Report: Social Security Scandal Uncovered, $571M Of Taxpayer Money Is Gone

Report: Social Security Scandal Uncovered, $571M Of Taxpayer Money Is Gone

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If there’s one thing that drives President Donald Trump nuts, it’s giving taxpayer money to people who don’t deserve it.

And he’ll be even more distressed to learn that over a half-billion dollars has accidentally been paid out to individuals who didn’t deserve a cent of it.

That’s right. It was all one giant mistake, and you paid for it!

We all know that government spending can spin out of control but generally, government offices can at least tell you what the money was for.

Even if you don’t agree with the amount of cash spent, even if you’re a little angry at shelling out for something you feel was unnecessary, it still makes at least some sense.

This, however, is just entirely unacceptable.

According to a highly disturbing report just released by the Office of the Inspector General, the Social Security Administration handed out a whopping $571 million in disability benefits.

But it was all one giant mistake:

“The Social Security Administration improperly disbursed an estimated $571 million in disability benefits to people who had already returned to work, according to a government audit report.

Of the overpayments, nearly $201 million of the improperly disbursed benefits checks was due to the administration’s slow processing, and almost $371 million was the fault of the beneficiaries who didn’t complete paperwork on time, the Office of the Inspector General wrote in a report released Tuesday.”
Well, that’s just great. People often joke about the administrative incompetence of government agencies, but this takes the take.

If you aren’t familiar with this particular process, those receiving disability benefits from the SSA are granted a trial work period before they stop getting payments.

Recipients must then report back to the government when they start working so the SSA can conduct “continuing disability reviews” to figure out if the individual should keep getting benefits.

But in many cases, the SSA took an average of 155 days to process legitimate earnings reports – that’s almost half a year! – so taxpayer money kept flowing out the door.

In one outrageous example, someone on disability reported in November 2014 she had returned to work, and the SSA didn’t verify her employment until June 2015, and didn’t halt disability payments until September 2015.

And when they found out, that individual wasn’t even required to return the $7,823 she’d unfairly received.

Then there are instances where the SSA overpaid an estimated number of beneficiaries where they were told the individual was receiving money from a job, but did nothing to act on that information.

If this is how our government agencies are operating, President Trump needs to step in and fix it. Rapidly. We just can’t allow this insanity to continue!

After Obama Left US Town With Poisonous Water For 3 Years, Look What Trump Did In A Few Months

After Obama Left US Town With Poisonous Water For 3 Years, Look What Trump Did In A Few Months

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When Barack Obama was sworn into office, he promised America that he would bring her back from the depths of hell, and put us back on the map. He persuaded A LOT of people that he was the guy for the job. The commander and chief of the greatest country on earth is supposed to make sure that ALL Americans are taken care of, and protected before, and after any major event. That’s not what Obama did for the residents of Flint, Michigan. Luckily, America elected a man that would do just that. No, it wasn’t Barack Obama. President Trump is one of the only Presidents to keep the promises he made on the campaign trail.

Flint, Michigan is a suburb North West of Detriot. The population of Flint is around 100,000 people. The city of Flint has had its ups and downs like almost every city, but the biggest effect on Flint has been the Auto Industry. Buick provided thousands of jobs for people as well as GM in Detriot. With the Buick lot going under, and GM helping bring down the greater Detriot economy, the people of Flint felt it couldn’t get any worse. But it Did. The residents of Flint woke up to the startling news that the water they were drinking was contaminated with high levels of lead. This was caused in 2014 when the drinking water source for the city was changed to the Flint River. The reason? Poor city management of money. Like most every liberal leaning towns, the Democratic leadership failed to pay the bills and was forced to switch.

