BREAKING John McCain Reveals Who He Wants To Deliver Eulogy At Funeral, Says Trump Isn’t Invited
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Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) reportedly does not want President Donald Trump to attend his funeral, Breitbart reports.
What an a-hole.
Instead, those close to the ailing Senator have reportedly indicated that he wants Vice President Mike Pence to attend and former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush to be eulogists.
The New York Times reported on Saturday that McCain’s “intimates have informed the White House that their current plan for his funeral is” for Pence to attend while NBC News reported that Messrs. Obama and Bush are planning give eulogies at the service that will be held at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.
McCain is battling brain cancer and has reportedly said, “I don’t know how much longer I’ll be here.” His close friends from both sides of the political aisle have reportedly been visiting him in recent months at his Arizona ranch.
According to the Times, McCain’s closest family members have informed the White House that the current plan for his funeral is for Pence to attend the service to be held in Washington’s National Cathedral, but not Trump — with whom McCain has not had the greatest relationship.
Fox News reports that the Arizona senator, who was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986, cast a crucial vote against the repeal of ObamaCare in July, singlehandedly scuttling one of the Trump administration’s major policy goals, a move that provoked the ire of Trump but earned him a thank you call from Obama.
Back in July of 2015, Trump attacked McCain for the five and a half years spent in a notorious Vietnamese prison where he was tortured, telling voters in Iowa:
“He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”
Recently, Trump did not attend the funeral of former First Lady Barbara Bush “to avoid disruptions due to added security, and out of respect for the Bush Family and friends attending the service.” First lady Melania Trump attended instead.
NYC Mayor Plans To Open “Safe Spaces” That Will Mean Deaths Of Many Americans
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Instead of combating a deadly crisis, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is embracing it. He plans on spending millions of tax dollars on new safe spaces. These centers will encourage Americans to destroy their lives. The implications will be devastating.
New York City had a few good years. I can say that because I’m from there. For a decade or so, it had leaders with brains. Rudy Giuliani helped bring back the city from the brink of chaos. Even in the dark hours of 9/11, he helped restore the city’s dignity and strength.
Despite a few controversial decisions, Mayor Michael Bloomberg was also a smart leader. He helped secure New York’s economic situation; many of his decisions helped save the city billions. Bloomberg was so popular, he scored a third term — something previous mayors could not do.
But it seems like New York City jumped off the deep end when they elected Bill de Blasio. This liberal hack has been driving the city into the ground. His policies protect criminal aliens from justice. Taxes are soaring and jobs are declining. Housing in the Big Apple is becoming all but impossible to afford for anyone but the super-rich. Thanks to his terrible leadership, people are fleeing the city like never before.
But that’s okay! De Blasio has another idea that will ensure all law-abiding citizens will be afraid to walk the streets. He’s opening up safe spaces that will enable the sick, dangerous, and criminally addicted citizens to pursue their vices consequence-free. These houses will allow drug addicts to shoot up without fear of getting arrested — or getting help.
On Thursday, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio unveiled a new plan to open safe drug shooting centers – supervised drug injection facilities that he says will help curb the opioid crisis sweeping the Big Apple.
According to the mayor’s office the sites will be “safe” places for drug addicts to use illegal narcotics. But drug counselors will be on hand to offer users advice on how to get clean of their drug habits, Fox News reported.
Alongside the drug rehab counselors, the centers will also be staffed with medical professionals who will supervise users and will be on hand in case of an overdose…
The program will consist of four sites for a one-year trial period and will be set up at four previously established needle-exchange outlets. The centers will be set up in Brooklyn, Midtown Manhattan, Washington Heights, and the Bronx. [Source: Breitbart]
As someone who has seen loved ones suffer from addiction, I can say in all honesty de Blasio’s plan is reprehensible. It is evil and callous. Instead of seeking ways to get people off of drugs, he’s spending tax dollars to enable them. I’m sure all those “counselors” will be very effective at getting people off drugs when they’re the ones handing them the needles.
