Mueller’s Team Just Granted ‘Special Status’ to Kick Witch Hunt Into HIGH GEAR

Mueller’s Team Just Granted ‘Special Status’ to Kick Witch-Hunt Into HIGH GEAR

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Robert Mueller’s team of (liberal) lawyers are playing by their own rules and making them up as they go.

Now, the team has bestowed upon themselves “special status” in the Manafort case, so they can really kick the witch-hunt into HIGH GEAR.
Now, the team is “allowed” to go after Manafort outside the scope of the Russia probe.

So, if they can do that with Manafort, what’s stopping them from pulling the same thing on anyone else, including Trump?
An obscure special status obtained by several of special counsel Robert Mueller’s attorneys could prevent a judge from ousting Mueller’s lawyers from their role in the prosecution of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort in federal court in Virginia.

Several court filings indicate that when lawyers from Mueller’s office appeared in federal court in Alexandria earlier this year, they did so not only as representatives of Mueller’s office but as special assistant United States attorneys (SAUSAs) attached to the United States attorney’s office there.

That designation gives the Mueller prosecutors a kind of dual status that could complicate any attempt by U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III to try to shift the case to federal prosecutors based in Alexandria — a possibility the judge mentioned on a couple of occasions during a contentious hearing earlier this month.

A spokesman for Mueller’s office, Peter Carr, confirmed to POLITICO that some of the attorneys on the special counsel’s team have the SAUSA status. Carr pointed to a local federal court rule that allows federal prosecutors to handle cases there when “appearing pursuant to the authority of the United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Virginia.”

One lawyer who has studied the use of SAUSAs said the granting of that status to lawyers on Mueller’s team theoretically gives them the authority to pursue matters that aren’t within the special counsel’s mandate.

Liberal Singer Spreads Lie About Gun Owners, Patriots Embarrass Him With Facts

Liberal Singer Spreads Lie About Gun Owners, Patriots Embarrass Him With Facts

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A liberal frontman recent pushed a stupid “fact” about gun ownership. He intended to insult our Second Amendment rights, but patriots put him in his place with the real facts.

With every tragedy, the left tries to push its agenda. It’s amazing how heartless they are. The entire nation mourns after something as terrible as a mass shooting. We seek to comfort those hurt and seek justice for those responsible. What do liberals do? They use dead children as props for their politics.

Since when has a tragedy been the right time to spout demands for gun control? Anyone with half a brain will tell you that guns don’t kill people. Violent, dangerous, and sick people kill people. We know that getting rid of guns (or gun rights) won’t change a thing. In fact, it will make law-abiding Americans even more at risk.

What does it tell you when liberals want to ban guns? They have less than half a brain.

Liberals are the only people in America who are fighting for fewer rights. Imagine that. They claim their platform is built around protecting the rights of every American (unless you’re white). But when it comes to the power of a person to protect themselves, Democrats want you weak and helpless. The one amendment that ensures every American can fight for themselves is the Second Amendment. Democrats want it gone.
They’ll say anything to make that happen, even blatant lies. Even though we know that places with strict gun laws are the most vulnerable, liberals want the entire country to be a “gun free” zone.

Over the weekend, The New York Times posited that there was only one variable that could explain the number of mass shootings in the United States: America’s “astronomical” number of guns. [Source: Twitchy]
It’s pretty shocking that a newspaper like the New York Times would push such an obviously idiotic concept. That’s like saying, “The country with the most cars has the most car accidents. Therefore, we should ban cars.” Or maybe we need to teach people not to text and drive.

But they got what they wanted. Dumb liberals pushed the concept to the most idiotic extreme.

That piece inspired Mikel Jollett, frontman of the band Airborne Toxic Event, to try his hand at some math. [Source: Twitchy]
First off, that’s not what the New York Times even said. They were coy about their conclusions. Jollett pushed it to the extreme. I mean, really, more guns equal more death? I guess they just get up and shoot people themselves. It has nothing to do with the person shooting the gun.

This is the liberal message in a nutshell. It’s never the fault of the actual killer. Liberals don’t want you to focus on that. Personal responsibility doesn’t exist in their warped minds. If someone kills a person with a gun, it’s the Second Amendment’s fault. Never mind the fact that it was a person who made a choice to do something evil.

Liberals want to eliminate our ability to think and act for ourselves. They want us completely dependent on what the government says. That’s the socialist way, after all. Obviously, millions of Americans safely owning and operating firearms is an inconvenient fact. So morons like Jollett push the idea that more guns equal more deaths.

I guess he’s not too worried about DUI deaths, which are far more common and preventable.

Of course, it didn’t take long for patriots to call him out on his stupidity.
They really let Jollett have it.

Why do places with more guns result in less gun-related crime and violence? Simple, criminals are far less likely to try to rob or hurt people they know are packing heat. Most criminals think we’re vulnerable sheep. They prey on our fear and lack of readiness. But people who are armed and trained to shoot back? Yeah, few criminals are interested in going after them.

Why do you think there are so few crimes at gun ranges? Lot of guns there, Jollett. Yet mass shooters pick schools, where children are sitting ducks.
It takes a lot of work to be as wrong as a liberal. But they thrive on this. They expect Americans to be ignorant of the facts. Why else does fake news work so well? Liberal media sites and users on social networks invent false information, hoping it will spread. If enough people believe lies like Jollett’s, they might be able to convince them to support gun restrictions. The only way liberals win is when we believe their lies. Period.