AP Reporter Calls Trump’s Doctor For A Quote, Wasn’t Expecting This Response
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President Donald Trump’s former personal physician, Dr. Harold Bornstein, is a colorful guy. When a reporter called him this week to ask for a quote, Bornstein shot back with the last response the reporter expected.
Dr. Harold Bornstein made the news during Donald Trump’s campaign for the White House when he said in his report that Trump “will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.” Bornstein made headlines again this week for telling the media that the president’s bodyguard entered his office to retrieve Trump’s medical records after his election. Bornstein said he felt “raped, frightened, and sad” when Trump’s bodyguard took the records.
In February 2017, a top White House aide who was Trump’s longtime personal bodyguard, along with the top lawyer at the Trump Organization and a third man, showed up at the office of Trump’s New York doctor without notice and took all the president’s medical records.
The incident, which Dr. Harold Bornstein described as a “raid,” took place two days after Bornstein told a newspaper that he had prescribed a hair growth medicine for the president for years.
In an exclusive interview in his Park Avenue office, Bornstein told NBC News that he felt “raped, frightened and sad” when Keith Schiller and another “large man” came to his office to collect the president’s records on the morning of Feb. 3, 2017. At the time, Schiller, who had long worked as Trump’s bodyguard, was serving as director of Oval Office operations at the White House. [Source: NBC News]
“They must have been here for 25 or 30 minutes. It created a lot of chaos,” said Bornstein. However, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders explained that the confiscation of the president-elect’s medical records is a matter of national security and standard procedure.
The White House said Tuesday that President Donald Trump’s former bodyguard did nothing out of the ordinary when he took possession of the president’s medical records last year, despite a claim by Trump’s former doctor that the episode felt like a “raid.”
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders disputed the doctor’s characterization of the episode. “As is standard operating procedure for a new president, the White House Medical Unit took possession of the president’s medical records,” she told reporters at a White House briefing. [Source: Miami Herald]
According to The Daily Caller, when AP reporter Jonathan Lemire reached out to Bornstein on Wednesday for extra comment on the matter, he received an unlikely response. Apparently not a big fan of reporters, the doctor told Lemire to go check his “toilet” before hanging up.
“I just reached out to Dr. Harold Bornstein on the phone and identified myself as a reporter,” Lemire explained on Twitter. “His response: ‘Oh, you’re a reporter? Well, go back and report on how your toilet bowl works.’ He then hung up.”
I guess Dr. Bornstein doesn’t like reporters any more than President Donald Trump does, which is understandable. After all, Bornstein was running a nice, quiet practice until the media found out he had been treating the president. And, because the press has made it a habit to report on nothing-burgers, like Trump’s hair medication instead of real news that is actually important, they latched onto Dr. Bornstein, creating chaos in his office.
Indeed, the media might as well be reporting on how their toilet bowls work. They refuse to cover real stories, like the instrumental role President Donald Trump has played in bringing peace to the Korean Peninsula, and instead, they hound the doctor who prescribed him Alopecia for hair growth. Give me a break!
Melania ‘Paralyzed’ Over Devastating News About Barron That Could Force Her To Move To NYC
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A report in an online gossip website is now claiming that Barron Trump is now being bullied at school because of the alleged affair between his Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels, an event that allegedly took place over a decade ago. If this report is indeed true, then it’s starting to look like the first lady is considering how badly all this is taking a toll on their son while at the same time pondering if she should take him back to his old school and friends in New York.
It’s sad to see the President’s son being bullied for something that is of no fault of his own. Barron wasn’t even born when the alleged affair even happened. Social media has poured out tons of support for Barron as a result of the alleged bullying that’s going on surrounding the scandal.
The website Hollywood Life reported further on the situation with Barron, Melania, and Donald: “Melania feels paralyzed with anxiety by all of her husbands embarrassing actions and his latest lawsuit involving Stormy Daniels,” a Washington D.C. insider EXCLUSIVELY told HollywoodLife. “Melania has to be very careful about what she says and to whom. She feels like she can’t answer any question honestly and she is always restraining herself from her true feelings. She has not been calm or relaxed since becoming first lady and the new Stormy Daniels lawsuits have only made things worse.”
There’s been a lot of speculation that Melania’s unpleasant feelings can be seen whenever she makes a public appearance with Donald since the interactions always seem awkward. From the lack of hand holding to not walking together, Melania and Donald’s affection is seriously lacking, at least publicly. Melania can’t wait for all the infamous headlines to stop so she can stop getting the exposure she doesn’t want. “Melania is doing her best to stay calm and handle everything gracefully but she can’t wait for it to be all over so she can get back to being herself,” the insider continued.
Melania is not the only one having a rough time with Donald’s situation. The couple’s son, Barron, 12, is also reportedly getting bullied for his father’s current problems. “Worst of all, her heart breaks for her son who gets regularly teased at school and has a hard time defending his father to his classmates,” the insider shared. It’s so unfortunate for someone so young and innocent to have to deal with that so we definitely hope that Barron and Melania feel better soon.
News of Stormy’s lawsuit against the Donald came on Apr. 20. It explains that the porn star is suing the president after he tweeted about her claim that she was threatened by a man who told her to be quiet about her alleged affair with Donald seven years ago. After Stormy described what the man looked like it led to a police sketch, which Donald spoke out against. “A sketch years later about a nonexistent man. A total con job, playing the Fake News Media for Fools (but they know it)!” his Apr. 19 tweet read.”
