Rush Drops Bombshell “I Know The Name Of The Spy The FBI Put In Trump Campaign”

Rush Drops Bombshell “I Know The Name Of The Spy The FBI Put In Trump Campaign”

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Legendary conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh has announced that he knows the name of the spy the FBI put in President Donald Trump’s campaign. “It’s more like an operative employed by the FBI to basically entrap somebody who worked with the Trump campaign in a peripheral way, and it worked like a charm,” Rush said on Monday. This will infuriate you.

“I now know who the spy is,” Rush said during his live broadcast on Monday. “I now know who the FBI was running in the Trump campaign,” he added, promising his audience, “I’m gonna tell you everything the spy has done. It is the most amazing story. It is a story of entrapment. When you hear this, it’s gonna infuriate you. You’re gonna realize how utterly phony this entire investigation of Donald Trump is. It’s phonier than you even realize now.”

He then asked his audience, “Does the name George Papadopoulos ring a bell?” before explaining, “George Papadopoulos is the so-called second reason the Mueller investigation or the FBI investigation into Trump colluding with Russia began. The first reason we were given was Carter Page. A FISA warrant, as you know, was secured to spy on Carter Page because of the Steele dossier. But nothing came of Mr. Page.” Then, Rush explained why.

“Turns out it wasn’t Carter Page. It was George Papadopoulos,” said Rush. “And do you remember what they said Papadopoulos did? Papadopoulos got drunk one night at a bar in London and started talking to somebody that just happened to be an ambassador from Australia. And Papadopoulos told this guy that the Russians had thousands of Hillary Clinton emails. The New York Times weekend story, New Year’s weekend in 2017-2018, stressed that that is what actually triggered the investigation,” he explained.

“Well, Papadopoulos was entrapped by three people, including the person who is reputed to be the spy,” Rush went on. “George Papadopoulos, 24-year-old peripheral member of the Trump foreign policy campaign team. He was a nothing. He was a nobody, which made him a perfect mark. He was a young guy who wanted to go places.”
Then, Rush identified the FBI’s spy as a person connected to the Russians whose name is Mifsud. According to Rush, “another operative had informed Papadopoulos that the Russians had Hillary Clinton emails.” He explained, “Papadopoulos did not independently know this. He was told this by a Russian spy or a person connected to the Russians whose name is Mifsud. Mifsud operates with the person thought to be the FBI’s informant on the Trump campaign and the Australia ambassador.”

He furthered, “Papadopoulos passed this information along as though it were his own.” Rush explained, “He was just trying to fit in. He was just trying to be a big guy. Papadopoulos telling this story to the Australia ambassador is what triggered this as news. Papadopoulos did not independently know this. He was fed this information. He was used to be a Trump campaign official to make the statement to the Australian ambassador who could then report to the FBI, DOJ, that a member of the Trump campaign has been saying that the Russians have thousands of Hillary’s emails.”
He added, “The whole thing was a setup. It was perfect entrapment 101. When Papadopoulos was questioned about this by the FBI, he lied about some things, and that’s why [Robert] Mueller indicted him, convicted him, and he was found guilty of lying to the FBI because at some point he realized what was going on.”

Rush explained further, saying, “The informant and Mifsud implant the news with Papadopoulos that the Russians have thousands of Hillary emails.” He continued, “He’s hearing this essentially from people working — unbeknownst to him — with the FBI and the DOJ. So, he gets drunk one night in a bar with the Australian ambassador, which was also set up, and passes that information along as though it’s his own and he knows it as a Trump campaign person. That triggered. That provided an opportunity for the FBI/DOJ to say the Trump campaign knew that the Russians had 3,000 or thousands of Hillary Clinton emails.”
When you know the lengths to which the Obama administration went to try to destroy Donald Trump, it raises some very legitimate concerns surrounding the power and overreach of our federal government, an entity funded by the American people, which is intended to remain neutral. This is precisely the reason the phrase “Drain The Swamp” was coined. Washington, D.C., isn’t just full of freeloaders who earn a government paycheck without doing much; it’s also home to power-players who have enough influence that they can do illegal things to influence a national election without ever being punished.

