BREAKING News Out Of South Korea From President Trump… BIG

BREAKING News Out Of South Korea From President Trump… BIG
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National Security Adviser John Bolton on Friday dismissed a New York Times story about plans for a troop drawdown in South Korea as “utter nonsense.” The Pentagon also said the report is “false,” and President Donald Trump stated that a troop withdrawal is “not on the table,” Breitbart reports.

The New York Times story, published on Thursday, cited “several people briefed on the deliberations” who claimed President Trump ordered the Pentagon to “prepare options for drawing down American troops in South Korea.”

President Donald Trump said Friday that he will not consider withdrawing the 28,500 American troops stationed in South Korea as he prepares to negotiate the removal of North Korea’s nuclear weapons with its leader Kim Jong Un in the coming weeks.
“Troops are not on the table,” Trump said at Andrews Air Force Base just before boarding a flight to Dallas, Texas. The president denied a New York Times report that he had ordered the Pentagon to draw up options for removing U.S. forces from South Korea, reports.

Mainstream propaganda has been spewing lies and whatever agenda fits their daily insanity. One such topics has been our soldiers being pulled out of South Korea. CNN, MSM, NY Times and many more have all been saying that our President is serious about getting our troops out of South Korea.

Blunt Truth is:

President Trump clearly stated “TROOPS ARE NOT ON THE TABLE”
Officials with the Pentagon and the National Security Council also denied the report.
SOD Mattis stated our soldiers will remain in South Korea
Marine Lt. Col. Christopher Logan, a spokesman for the Pentagon, called the New York Times report inaccurate, adding American force posture and mission has not changed in South Korea and the Defense Department has no plans to adjust them.

“The president has not asked the Pentagon to provide options for reducing American forces stationed in South Korea,” Logan said. “The Department of Defense remains committed to supporting the maximum pressure campaign, developing and maintaining military options for the president, and reinforcing our ironclad security commitment with our allies.”

National Security Adviser John Bolton also denied the report on Friday.

“The president has not asked the Pentagon to provide options for reducing American forces stationed in South Korea,” he told reporters in Washington.

Ignore all the comments on Facebook from people saying our troops are leaving South Korea, ignore the fake news that spews their own agenda.

Providing the Blunt Truth and ironclad facts is vital and that is exactly what I do and will always do.

Chris “Badger” Thomas is a Veteran who served our country as an Army Combat Medic.


Reporters Harass Kellyanne — She Stops, Turns Around Makes Them Regret It

Reporters Harass Kellyanne — She Stops, Turns Around & Makes Them Regret It

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Kellyanne Conway was leaving an interview when she was swarmed by reporters who had been lying in wait outside of the White House. The counselor to President Donald Trump was bombarded with questions about former adult film star Stormy Daniels and her involvement with President Trump more than a decade ago. However, Kellyanne promptly stopped and turned around, then made every single insolent reporter who had attacked her regret it.

Kellyanne Conway was simply trying to leave an interview last week, but White House reporters didn’t even have the decency to let her pass without hurling questions at her about President Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels, the porn star who refuses to go away.

“Kellyanne, when did you first learn that the president had reimbursed Michael Cohen for that payment made to Stormy Daniels?” asked a so-called “journalist” from CNN.
“I have no comment on that,” said Kellyanne.

“Did you know about it before Sarah?” asked the same reporter, presumably referring to White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

“I never heard about that during the campaign,” Kellyanne responded. “I was the campaign manager. A lot crossed my desk.”

Then, a journalist said something which prompted a response from Kellyanne that shut the pack of reporters up immediately. “Can we count on the president to be honest?” asked the reporter.
After that question, Kellyanne Conway stopped, turned around, and breathed fire, according to The Daily Caller. “The president is very honest,” she said. “He promised to cut taxes, and he did. He promised to get North Korea and South Korea to sit down and change the course of history, and they are. He’s got his delegation over in China working on more fair, more reciprocal trade deals that stop screwing the American workers and American interests and American businesses.”

“We have a half a billion dollar trade deficit with them; it makes no sense to him,” she added. “If you see him yesterday surrounded by different faith leaders of six different religions and you see the reformed man that he brought up to the podium, that’s the president that I work for, that’s the president I know. But you should look at his tweets on that matter.”
The press, of course, hates to be referred to President Donald Trump’s tweets, so Kellyanne’s subtle dig at the end of her statement was not lost on the reporters who attacked her with their ridiculous questions at the White House. Trump already answered all of their questions via his personal Twitter feed, but still, they refuse to do their jobs.

Why didn’t these same reporters ask Kellyanne about the situation in the Korean Peninsula? South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un just signed a historic peace agreement, and Kim is set to meet with President Donald Trump very soon.

That’s big news, so why isn’t the media asking about it? Likewise, they did not want to discuss other real news, like the trade deficit with China that Trump is working hard to fix, or the steps he took on the National Day of Prayer in the interest of people of faith.