Scientific studies proved that the water was in fact contaminated with lead and was present in the current water supply. A federal state of emergency was declared in January of 2016. Everyone in the city of Flint was told to use bottles of water that had been brought in instead of drinking anything from the faucets. Barack Obama promised he would tackle Flint, and hold the people who caused this disaster accountable. Lik always, Obama was just pandering for political points. He was going to leave the issue to the next President who he thought was going to be Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton traveled to Flint during her campaign and talked about how much she cared for the people of Flint, and how she was going to make sure she took care of the people there if she were to become President. It’s almost as if she told them… vote for me and you will get free stuff, or vote for him, and he will let you all d*e.
Under authority granted the agency by the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act of 2016, the EPA issued a $100 million grant to the beleaguered city of Flint, Michigan, to help in the effort at replacing the city’s badly corroded and lead-tainted system of water pipes.

Some progressive critics of President Donald Trump have pointed to his proposed budget cuts at the Environmental Protection Agency as proof that he is a terrible president who doesn’t care about ensuring that Americans have clean air and water.

However, the recent report from The Daily Caller about Trump’s EPA grant just did throw that narrative into a tailspin.

“The people of Flint and all Americans deserve a more responsive federal government,” said EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt in an agency news release. “EPA will especially focus on helping Michigan improve Flint’s water infrastructure as part of our larger goal of improving America’s water infrastructure.”
“We are excited and very grateful to receive these much-needed funds,” Flint Mayor Karen Weaver said. “The City of Flint being awarded a grant of this magnitude in such a critical time of need will be a huge benefit.”

“As we prepare to start the next phase of the FAST Start pipe replacement program, these funds will give us what we need to reach our goal of replacing 6,000 pipes this year and make other needed infrastructure improvements,” she added. “We look forward to the continued support of the EPA and the federal government.”

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Even as his landlord tears down the East Harlem building he lives in, Ray Tirado has stayed put in his apartment. “Harassment by construction” is a critical part of how gentrification takes hold in neighborhoods like this, experts say.

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An experimental Ebola vaccine is being rolled out in Congo as the death toll from the infectious disease continues to climb. The vaccination campaign will begin today.

“The vaccination campaign begins tomorrow, Monday, in Mbandaka, capital of the province,” Minister of Health Oly Ilunga told The Associated Press as reported by 9 News Australia. “It will target, first, the health staff, the contacts of the sick and the contacts of the contacts.” The World Health Organization has been warning about the “Ebola situation” in Congo, and it appears their only solution is an experimental vaccine.

An experimental vaccine is one that has never been tried on humans before.

Ebola hemorrhagic fever, seen mostly only in Africa, is one of the world’s most feared diseases. It begins with flu-like symptoms, followed by bloody diarrhea and vomiting. Days later, some victims begin bleeding through the nose, mouth, and eyes. Depending on the strain of the Ebola virus, it can kill up to 90% of victims. There is no cure for Ebola. The virus is spread through direct contact with the blood or secretions of an infected person.

So, is the Ebola virus reaching a terrifying enough level that an experimental vaccine is warranted? The death toll has reached 26 and the vaccine will be rolled out at Mbandaka, the north-western city of 1.2 million recently struck by the outbreak. Since the virus is spread through direct contact, an isn’t airborne, it isn’t nearly as deadly as it could be.
Read more here about Ebola and how it is transmitted:

Initially, the campaign will target 600 people, mainly medical staff, contacts of suspected cases, and those who have been in contact with the contacts, Ilunga said. Officials are working urgently to prevent the disease from spreading beyond Mbandaka, which lies on the Congo River, a busy traffic corridor, and is an hour’s flight from the capital.

The spread of Ebola from a rural area to Mbandaka has raised alarm as Ebola can spread more quickly in urban centers. The fever can cause severe internal bleeding that is often fatal. Meaning, the virus itself doesn’t actually kill. The immune system’s response to the virus is what’s deadly.

ZMapp is also an experimental drug that could aid in the recovery from the Ebola virus. But, like the vaccine being administered, it has not been tested for safety or efficacy yet. It is not a vaccine – it is a therapeutic drug. Of the seven people given the drug so far, two have died. ZMapp show “promise,” although scientific results are not definitive.

The risk of Ebola spreading within Congo is “very high,” according to authorities, and the disease could also move into nine neighboring countries, the World Health Organization has warned. The WHO, however, stopped short of declaring the outbreak a global health emergency. WHO said there should not be restrictions on international travel or trade.