I promise you after one month, every counselor will quit after being overworked, attacked, or discouraged.
Think about the ramifications of this plan. Once again, instead of confronting problems, liberals are embracing them. Instead of trying to help the homeless, prosecute criminals, and get addicts off drugs, Democrats run head-first to empower them. It’s like they don’t care about helping people in need, despite what they always say.
Do you really think addicts will want to get clean when the city is giving them a place to shoot up? When New York City is literally putting the needle in their arm? In the world of recovery, they have a word called “enabling.” It’s when someone — thinking they’re helping an addict — is actually making it easier for them to use. This goes above and beyond enabling. It’s actively encouraging people to use.
The only reason I can see a Democrat like de Blasio supporting this is that they want people to die. Addicts will make use of these houses, exacerbating their addictions. It will accelerate their drug use, leading to a faster death. This is a cruel and ugly attempt at eliminating the “unwanted” drug addicts of the city, and the mayor pretends like it will help them.
Another problem is that these houses will be breaking federal law.
One drawback of the plan may be federal drug laws, which will be broken by those using the centers. The federal government has not issued a response to de Blasio’s plan, but according to federal law, such “safe places” would be illegal…
UNBELIEVABLE! McCain Just Gave Special Task For Obama To Do Right After He Passes Away
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Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. has been abuzz for months regarding the deteriorating health of Senator John McCain from Arizona, and the former presidential candidate. He has been in and out of surgery, recuperating, and healing in Arizona while his staff continues to work hard in Washington, D.C… However, more recent articles have come out on the headlines of media outlets insinuating that the end is near and the McCain’s are planning for funeral services and what will happen after he is gone.
One of the most recent reports states that Presidents Obama and George W. Bush are expected to give eulogies at one point during the funeral. Moreover, that McCain wishes for Vice President Pence to attend his funeral but that he does not want President Trump attending. Something that for those who have followed their relationship is not shocking at all, but for others may very well be.
The Hill reported,
“The 81-year-old McCain is currently undergoing treatment for an aggressive form of brain c****r that he was diagnosed with last year.
In an audio excerpt from his forthcoming memoir, “The Restless Wave: Good Times, Just Causes, Great Fights, and Other Appreciations,” aired by NPR this week, McCain acknowledges that he doesn’t “know how much longer I’ll be here.”
The senator has often had a contentious and rocky relationship with Trump. In excerpts from his upcoming memoir, McCain offers a sharp rebuke of the president, questioning his convictions as a leader and hitting him for his attacks on refugees and the press. “I’m not sure what to make of President Trump’s convictions,” he writes.”
While NBC News reported,
“The White House did not immediately return a request for comment. Trump did not attend the recent funeral of former first lady Barbara Bush in Houston, Texas, in order “to avoid disruptions due to added security, and out of respect for the Bush Family and friends attending the service,” the White House said last month. First lady Melania Trump attended the service instead, along with former Presidents George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and former first lady Hillary Clinton.
McCain’s wish for Trump to skip his funeral, first reported Saturday by The New York Times, comes as the two men have had a turbulent relationship, particularly since the 2016 presidential primary when Trump said McCain was considered a war hero only “because he was captured” during the Vietnam War and that Trump preferred military figures who avoided being taken prisoner by the enemy. Last summer, Trump blasted McCain for his “no” vote that helped doom a key Obamacare repeal bill in the Senate.
When Axios reported Trump had been “physically mocking” McCain for the thumbs down gesture the senator indicated during his vote, McCain’s daughter Meghan tweeted, “What more must my family be put through right now? This is abhorrent.”
Meghan McCain tweeted Friday that she was heading home to Arizona “to be with my family” and plans to return to her job on “The View” on Tuesday. She added, “Thank you all again for your prayers, patience, understanding and compassion during this time. It means the world to me and my entire family.”
Friends of McCain have visited him recently in Arizona, including former Vice President Joe Biden. McCain, who has served in the Senate since 1987 and in the House before that, has not returned to Capitol Hill for several months due to his c****r treatment.”
