What Pisses Me Off About Leftist Propagandists

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Question: “The Mainstream Media’s audiences are dwindling nowadays. However, there has been an uptick in comedians pushing propaganda. I call this ‘comeganda’. In the category of ‘comegandists’ I include Jon Stewart and his pupils like John Oliver as well as others like Bill Maher and Jimmy Kimmel. These people have become the brain of the liberal millennial. Countering these comegandists has been tricky. Whenever questioned the ‘comegandists’ play the ‘I’m just a comedian card. Also their watchers are often stubborn, snarky, and unable to engage in debate. In addition, comeganda is short and uses comedy so it lures in low attention span millennials like a creepy old man offering kids candy. How can we counter this? Should we debunk their arguments? Should we ridicule them? Or should we make ‘comeganda’ of our own by blending humor and politics?”

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America’s Stonehenge 4,000 year old Mystery Monument

Built by a Native American Culture or a migrant European population? No one knows for sure. A maze of man-made chambers, walls and ceremonial meeting places, America’s Stonehenge is most likely the oldest man-made construction in the United States (over 4000 years old).

Like Stonehenge in England, America’s Stonehenge was built by ancient people well versed in astronomy and stone construction. It has been determined that the site is an accurate astronomical calendar. It was, and still can be, used to determine specific solar and lunar events of the year.

Various inscriptions have been found throughout the site including Ogham, Phoenician and Iberian Punic Script. Dr. Barry Fell of Harvard University did extensive work on the inscriptions found at the site. They are detailed in his book America B.C.

Catalonia’s Election: Young People in Spain Vote for the First Time

Catalonia’s declaration of independence pushed Spain into uncharted waters, and the national government called new elections in the region. With tens of thousands of young people preparing to vote, we brought together first-time voters on different sides of the separatist debate and gave them questions to ask each other.

Read the story here: http://nyti.ms/2kPe4go

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