Entering Heaven Alive & Where is the Garden of Eden? Ancient Scriptures Discovered

Entering Heaven Alive & Where is the Garden of Eden?Ancient,Scriptures,Discovered,Latest,Analysis
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Cydonia and the Anunnaki (Sitchin Chronicles EP 7)

“The Sitchin Chronicles” is a YouTube series produced by the Ancient Astronaut Archive that highlights the articles Zecharia Sitchin published in the last decade of his lifer. Many of these publications are several years old and therefore some of the data may seem to be out of date. However, the Archive has attempted to up the information in footnotes along the way in in each presentation. It is important to understand that this series is dedicated to preserving and disseminating this information for future students of the Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis. Even these presentations will become “dated” as time passes and all viewers are encouraged to research the newest findings related to each respective topic.

The Archive appreciates every single person who decides to become a subscriber. The primary purpose of this channel is to introduce, expand, and exponentially increase every single viewer’s understanding of the Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis and ancient History in general.

Simple Rules for Commentary:

1. No links to videos or websites.
2. No attacks on other commentators.
3. No religious diatribes.
4. No supererogatory obscenities

MORE INFO::_____________________________________________________
Website: http://www.ancientastronautarchive.com
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/ancientarchive
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/aaarguments
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A Ride for the Red Planet | The Daily 360 | The New York Times

Step inside this Mars rover concept vehicle created as part of the Kennedy Space Center’s “Summer of Mars” campaign to celebrate advances in exploration of the planet.

By: A.J. Chavar, Nathan Griffiths, Samantha Quick, and Joshua Thomas

Subscribe on YouTube: http://bit.ly/U8Ys7n

The Mars Rover can be used as a habitat or a laboratory, splitting into two sections for different purposes. The vehicle is solar-powered, and could function on Mars well. Though the concept vehicle will never actually fly to Mars, it leads to mind to wonder what could be in store for future space exploration.


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A Ride for the Red Planet | The Daily 360 | The New York Times