NO SHOW Rude Democrats SNUB Jerusalem Embassy Move

NO SHOW Rude Democrats SNUB Jerusalem Embassy Move

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Why did Democrats refuse to attend the festivities surrounding the historic move of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem?

Several Republicans made the trip to pay their respects, but not one single Democrat traveled to Israel to celebrate the historic embassy opening of our greatest and strongest Middle East ally.

U.S. Senators addressed members of the press at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on Monday morning, hours before the official relocation of the U.S. embassy — and all four were Republicans.

Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX), Dean Heller (R-NV), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Mike Lee (R-UT) made the trip, along with ten Republican U.S. Representatives — but not one Democrat joined the U.S. delegation for the embassy event.

Only former Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) — who was the Democratic nominee for vice president in 2000 before being rejected by his party in 2006 for his support of the Iraq War — came to Jerusalem to join in the festivities.

Two journalists asked the Republican Senators why no Democrats had come.

Sen. Cruz said: “That is a sad, sad manifestation — I wish we had every member of Congress here … every member of Congress had the option before them to come.”

Sen. Graham said that no one, Republican or Democrat, had been specifically invited to the ceremony — they simply chose to come or they did not. And he noted that only Republicans had come of their own volition.

“It’s not for me to tell you what that says,” Graham said. “It hurts me.”

He noted that the absence of Democrats sent a dangerous message that Americans were not united in their support for Israel.

“There’s too much going on in this region to send mixed signals,” he said.
Breitbart News spoke to Sen. Lieberman separately and asked him whether he was disappointed that no Democrats had come to the embassy opening.

“I’m not disappointed, but I’m surprised, because support for it has been broadly bipartisan.”

He recalled: “I was part of the group that worked to pass the Jerusalem Embassy Act in 1995. There was Bob Dole and John Kyl on the Republican side, and myself and Pat Moynihan on the Democratic side, and it got 95 votes.

“I don’t want there to be a misimpression that this is a partisan act. And I would hope that Democrats understand that this is not a pro-Trump rally. It is a pro-U.S.-Israel partnership, alliance rally.”

Sen Graham observed that the partisan divide over Israel seemed to have grown deeper since President Barack Obama signed the Iran deal, over the objections of Republicans and the Israeli government.

Sen. Lee noted that Iran deal had lacked the consent of the American people.

“There was no backup for this deal, not to the degree contemplated under the Constitution.

“Shame on them for not submitting it to the Senate … We had no business entering into an agreement like that, with that many ramifications, without the Senate backing it up.”

Lee praised President Trump’s courage in deciding to move the embassy, as did Sen. Heller.

“Except for President Trump … and his promises made and promises kept during the last campaign, we wouldn’t be here today,” Heller said.

Sen. Cruz also praised Trump, likening his decision to that of President Harry S. Truman — a Democrat — to recognize Israel 70 years ago, 11 minutes after it declared independence.

Graham agreed, calling the president’s decision to move the embassy a “strong, bold move, not just by the president but by the American people.”

“[Trump] has a new way about him,” Graham added. He’s not stuck into the swamp, for lack of a better word.”

“If you have a problem with Jerusalem being the capital of Israel, I tell people in South Carolina somewhat jokingly, take it up with God,” he said.

Asked how the embassy move served American interests, Graham said, “In a time of great turmoil and doubt, where the region in fracturing in many fissures, this is a certain statement that I think will give the region more certainty about who America is.

“Look at this as the cavalry coming in a symbolic and substantive way.”

Cruz added: “By moving the embassy American simultaneously makes clear that we are willing to stand with our friends … and stand up to our enemies.”

Asked whether he was concerned about threats of violence by Palestinians, Cruz quipped: “It is not as if the terrorists need an excuse.”

He added that “Israel is more than ready for peace … The impediment to peace is Palestinian leadership that refuses to recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state, and continues to embrace and celebrate terrorism.”

Trump Team Threatens Crushing Consequences On Europe If They Don’t Drop Iran Deal

Trump Team Threatens Crushing Consequences On Europe If They Don’t Drop Iran Deal

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No country should do businesses with people who do business with terrorists. This is an obvious truth that shouldn’t even need to be stated.