However, while all this is being discussed and dissected in the media McCain has been getting some high profile visitors. Former Vice President Joe Biden, whose son died of the same c****r McCain has, visited him in Arizona where he talked about the state of international and national affairs. After leaving the visit Biden told media outlets that McCain is worried about the state of the nation and that he feels the United States international reputation is being damaged.
CNN reported,
“The Times also reported that some McCain associates hope to see a “McCain person” take his Senate seat, and that Cindy McCain could be one such person. The senator’s wife, Cindy McCain, recently tweeted about Biden’s visit, saying, “Enjoyed a wonderful visit from @JoeBiden yesterday. Such good family friends. Enjoyed catching up!”
Devin Nunes Calls for Immediate Arrest of John Kerry for Treason – They Found Everything
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John Kerry’s legacy is permanently damaged because of his association and employment with the Obama administration. There have always been questions regarding the work he has done, especially in reference to the Iran Deal which he helped author and was terrible for the American people. Now, members of Congress have found him responsible for even worse crimes and it is all coming apart at the seams.
Devin Nunes, Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, is calling for Kerry, the former Secretary of State to be arrested for Logan Act violations. A 1799 law that to this day nobody has been arrested or charged with. This latest update came after the Boston Globe reported that Kerry was looking to save the Iran Deal.
For those of you who don’t understand what the Logan Act really is, this is what it promulgates in reference to private correspondence with foreign governments:
“Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply himself, or his agent, to any foreign government, or the agents thereof, for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.”
While Democrats are busy pointing the finger at Republicans and the current administration regarding the Trump-Russia Mueller investigation it appears they have plenty of criminality of their own. What they need to do is take responsibility for it instead of pointing their fingers at Republicans. They have plenty of blame to accept for themselves and there comes a time when enough is enough. And enough is enough.
The Washington Examiner reported,
“Meanwhile, Tom Fitton, who heads the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, said “Kerry making quiet play to save Iran deal with foreign leaders: report. I’m waiting for the Left to scream treason and for Sally Yates to invoke the Logan Act and demand a criminal investigation.”
He was referring to former acting Attorney General Sally Yates, who was concerned that former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn had violated the Logan Act during the presidential transition period after he discussed policy issues with a Russian envoy.
The Logan Act is a more than 200-year-old law under which no one has ever been prosecuted, that prohibits private citizens from acting on behalf of the U.S. in disputes with foreign governments.
President Trump found himself beset by Logan Act talk after the Republican Convention during 2016 campaign, when Trump sarcastically invited Russia to produce the 30,000-plus emails that Hillary Clinton deleted rather than turn over to investigators.
The Iran deal, struck in 2015, was struck during the Obama administration and put Iran’s nuclear program on ice in exchange for relief from crippling sanctions.
Trump, who has until May 12 to decide whether to continue on with the agreement, seek changes, or abandon it, has indicated he intends to pull out of the Iran deal, provided it is not altered, despite the protestations of European allies.”
Even if the Logan Act has never been used and is over 200 years old it nonetheless is a law that people cannot break. The rules set forth in our constitution are over 200 years old, that doesn’t mean we all of a sudden get to stop following them. They are the foundation of our country, our values, and our principles. As such, they need to be respected for that exact reason.
Democrats need to come to terms with the fact that they lost the 2016 presidential election and there is no going back. They can’t interfere now whether it is with the Iran Deal, North Korea, Russia, or anybody or anything else for that matter. Their time is up, they had their chance, and they floundered it, now it is time for the real professionals to come and clean up the mess.
Share if you agree what John Kerry did was illegal and that he should be held responsible for his actions as a result
Share if you agree it was Logan Act violation and that John Kerry should be charged with it
Share if you agree that Democrats just need to let go of their sadness and resent regarding the 2016 presidential election loss
Share if you agree what John Kerry did is representative of the overly dubious nature of the Obama administration and the lengths they were willing to go to
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