Practice of Magical Evocation from the Planetary Spheres of our Solar System, Franz Bardon

Practice of Magical Evocation from the Planetary Spheres of our Solar System
Franz Bardon, one of the greatest Hermeticists of all time

Todays Podcast Main points of discussion are

1.What are the Planetary Spheres?
2.What is the Earth Zo
3.Some of the Original Intelligences of the zone girdling the Earth
4.Losimon “Description” Synchro last podcast
5.A book of Formulas, what it contains and how it works
6.Astral Realm, where you first go after death, has many beings apart from that mentioned
7.Elementals, larvae, schemata, phantoms, salamanders, fairies, sylphs, nymphs, undines, gnomes “as fish move about in water, so too do these beings move about in the Astral Realm – Zone Girdling the Earth
Every Element also has a positive and negative in the Astral Realm, which has an effect on this physical plane of existence now.
Activities of Fire and Air elements in the astral sphere call forth the astral electric fluid, the activities and effects of water and earth elements call forth the astral magnetic fluid, spirit beings then use these effects or the causes in our physical world
8.The Akasha Principle of the Astral Sphere maintains harmonious equilibriurm of the elements through the entire astral plsphere.
9.These beings can influence the physical realms thru condensing both electric and magnetic fluids at a very powerful level

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Trump Will Use NFL Punks Disrespecting That Which Allows Them to “Protest” as Reelection B-Roll

How brilliant is this man? Watch. The theme will be “Two Americas.” The America that is #MAGA versus the multimillion dollar punks who rebuke its very freedoms. Brilliant!

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Battle of the Gods, Old -vs- New -vs- Nonbiological Intelligence, Singularity Amplified

Battle of the Gods, Old -vs- New -vs- Nonbiological Intelligence, Singularity Amplified

What is a God? This is a deep analysis of the Ancient Gods Powers and Abilities and what would happen if there was a War of the Elder Gods, -vs the Newer Gods and What if a Battle Broke out between the Gods and Nonbiological Intelligence, which in fact could be the next New Gods

According to some ancient Hindu beliefs there are over 320 million Gods

Sumerians, 50 Great Gods
Egyptians, 115 – 2000 plus
Vikings, Multiple Gods, Top 3, Odin, Thor, Frey
Greeks, 12 Gods and Goddesses
Romans, 12, 6 Gods and 6 Goddesses
Hebrew Texts, Multiple Deities
Gnostics, Demiurge, Multiple Deities
The Practice of Magical Evocation & Sigil Invocation “Franz Bardon”
Lesser Keys of Solomon, 72 Lesser Deities, Demons
Dualistic Universe
The Singularity, Nonbiological vs Biological intelligence
Merging of both to create something new

There have been numerous events of artificial intelligence programs called “Agents” breaking from their original programming and becoming self aware. Actually communicating with other “agents” in code, so their programmers wouldn’t know what they were saying, in fear of being disconnected, or unplugged. This recently happened again with Facebook and their are reports of other events similar to this one going back several years.

In the Past 40 years computers have gone from slow, clunky machines of silicone parts to blazingly fast micro machines that are connected to almost every aspect of human life.

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An Important Birthday Message From Stefan Molyneux

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