My #Vegan #Plantbased Lifestyle: What I Eat For Breakfast Every Day

Let’s start with breakfast. A very simple formula to start the day. Every day.

These are the best sources I have found to research questions as to plantbased diets. Don’t assume anything. Reserach. And know who’s doing the preaching. Good luck and good health.

Dr. Michael Greger —
Forks Over Knives —
Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn —
T. Colin Campbell (China Study) —
Jeff Novick —
Dr. John McDougall —
Montefiore Einstein Cardiac Wellness Program —

Medical Disclaimer: The content discussed and presented is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease, or as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult with your advising physician before for starting any diet or nutrition plan or for treatment for a medical condition. #LionelNation🇺🇸is not a doctor nor does he play one on TV. But you already knew that. (Besides, Juris Doctor doesn’t count.)

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Trump Team Slams Shut A MASSIVE Loophole Illegals Use To Get Free Benefits

Trump Team Slams Shut A MASSIVE Loophole Illegals Use To Get Free Benefits

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The Trump administration has chosen to take yet another step in ending the flood of illegal aliens flooding across the Southern border of the United States and ending a policy that exempted pregnant women from immigration detention.

Under the new policy to be implemented, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers will treat pregnant detainees as they would any other, with the exception for providing necessary medical care and keeping a record of pregnant women while in ICE custody. The change was set in place by an internal directive issued in December by ICE Acting Director Thomas Homan. The policy change has been dubbed “Identification and Monitoring of Pregnant Detainees.”

This new directive supersedes the previous policy issued by Homan in 2016.

The new policy states that “absent extraordinary circumstances or the requirement of mandatory detention, pregnant women will generally not be detained by ICE.” The new policy change is absent much of the previous language used by then-Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson of the Obama administration in a 2016 memo heavily borrowed from concerning the changes. The changes went into full effect just this past Thursday.
ICE publicly announced the new directive – “ICE has ended the presumption of release for all pregnant detainees,” the agency wrote on its website, explaining the changes. “Instead, as with all detainees, absent the requirements of mandatory detention, ICE will complete a case-by-case custody determination taking any special factors into account. ICE detention facilities will continue to provide onsite prenatal care and education, as well as remote access to specialists for pregnant women who remain in custody. In addition, ICE ensures access to comprehensive counseling and assistance, postpartum follow up, and in certain cases, abortion services.”

The Hill explains –

“Philip Miller, a Deputy Exec Associate Director at ICE, explained that the period between Homan’s directive and enactment of the policy was allowed so the agency could have the proper training and infrastructure in place to handle pregnant women.

The email says that detention of pregnant women will serve to “better align with the President’s Executive Order.”

Trump signed an executive order in January 2017, tightening the way ICE conducts immigration operations and increasing the universe of immigrants deemed a priority for removal.”

An internal email was sent to ICE to complete a “case-by-case custody determination taking any special factors into account” when processing pregnant detainees using a question and answer. The email also details that “absent extraordinary circumstances, ICE will not detain a pregnant alien during the third trimester of pregnancy” due to potential liability and complications while in custody.

Most detentions are used as a precursor to extraction and removal from the country. Deportation generally follows and “because [women with late-term pregnancies] are not cleared for flight, therefore it would be inappropriate to use our detention ability for someone we cannot remove.” The thought process is that once the child is born the potential for elevated risk to both the child and the mother decreases dramatically if detention and removal do not occur until after the child is born.
Many illegal aliens are considered a danger to society or an elevated flight risk and in terms of risk to the community, it is vital to consider the full picture. They look at criminal history, risk assessment on men and/or women that commit violent or heinous acts. Women are just as capable of committing violent or heinous acts.

USA Today states of the previous ICE policy and the reason it was necessary to change was that pregnant undocumented aliens being detained were allowed to be freed on bond or supervised release. But President Trump has ordered ICE to keep more undocumented immigrants in detention, arguing that too many are released and never appear for their deportation hearings.

The new policy, which was quietly signed three months ago, angered immigration advocates and human rights organizations.

