The ongoing migrant crisis in Myanmar’s state of Rakhine reportedly revolves around the country’s oil reserves, and international Islamic terror groups. One America’s Kristian Rouz has the story.
Day: December 14, 2017
She Really Is
When she saw someone raising the American flag on a flag pole, you won’t believe what she did. Order my new book, The True Story of Fake News: How Mainstream Media Manipulates Millions, from Amazon here: or download the e-book from Kindle, iBooks, Google Play, or Nook.
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If Strzok and His Gal Pal Used the N-Word in Texts He’d Be Fired, But Slam Trump and He Gets a Pass
The point that’s being missed altogether regarding Strzok’s emails with his lawyer lady friend Page is not that bias is to be unexpected and is not a disqualifier per se, because it very well can be. Let me propose this hypothetical. Imagine if the FBI were investigating civil rights violations and one agent repeatedly referred to African-Americans disparagingly and peppered texts with N-bombs and the like, that agent would be summarily dismissed instanter with no questions asked. And most probably dismissed as one could understand. Why? Because he evinced an animus towered the subject matter of his investigations as well as an avowed hatred that would make his further duties impossible. Yet, two critical actors in the Trump administration can spew incessant hatred and that in no wise affects their ability to investigate all matters Trump?! Not to mention, this now calls into question Strzok’s recommendation and the FBI’s decision to pull a 180º on Comey’s initial recommendation to prosecute. Through into the mix Flynn’s potential claims of Brady and Giglio as the government withholding potentially exculpatory evidence, viz. violative prosecutor bias. And I haven’t even mentioned Flynn’s “Fruit of the Poisonous” tree allegations when you eliminate the Fusion GPS dossier which was the basis of initial FISA warrants which started this nonsense in full tilt.
Remember, all of this was a scene from the kabuki dance that was produced and portrayed to explicate Madame Oven Mitt’s loss notwithstanding her pledge of entitled canonization. Right after the Putin ate my homework bit.
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William Broom Do We Live in Times of Spiritual Revelation
Bestselling spiritual author and holistic thinker William Bloom shows how the mystics of all traditions communicate the same message: the more you know, the less you now. Yet we seem programmed to enquire and comprehend as if this will bring true illumination. And sometimes it does! William discusses this perennial paradox and assesses to what degree our modern culture offers anything new. Are we living in a time of revelation? Or is it just more of the same human delusions? William is realistically hopeful…
Recorded at Truth, Mysteries and New Frontiers [Glastonbury Symposium]
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Intro Music: Spellbound by Kevin Macleod
Outro Music: “Dark Trap” by rh_music
For any questions or concerns regarding footage used in this video, please contact me through the email stated above and I’ll get back to you within 48 hours. Thanks!