Indeed, the list of topics the press refuses to cover in favor of giving washed-up porn star Stormy Daniels more attention is a mile long; Kellyanne noted as much in her statement regarding the president’s many accomplishments at this point in his term.
The press has been so affixed on Stormy Daniels, though, that they likely will not report on any of the things Kellyanne mentioned. President Donald Trump has quite literally brought peace to the savagely war-torn Korean Penninsula, and the left is still whining about the crazed rantings of a porn star. Good grief.

Beyonce Has A Big Problem With What Melania Was Seen With, Accuses Her Of Stealing From Her

Beyonce Has A Big Problem With What Melania Was Seen With, Accuses Her Of Stealing From Her

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If this doesn’t go to prove that people today have way too much time on their hands, nothing will.

Last month President Donald Trump-hosted French President Emmanuel Macron for the first formal state dinner of his presidential administration.

On the day after the dinner, the president and first lady gathered on the South Lawn of the White House along with members of the Cabinet to greet President Macron and his wife, Brigitte. In a traditional arrival ceremony featuring a 21-g*n salute and a review of troops. The festivities involved nearly 500 members of the five military branches and it’s truly a spectacle to be seen.

But because we all know by now that people just lack the intelligence level nowadays to appreciate a ceremony like this, what caught the eye of the keyboard commandos on the internet wasn’t the ceremony, it was non-other than First Lady Melania’s hat.
We have the lowest unemployment rate since 2000. We have the lowest African American unemployment rate ever recorded. We have companies moving back from overseas and people are getting raises and bonuses. We have a historic summit in the Korean Peninsula and the end of the Korean War, after over 60 years. And the media and internet keyboard commandos are worried about the first lady’s hat?

In contrast when Obama would gloat when our unemployment numbers dropped from 9% to 8.9% the media and the unemployed liberals on the internet would rejoice for months although Obama’s whole 8 years in office were an economic recession.

And yes, today’s booming economy is because of the Obama Administration. It’s because the Obama Administration is gone and has been replaced by the strong Trump Administration which made people started to trust the economy once again.

Here is more on the economic numbers via The Epoch Times:

“The unemployment rate fell to 3.9 percent in April. The only time it has ever dropped so low since 1969 was in April 2000—for one month, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Employers added 168,000 jobs in April, fewer than the expected 193,000, partly because “cool weather may have reduced hiring in construction and other sectors,” in a research report obtained from Citibank.

Wages advanced less than expected, at 0.1 percent, which may ease concerns that inflation pressures are rapidly building up, likely keeping the Federal Reserve on a gradual path of monetary policy tightening.

“Today’s jobs report reinforces a number of themes we have emphasized: (1) US growth is set to accelerate in Q2, even as the rest of the world may be slowing, (2) the unemployment rate is likely to drop faster than Fed expectations, and (3) despite strong economic growth and a low unemployment rate, inflationary pressure remains muted,” Citibank said.

Manufacturing added 24,000 jobs, up from a gain of 22,000 in March.
Workers at the NLMK Indiana steel mill in Portage, Ind., on March 15, 2018. (Scott Olson/Getty Images)
President Donald Trump cheered the drop in the unemployment rate on Friday, May 4.

“I thought the jobs report was very good. The big thing to me was cracking 4,” Trump told reporters. “That hasn’t been done in a long time … we’re at full employment. We’re doing great.”

The unemployment rate is an incomplete indicator, since it excludes all who haven’t sought a job over the previous four weeks.

Part of the April drop in the rate was due to more people leaving the workforce.

There are almost 95 million people not in the workforce, including those over the age of 16 who don’t work and are currently not looking for work, mostly because they study, are ill, retired, or homemakers (pdf). Among them, there were over 5.5 million who wanted a job in 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

This number has been declining in recent years—a hint that more people who had given up on finding a job are now trying again and succeeding.

Bringing people back to the workforce was one of Trump’s campaign promises when he announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015.

“We have people that aren’t working. We have people that have no incentive to work. But they’re going to have incentive to work, because the greatest social program is a job,” he said in his announcement speech in Trump Tower.

He hasn’t stopped emphasizing the point since.

“Here’s a great stat – since January 2017, the number of people forced to use food stamps is down 1.9 million. The American people are finally back to work!” he wrote on Twitter April 23.

NO MORE GAMES! Trump Just Issued Blunt Threat To Democrats Over Border Wall Construction

NO MORE GAMES! Trump Just Issued Blunt Threat To Democrats Over Border Wall Construction

When President Trump was on the campaign trail he made the American people a promise. He would build a big beautiful wall on our southern border to protect our nation from the influx of illegal aliens as well as drugs, and human trafficking. The media automatically labeled then-candidate Trump as a racist hate monger. Even with the crime rates skyrocketing in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, the Democrats are still fighting the President every step of the way. The media hasn’t been fair to the President. Where were all of the protesters under President Barack Obama? Little known fact, Barack Obama deported more illegals from the united states than any other sitting U.S President behind him. President Trump has tried to compromise on DACA, and the Democrats sit back and take no action. They do not care about the illegal children that are here against their own free will. They do not care about anyone but themselves.

