. This is not automatic since all VA employees have an opportunity for an Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) for a review of their circumstances. Basically, the grievance procedure has been well established for years.

Veterans of Foreign Wars National Commander Brian Duffy commented,

“Accountability must be a two-way street, and today’s signing now provides VA Secretary Dr. David Shulkin the authority to manage his people in a manner expected of all senior executives, public or private. Weeding out the non-performers and those whose personal conduct brings doubt and dishonor upon thousands of dedicated employees is essential to restoring the full faith of veterans in their VA.”

We can only hope that with this new too., Dr. Shulkin will be much more able to get rid of the troublesome personnel who were involved with the VA appointment scandal.

But it’s not all good news, depending on your point-of-view. First, Military Times is reporting Veterans with other-than-honorable discharges will be able to access Veterans Affairs emergency rooms for urgent mental health care starting July 5,

At first, this idea may dismay many veterans, but Dr. Shulkin had a more important reason for this decision: he was recently quoted saying,

“We have 20 veterans a day taking their lives; that’s totally unacceptable.”


“Suicide prevention is my top clinical priority,” Shulkin said in a statement. “We want these former service members to know there is someplace they can turn if they are facing a mental health emergency, whether it means urgent care at a VA emergency department, a Vet Center or through the Veterans Crisis Line.”

Actually, saving veterans lives is always a good thing to do.

And finally, veterans should register with non-profit Veteran Tickets Foundation (Vet Tix) to have access to hundreds of free events for them and their families during the remainder of the year. Vet Tix has provided veterans, service members, caregivers and family members of those killed in action with more than three million free tickets to major sports games, concerts, and a diverse mix of other ticketed events

Indeed, they list on their website 2, 073, 294 tickets (and counting) they have already distributed.

To give you an idea of what’s coming up in July, Task & Purpose lists 21 events occurring in just this month alone.

We can only hope good news will continue to occur from and about the VA over the next six months of 2017!

In the mean time, have a great and safe July 4th, 2017 long holiday weekend!

Sasse, Paul And Trump Call For Obamacare Repeal Instead Of Reform

Sasse, Paul And Trump Call For Obamacare Repeal Instead Of Reform

In statements echoed by President Trump on Twitter, two prominent Republican senators have called for the GOP to skip the health care overhaul and focus on simple repeal of Obamacare if Republican Senate leadership cannot find 50 votes to move the current health care reform bill forward. Earlier this week, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) announced that a vote on the health care bill would be delayed until after the July 4 recess.

In a letter to the White House quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) said, “On the current path it looks like Republicans will either fail to pass any meaningful bill at all, or will instead pass a bill that looks to prop up many of the crumbling Obama care structures.”

“We must keep our word,” Sasse continued. “Therefore, if on July 10 we don’t have agreement on a combined repeal and replace plan, we should immediately vote again on… the December 2015 Obamacare repeal legislation that the Congress passed but President Obama vetoed.”

Within a few minutes of Sen. Sasse’s discussion of re-introducing the 2015 bill, HR 3762, President Trump tweeted support for the idea. “If Republican Senators are unable to pass what they are working on now, they should immediately REPEAL, and then REPLACE at a later date!” Trump said on Twitter.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) also endorsed the idea. “I have spoken to @realDonaldTrump & Senate leadership about this and agree. Let’s keep our word to repeal then work on replacing right away,” Paul tweeted.
The 2015 bill in question, HR 3762, was not technically a full repeal of Obamacare either since it also amended the Affordable Care Act rather than repealing it outright. A full repeal would require 60 votes for cloture in the Senate, which is far out of reach. The bill passed the Senate in a largely party line vote on December 3, 2015 by a 52-47 margin.

Sasse has not suggested a strategy for passing a 2017 version of the bill. The problem for Republicans on passage of the current health care reform bill is that nine Republican senators are reportedly in opposition to the bill. Assuming no Democrats cross the aisle, Republicans could lose no more than two senators and still be able to pass the bill.

The current Republican opposition to the health care reform is from both the center and the right wings of the GOP. Moderate Republicans such as Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Rob Portman (R-Ohio) argue that the bill hurts too many people on Medicaid in their states while conservatives such as Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) say that the bill does not go far enough in reforming Obamacare. With eroding support from both ends of Republican political spectrum, the current bill has little chance of passage.

Sasse’s plan to revive the 2015 bill is a partial answer in that it should bring the conservatives back on board. The problem is that Republicans would still need moderate votes to move the bill forward.

When the bill originally passed in 2015, Republicans held two more seats in the Senate than they do today. Back then, two Republicans crossed party lines to vote against the bill: Susan Collins and Mark Kirk (R-Ill.). Kirk lost his seat to Democrat Tammy Duckworth in 2016, but Collins is still in the Senate and could be counted on to vote against the bill once again. That leaves Republicans with a one vote margin.

Earlier this year, The Resurgent reported that four Republican senators who had voted for the 2015 bill would refuse to vote for a bill that did not allow a slow phase out of the Obamacare Medicaid expansion. If Shelly Moore-Capito (R-W.V.), Rob Portman (R-Ohio), Corey Gardner (R-Col.) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) stick to their pledge, it would doom Sasse’s plan.

Still, a deficit of five votes is a more surmountable obstacle than the deficit of nine votes that the GOP currently faces. It is possible that pressure could be brought to bear on the four senators who previously voted for the bill that would keep them in the “yes” column.

An additional risk would be with the reform that still must come after the passage of the near-repeal. Democrats might be persuaded to join the reform effort if most of Obamacare was gutted, but they might also adopt a you-break-it-you-bought-it policy that would allow them to campaign against the Republican-created chaos in the health care markets in 2018 and beyond. Given recent Democrat obstructionism, there is little doubt which course they would take.

Still, as the Republican health care reform seems increasingly dead in the water, Sasse’s plan, long shot that it is, may be the only viable option to keep the GOP promise to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Originally published on The Resurgent