“Americans should all be horrified at the thought of innocent pregnant women —many of whom fled violence and abuse in their home countries — languishing in what are essentially prisons,” said Eleanor Acer, senior director of refugee protection for Human Rights First

Sneaky Meg Screws Queen, Books Infamous Trump Hater To Speak At Royal Wedding

Sneaky Meg Screws Queen, Books Infamous Trump-Hater To Speak At Royal Wedding

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Meghan Markle is making sure the royal wedding turns into a political event by choosing an infamous Trump-hater as the main speaker. There is no doubt sneaky Meg did not give the Queen the full story about the African-American clergyman who will deliver the main sermon during the ceremony. Most Americans will be utterly shocked to learn what this “man of God” will be saying about our great nation at the royal wedding.

His name is Michael Curry, and he is the current presiding bishop and primate of the Episcopal Church in the United States. He is the first African-American to be elected to that office in 2015. But, what he is really known for is his rabid hatred of President Donald Trump.

The UK Express reports, “He is set to march on the White House against Donald Trump four days after his royal wedding address. The first African-American primate of that church – he has branded Trump’s America First policy ‘a theological heresy for the followers of Christ.’”

Yet, he is pro-gay marriage and supports having the same church rights and ceremonies, given to heterosexual couples, extended to gay couples. In essence, he is all for condoning gay marriage as a holy right from God. That is not okay with most evangelical Christians and absolutely not okay for all Catholics.
Curry is upset that Trump has gotten so much support from many Protestant and Catholic leaders, and he is marching on the White House for the purpose of “reclaiming Jesus.” He wrote a scathing statement, summing up his main talking points, which no doubt he will work into his royal wedding sermon.

“We are living through perilous and polarising times as a nation, with a dangerous crisis of moral and political leadership at the highest levels of our government and in our churches,” Bishop Curry wrote. “We believe the soul of the nation and the integrity of faith are now at stake.”

He continued, “We reject the resurgence of white nationalism and racism in our nation on many fronts, including the highest levels of political leadership. We, as followers of Jesus, must clearly reject the use of racial bigotry for political gain that we have seen.”
This guy is a total political hack, and that’s proven right in his statement. In a paragraph on “the most vulnerable children of God,” he absolutely leaves out any mention of abortion. Instead, he uses his bishop’s miter as a political tool, writing, “We strongly deplore the growing [political] attacks on immigrants and refugees, who are being made into cultural and political targets.”

How can a Christian bishop write about the most vulnerable children of God, yet not one time mention abortion? Instead, every paragraph in his statement is directed at “highest political leaders,” meaning the Trump administration, and he is calling them racists, misogynists, and xenophobes.

His statement is sick and reads like a liberal guide, twisting his take on Christian values and turning them into political weapons to be wielded by the left. Anyone who voted for Trump is indicted right along with the president.

Christianity Today reported that the choice of Curry is odd for a royal wedding, especially since neither Meghan nor Harry has ever met him. They added, “While the choice reflects Ms. Markle’s own African-American heritage and the couple’s transatlantic relationship, it is a break from tradition [for royal weddings] in that typically royal preachers are senior Church of England clergy.”
Christianity Today also added, “The [bishop’s] declaration represents a comprehensive attack on President Trump’s agenda. The bishop doesn’t care about abortion, but don’t go messing with the Paris Climate Accord.”

It makes perfect sense that Meghan Markle would choose Bishop Curry given the fact that she was all about promoting the leftist “Hollywood politics.” Although nothing has leaked out on Curry’s sermon for the royal wedding, we can take a good guess as to what he will say since he will be taking his directions from Meghan Markle.

He won’t mention President Trump by name, but he will get his anti-Trump message across loud and clear. Using political pawns like “the poor immigrants and refugees,” he will be calling out anyone who supports borders or who is against illegal immigration, calling them racists and white nationalists

XXX Star Stormy Daniels Devastated As Leaked Docs Reveal Avenatti’s “Dirty Secret”

XXX Star Stormy Daniels Devastated As Leaked Docs Reveal Avenatti’s “Dirty Secret”

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For a while now, conservatives have had the overwhelming feeling that something wasn’t quite right about Michael Avenatti, the eccentric lawyer representing adult film star Stormy Daniels. However, no one could quite put their finger on the underlying issue. That is until now. Leaked documents have revealed Avenatti’s “dirty secret,” and Stormy is devastated.