Now, President Trump is trying to keep his promise to the American people. The President recently made a trip to the border in hopes of hiring a contractor to start construction of the wall. The 1,900-mile border with Mexico is mostly desolate. There are only about 650 miles with some style of a fence in place. The U.S Border patrol claims there isn’t enough manpower, or technology to secure the entire border. This is another reason they endorsed then-candidate Trump for U.S President.

Democrats have been playing politics instead of doing what they can to protect the American people from the horrors that come across the border. The president vowed to do everything in his power to make it happen, even if there is a government shutdown.

The president did not specify what he meant by “closing up the country”, but last month he told supporters that unless Congress met his funding demands on border security, there could be a government shutdown in the autumn.Current government funding is due to run out in September.

The plan to build a wall with Mexico was one of the most prominent pledges in the president’s election campaign.

More than 200 central-American migrants traveled through Mexico as part of a “caravan” last month, intending to seek asylum in the US.

Although Mr. Trump had warned that they “had better be stopped” before reaching the US border, 228 people were eventually allowed to enter the US and apply for asylum late last week.

“We may have to close up our country to get this straight because we either have a country or we don’t,” Mr. Trump said yesterday. “And you can’t allow people to pour into our country the way they’re doing.”

Illegal migrants were exploiting a “catch and release” policy, he said. Under the policy, migrants are freed while awaiting a court hearing.

The President was in the midst of criticizing Democrats during a riff about border security when he slipped in the idea that people might “have to think about closing up the country.”

“They don’t want the wall, but we’re going to get the wall, even if we have to think about closing up the country for a while,” Trump said. “We’re going to get the wall. We have no choice. We have absolutely no choice. And we’re going to get tremendous security in our country.”

Trump then mentioned the notion a second time, saying, “And we may have to close up our country to get this straight because we either have a country or we don’t. And you can’t allow people to pour into our country the way they’re doing.”-CNN
The Democrats understand the American people are sick of their games, and Anti-American remarks. The only answer to staying in power is to pander to the minorities and illegals who are coming to America illegally. They hope these people will become citizens, and or enact laws that allow them to vote. The majority of minorities in this country have always voted for Democrats. The Democrats understand this and are trying to use it to their advantage. This isn’t anything new. The Democrats have been doing this for decades. The LGBT community has been used since Harvey Milk was assassinated in the late 70’s. Democrats have promised for full marriage equality as well as constitutional amendments protecting them in the workplace as well as in the public. The rise of LGBT Republicans has proven Democrats have done absolutely nothing, and have only used the LGBT community for political gain.

Leave it to the Democrats to put illegals over Legal Americans and Veterans to hold on to Political power. President Trump is playing chess while the Democrats are still trying to figure out how to play checkers. There is no rush from the Democrats to help any of these illegals who are fleeing their war-torn nations because the cartels are ransacking their villages and homes.

BOOM! Check Out What President Trump Said At NRA Convention! Liberals FURIOUS!

BOOM! Check Out What President Trump Said At NRA Convention! Liberals FURIOUS!

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While speaking to the NRA convention on May 4, President Trump made clear that trusting the people with guns is part of trusting them with freedom.

Trump commented on freedom and his enduring trust in American citizens in the portion of the speech in which he addressed arming teachers to protect students, Breitbart reported.

“We support the Second Amendment, not only because we believe in freedom, but also because we trust in everyday, talented, wonderful people … And by the way, these teachers, they love their students. And they are not going to let anybody hurt their students. But you have to give them a chance.”
President Trump then changed gears and talked about firearms and pointed out that owning a firearm and being armed is American.

“In America we trust the people to be wise and to be good. We trust them to take responsibility for themselves, their families, and their communities. And that is why in America we have always trusted the people to bear arms.”

President Donald Trump took the podium at the NRA convention on May 4 amid massive applause, thanked NRA leadership and the “American patriots of the NRA,” then launched into a speech reaffirming that our natural rights originate in God.

Trump said, “The people of his hall have never taken our freedom for granted, ever, and you’ve never stopped fighting for our constitution.” He talked of NRA members’ commitment to fight for “our sacred rights, given to us by God.” Breitbart

“Your second amendment rights … will never, ever be under siege as long as I am president. … We believe that our liberty is a gift from our Creator, that no government can ever take it away. We have pride in history, and respect for our heritage. We put our hand on hearts for the Pledge of Allegiance and we all proudly stand for the National Anthem.”


President Trump’s conviction and his words showed that our rights and liberty come from God. Therefore, it is fitting that the people are free to exercise those rights and bask in that liberty.
Chris “Badger” Thomas is a Veteran who served our country as an Army Combat Medic.