What is truly heartbreaking about all this is the double standards we are seeing. We are now a nation which calls anything bullying, but this child gets bullied at his school and it may not be addressed by the school. This makes people wonder that if Chelsea Clinton was bullied when her father was caught in the White House with an intern 30 years younger than himself, that would Chelsea endure the same possible bullying? Probably not, because back then we all were convinced by the mainstream media that it didn’t matter. It wasn’t any of our business what the president did in the oval office, but it’s now our business what Donald Trump, as a private citizen, did 12 years ago.
What should Melania and Donald do about the situation? Share your thoughts below and post this story to a friend who might like it.
It’s Fun to Watch The Liberals’ and Never Trumpers’ Coup Dreams Die
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Face it: Hillary Clinton will never be Playmate of the Year. We know this because apparently only a former Playmate of the Year can finally be the one to take down Donald Trump and The Smartest Woman Ever™ was demonstrably unable to make that happen. This latest deus ex mockable solution to the problem of America electing a guy the elite disapproves of, convincing America to somehow turn on its President because a decade ago he engaged in in real life what hordes of creepy shut-ins engaged in in their own minds, is simply hilarious.
Trump hooked up with a Playboy Playmate! That’s the last straw!
Yeah, he’s done for now, according to noted Democrat political strategist Chet the Unicorn.
Whatever. The only danger Hottiegate poses to The Donald is carpal tunnel syndrome from thousands of high fives.
So, whatever the lucky Playboy Playmate’s name is joins Stormy Daniels, Pocahontas, not being nice enough to John McCain, telling the truth about illegal aliens, saying “schlonged,” having Russian dressing on his salad, and a thousand other forgotten “WE HAVE YOU NOW!” news cycle topics, on the endless list of WORST THINGS EVER! that were supposed to finally purge the scourge that is Donald Trump.
You liberals and your Fredocon lackeys need to get this through your heads. You are not purging this guy. He’s purging you. Just look at James Comey, who has gone from Tower of Integrity to Looming Doofus. The winding trail from the bottom of that famous escalator to right here and now is littered with the twitching bodies of those who thought they could take on The Donald and win.
And it’s a delight to watch you hacks go nuts about it.
Warning: When Trump denuclearizes North Korea and gets a peace treaty signed, everybody put on ponchos because the haters’ heads are going to explode. In the words of the late, great Marine R. Lee Ermey, it’s going to look like a “modern art masterpiece.”
Contrast that with the situation faced by Andrew McCabe, who now lives under a bus where his former pal Shady James Comey threw him. He’s going to get prosecuted and there’s no pardon for him at the end of that rainbow. See, the thing is he knows he’s hanging out there alone. He knows that no one will help him. And he knows he’s actually guilty of something. All that makes for a very chatty Andy.
He’s an ex-cop and a pretty one at that, so prison’s not going to be much fun. If anyone will spill the beans – and McCabe knows where all the beans are planted – then the smart money is on him. Just think of the agony on the MSNBC panels when McCabe starts talking about the conspiracy to exonerate Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit and the plot to frame the President. He’s got nothing to lose, and flipping on his Deep State crew is now his only way out.
Pity the poor liberals and their cruise-shilling Never Trump minions. It’s going to be hilarious when their scheme to bring down the President brings them down instead.
JUST IN President Trump Just Sent A Bunch Of ANTI-TANK Missiles To Ukraine… It’s Happening
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Fears of a third world war continue to ratchet higher. This time, the fear has spiked after president Donald Trump sent anti-tank missiles to Ukraine in a show of defiance against Russian president, Vladimir Putin.
The war games are all for show for now: that is until someone takes it just slightly too far…
President Trump’s administration supplied the weapons after shrugging off Putin’s warning whisking them off to Kiev could escalate a four-year smoldering war in the region. Ukraine’s defense minister General Stepan Poltorak was united with Trump and quipped he would waste no time in training his troops to use the highly sophisticated Javelin anti-tank weapons.
Poltorak showered praise on president Trump for a “positive decision which helps to significantly increase Ukraine’s defense capability and provide Ukrainian servicemen with modern weapons,” according to The Express UK.
Ukraine’s pro-western president Petro Poroshenko confirmed the arrival of the “long-awaited weaponry,” yet stopped short of saying just how many missiles were actually delivered. The ammo is part of a whopping $47 million Congregational military aid package that should consist of 210 Javelins and 37 launchers.
Russia is yet to respond on the gift but last year said Donald Trump has “crossed the line” by arming Ukraine and helping them repel attacks from Moscow.
US and Ukrainian officials have blasted Russia for reportedly shepherding in hundreds of tanks and rockets into the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine. Since the war there erupted, the US has provided more than $1billion of non-lethal military assistance to Ukraine in the form of night goggles, body armor, and Humvee vehicles. This was under the Obama administration, which refused to supply lethal equipment fearing retaliation from Russia. -Express UK
Before Trump stepped in, Poroshenko pleaded with western backers to send Kiev arms in the early days of the war, which has claimed the lives of more than 10,000 civilians making it Europe’s bloodiest conflict since the Balkan wars.