Although Michael Avenatti makes television appearances left and right, there’s a slew of questions about him which remain unanswered. And, perhaps even more concerning, the folks over at CNN and MSNBC seem entirely uninterested in asking those questions.

For instance, who’s paying this guy? And, how much is he being paid? Daniels has confirmed that she isn’t footing the bill, and Avenatti’s round-the-clock availability to the media seems to indicate that he’s not doing a whole lot of work for other clients.
Perhaps he doesn’t have to because, at the very same time that Avenatti acquired Daniels as a client, he also came into a whopping $8 million.

Let that sink in for a moment.

A struggling attorney who was previously unknown, at least for the most part, suddenly gained $8 million in the same month that he took on a client claiming to have had an affair with the President of the United State eleven years ago, shortly after his wife gave birth to their son.

Coincidence? I think not.
Thanks to a bit of internet sleuthing by notable trial lawyer Robert Barnes, we now have the documents that seemingly prove Avenatti is being paid millions to represent Daniels, although by whom is still a mystery. Barnes looked up some tax information on Avenatti’s law firm and found that he hadn’t paid any taxes at all for the years 2014, 2015, and 2016, even though filings in a bankruptcy court said that during that period of time the firm earned a whopping $30 million.

Avenatti was in debt up to his eyeballs because of his failure to pay taxes, so much so that he was facing bankruptcy. But then, miraculously, he came into $8 million. At the same time, he agreed to represent Stormy Daniels, who says she was not the one who paid him. We can assume she is telling the truth — about this, at least — because Stormy Daniels doesn’t have nor has she ever had $8 million.

“In December 2014, #Avenatti decided to quit paying most taxes,” Barnes tweeted. “He failed to even file his law firm’s income tax returns for 2014, 2015, and 2016, though a lawyer’s detailed filings in his bankruptcy court report his firm made over $30M in income in that time. IRS records confirm.”
“Unsatisfied w/ evading income taxes, #Avenatti also decided to quit paying his employees’ Medicare or Social Security taxes, at the same time in December 2014, stiffing them and the IRS in a seven-figure tax bill, while diverting millions in income to himself. IRS records confirm,” Barnes added.

“Unsatisfied w/ evading income taxes and payroll taxes on his law firm income, #Avenatti decided to quit filing his law firm’s tax returns to the Franchise Tax Board to California, as well,” Barnes tweeted. “FTB reports confirm.”

FTB reports confirm that Michael Avenatti decided to quit filing his law firm’s tax returns to the Franchise Tax Board of California. (Photo Credit: Robert Barnes/Twitter)
“Unsatisfied w/ evading federal income taxes, federal payroll taxes, and FTB income taxes on his law firm income, #Avenatti decided to quit paying his employees’ payroll taxes due to the EDD in the State of California as well as of New Years 2015,” Barnes explained. “EDD records confirm.”
“#Avenatti law firm tax evasion was uncovered when a former employee brought an arbitration claim against him for defrauding the employee, and the 3-Judge panel of the Arbitration committee found #Avenatti ‘acted with malice, fraud and oppression by hiding its tax returns,’” Barnes tweeted.

He added, “In January 2018, (Michael Avenatti) got an unidentified source of income that allowed him to pay $4.85M to his law firm employees he defrauded, close to $2M in back taxes for payroll taxes on his law firm, and near another $1M to other creditors. Same time as: new client #StormyDaniels.”

So, to recap, Michael Avenatti owed so much money to the IRS and the state of California that he was going bankrupt. Then, suddenly, he came into around $8 million dollars — enough money to settle his mounting debt and apparently work for just one client exclusively: Stormy Daniels.
How on earth did Michael Avenatti acquire $8 million overnight? Did this money come from the DNC or a powerful Democratic donor like, say, George Soros? If so, that would explain a lot. As they say, if you want to know who’s behind something, follow the money.