Just whose job is it to decide what’s fake news in the first place? — Lionel

Social media platforms have promised to cut down on the amount of “fake news” propagated on their sites. We hear from blogger Charlie Peach, who said she was suspended after Twitter falsely accused her of being a Russian bot. Then, legal and media analyst Lionel of Lionel Media tells RT America’s Ashlee Banks that it’s wrong for companies like Facebook or Google to decide what’s real and what’s not.

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The Truth About The Fusion GPS Dossier Collusion Scandal

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The now-infamous “Golden Showers” dossier has Fusion GPS in the spotlight as serious questions are raised about who funded the largely discredited or unverified allegations against Donald Trump and his campaign associates.

In April 2016, the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee used lawyer Marc Elias to retain and fund Fusion GPS for opposition research, leading to the “Golden Showers” dossier.

In June 2016, former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele and his company Orbis Business Intelligence are hired by Fusion GPS to specifically investigate Trump’s possible connections to Russia. What is the truth about the Fusion GPS dossier collusion scandal?

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BuzzFeed says the skincare industry is a vast conspiracy to promote white supremacy.

Yes, really.

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