Yet that is exactly what the Obama administration wanted to do when it signed the treasonous Iran Deal.

Not only is Iran the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world, they also lied in order to get the Iran deal passed.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed in documents last week that Iran was continuing to develop its nuclear weapons program, explicitly defying the rules of the agreement.

But the left turned a blind eye to this traitourous behavior, as did the European countries who also signed on to the Iran deal.
National Security Advisor John Bolton is having none of that, and when pressed by CNN’s Jake Tapper on the issue, Bolton bluntly stated what the U.S. is prepared to do to stop this deal dead in its tracks.

From CNN:

Bolton said on CNN’s “State of the Union” that he believes some European countries will end up supporting the United States despite comments from European leaders that they regret Trump’s decision to withdraw [from the Iran Deal].
“I think the Europeans will see that’s in their interest ultimately to go along with this,” he said.
But Bolton didn’t rule out sanctions for European companies doing business with Iran.

“It’s possible,” Bolton said. “It depends on the conduct of other governments.”
Bolton appears to think that these European countries will withdraw from the Iran Deal on their own, before the threat of sanctions needs to be carried out. Bolton’s direct and tough approach is similar to that of the president, and has become a hallmark of the Trump administration.

The days of kicking the can down the road are over now that we have a foreign policy team determined to undo the damage of the Obama administration.

Obama allowed the world’s dictators to walk all over us, but with this show of strength, these dictators are now learning that the United States will no longer play nice with those who wish us harm. This approach worked with North Korea, and it will work in Iran, provided other countries fall in line.

The European Union needs to understand that they can’t have it both ways. They can either trade with us, or have fun paying the price of doing business with the radical ayatollah’s in Iran.

Source: CNN

Thug Tries To Rob Women Children, Fed Up Mom Delivers Instant Brutal Justice

Thug Tries To Rob Women & Children, Fed-Up Mom Delivers Instant Brutal Justice

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A shocking video has emerged of a thieving thug who thought it would be a good idea to rob women and their children in broad daylight outside a school. However, a fed-up mom catches him by surprise and delivers instant brutal justice.

A community is in shock after an armed gunman approached a group of women and children waiting on a sidewalk outside of a private school and demanded money. Security cameras captured the horrific incident as it unfolded. The suspect, identified as 21-year-old Elivelton Neves Moreira, pointed his .38 revolver at the faces of terrified children and their mothers.

According to Daily Caller, the incident took place on Saturday, May 12, 2018, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Moreira’s plan quickly unraveled as he pointed his gun at the victims and grabbed at the wallet of the school’s security guard. This would be the last time that the violent thug attempted to victimize anyone.
Standing just feet away from him was a 42-year-old off-duty military police officer named Katia Da Silva. As the suspect pointed his weapon at the crowd of women and children, da Silva sprang into action. According to Daily Mail, da Silva pulled out her firearm and instantly fired on Moreira, striking him three times in the upper torso.

Immediately, Moreira crumpled to the ground. He appeared to be begging for help and not to be shot again. What a far cry from moments before where Moreria was brandishing his weapon and pointing at the faces of children and their mothers. This guy just got a rude awakening from a fed-up mom who was ready to handle business.

Moreira was transported to a nearby hospital and was declared dead a short time later. Officer Sastre is being called a hero and rightfully so. Her act of bravery was honored a day later at a ceremony with Sao Paulo Governor Marcio Franca.

Governor Franca later wrote on Twitter about meeting Officer Sastre. He said, “I went earlier to the 4th BAEP in the east of Sao Paulo to honor a very special mother: Corporal Katia Sastre. Her courage and precision saved mothers and children, yesterday at the door of a school.”
As a token of his gratitude, Governor Franca presented Officer Sastre with a purple orchid plant at her police station on Brazil’s Mother’s Day. Sastre reportedly has two girls, aged seven and two. She has twenty years of service in law enforcement and is married to a police lieutenant.

Sastre’s husband, who was identified as police lieutenant André Alves, told local news source Folha de Sao Paulo that “the suspect’s gun fired once, but it is not known whether or not it was before Katia fired.” Alves also said, “The first shot ricocheted and got lost. On his second attempt at firing, the weapon locked. Thankfully she was faster than him because when a thug discovers their opponent is a police officer, he shoots to kill.”
Sastre, who had gone to an event with her seven-year-old daughter that day, later told colleagues, “I didn’t know if he was going to shoot the kids or the mothers or the security guard at the school door. I just thought about defending the moms, the children, my own life and my daughter’s. I had to act quickly to end his aggression and prevent him from harming anyone. I reverted to the training I have received.”

Sastre also said that it was a woman who tipped her off that a robbery was taking place that allowed her to save lives. “It’s gratifying to have been in the right place to have saved all our lives,’ she added revealing she was first warned about the robber when a woman, in a grey dress, hurriedly walked past and pointed backward saying a robbery had just taken place behind her.

In my opinion, the armed thug got exactly what he deserved. None of the victims he tried to rob had done anything to deserve it. What a great reminder of how fortunate we are in America to have the right to bear arms under the 2nd Amendment because more often than not, crimes take place long before the police are able to respond.

Feminists Attack Ben Shapiro Over Story About His Daughter, He Schools Them With The Facts

Feminists Attack Ben Shapiro Over Story About His Daughter, He Schools Them With The Facts

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On Mother’s Day, conservative writer Ben Shapiro shared a heart-warming story involving his 4-year-old daughter. Naturally, the feminist harpies on Twitter tried to tear him apart. It didn’t take long before they were eating their words.

In this day and age, young, inspiring conservative leaders are lighting up the Internet. From Milo Yiannopoulos to Candace Owens, these thought leaders are using social media to expand their considerable influence. That includes Ben Shapiro, editor of Daily Wire and syndicated radio host.

Like many other influential conservatives, Shapiro uses social networking sites like Twitter to share his views. The left cannot stand that there are so many smart, entertaining, and likable conservatives gaining popularity online. It’s why they work so hard to censor and bully them. Despite their best efforts, leaders like Shapiro continue to gain steam.

This Mother’s Day weekend, Shapiro took the opportunity to share a story about his 4-year-old girl. Most people who read it found it heart-warming and appropriate, given the day. Not liberals.

Ben Shapiro shared an adorable story about his 4-year-old daughter on Mother’s Day, but since this is Twitter, it was immediately met with scorn and ridicule from the blue-check mob. [Source: Twitchy]
How could anyone find that story offensive? Considering this was on Mother’s Day, it was a pitch-perfect story to share. His sweet, young daughter wants to grow up to become a loving, nurturing mother. Most likely, this is in thanks to her mother, who has shown her nothing but love and attention.

In any other era, this story would have been met with appreciation by virtually everyone in society. But these days, we have a group of nasty, clucking chickens who detest anything resembling traditional gender roles for women. They were oh so quick to attack Shapiro over this innocent tweet.
Really? He was asking his daughter a simple question. The fact that you frame it as a “problem,” Liz, is troubling.

Teaching children to hate those that are different than you! Way to progress, liberals.

I can’t tell you how many liberals project their own childhood onto others. Could her entire adult career as a leftist be just a way of getting back at her daddy? I can’t say for sure, but yes.

Yes, because spending time with your daughter and listening to her makes for bad parenting. Apparently “your friend Helen” puts Ben above all those absentee dads who don’t even pay attention to their children.

Even more shocking, the liberals over at abused their Twitter account to bash the conservative.
I know one website I will no longer be visiting.

It’s so amazing to see how little it takes to get these feminists screeching. Shapiro simply shared a touching story about his daughter. It was Mother’s Day, dummies. It’s time to appreciate everything (good) mothers do for their children. Shapiro’s story was about celebrating the impact his wife has had on their daughter. Duh! I can’t believe I have to explain that.

Not willing to give these harpies the last word, Ben took them to school.
And to really put the nail in the coffin, he shares this little inconvenient fact.

It’s amazing how quick these feminists attacked Ben. Apparently, they knew nothing about him, his family, or even the occupation of his wife. All they knew was that a conservative man mentioned something about traditional gender roles. And they pounced, without even knowing the facts. Knowing his wife is a doctor puts the story in even more perspective. She’s both a mom and a doctor. But what inspires the little girl more? Her Ph.D. or the fact that she takes care of her as a mom? The answer is obvious.

It’s this inconvenient fact that liberals don’t want to acknowledge. We all know women can pursue whatever career they wish. But the best thing they (or men) will ever do is raise a family. Ask any mother or father what they care about more: their careers or children? Only a monster will say their careers.
If a child sees that and responds accordingly, it only means she has a great mother to look up to. It’s sad that the left can’t see that.

CA Liberals Want To Erase Washington & Lincoln’s Birthday, Offer Sick Replacement

CA Liberals Want To Erase Washington & Lincoln’s Birthday, Offer Sick Replacement

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Democrats in California want to get rid of either George Washington or Abraham Lincoln’s birthday as a holiday. Their suggested replacement has patriots outraged.

We’ve talked about California a lot lately. I know, it’s getting annoying. But it seems like the Golden State is determined to ruin what’s left of its reputation. The super-liberal leadership of California is pushing one bad idea after another. These toxic policies are bad, even for Democrats. Nevertheless, they are pushing full steam ahead.

As a result, the state is suffering. Gov. Jerry Brown’s policies put criminals and illegals ahead of Americans. Bad minimum wage laws are driving companies from the state. Legalized drugs have caused homelessness to explode. High taxes are crippling job opportunities. And, of course, the lack of solid infrastructure continues to plague millions of citizens.
Let’s not forget it’s sanctuary status that forces local police to protect criminal aliens from the government.

Now, we’ve learned of another measure that insults our country. A left-wing lawmaker is pushing for a bill that will erase either Washington’s or Lincoln’s birthday as a holiday. Guess what they want to put in its place? “International Socialist Workers’ Day,” or “May Day.” That’s right, California liberals are no longer pretending that they aren’t Commies.
Patriotic Americans are outraged.

A California assemblyman vehemently argued against a bill that would adopt International Workers’ Day as a paid holiday.

The bill, introduced by Assemblyman Miguel Santiago (D), would designate the third Monday in February “as a single school holiday to be known as ‘Presidents’ Day.’”

“Are we in competition to become the laughingstock of the United States?” Assemblyman Matthew Harper (R) asked. “This is ridiculous. This is insane.”

The bill would subsequently get rid of either George Washington or Abraham Lincoln’s birthday as a holiday and designate May 1 as “International Workers’ Day.”

International Socialist Workers’ Day, or “May Day” had been observed in countries under Communist rule and was an official holiday of the Soviet Union.

“Seriously, the substitution of adding International Socialist Workers’ Day? May Day? The day of parades in the Soviet Union?” Harper said. “I’m aghast that a bill like this would be able to get through committee.” [Source: Fox News]
Surprised? Don’t be. This is what liberals do. They try to eradicate our history, traditions, and values — and replace them with socialist/communist garbage. Liberals want to get rid of the free market, private wealth, and the worship of God. They have to do this if they are to install socialism onto our country.

It’s no surprise that they’d do this while insulting two of our greatest presidents. George Washington was our Founding Father. He was the first president who helped establish our great country. His example has inspired every other president. Lincoln led our country during one of our darkest eras, the Civil War. He saw the nation reunited. Thanks to his leadership, slavery was abolished for good.

Both these men deserve to be remembered and celebrated by every American. But what does California want? For their people to forget our leaders and instead observe a holiday invented by communists. A celebration of “workers” is a way for socialist/communist leaders to exalt the working man. It is a way to highlight their struggles, as a result of the “evil” rich. You know, the people who actually create jobs.

Democrats have always exploited the working classes for votes. Yet whenever they get into power, does anything get better? Of course not. Their only solutions involve higher taxes, bigger government, and toxic programs. The working man is punished by the corruption and abuse of liberals in power.
Only one California leader is brave enough to stand up to this bill. What about the others? Will the rest of the state allow our Founding Fathers to be erased so a socialist holiday is observed? I hope not.