Trump Shows N Korea Who’s Boss With BOLD Reason For Canceling Summit

Trump Shows N. Korea Who’s Boss With BOLD Reason For Canceling Summit

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Gone are the days when the United States makes “desperate deals,” like the one Obama made with Iran.

President Trump is showing North Korea and the world that he’s in charge and he’d rather walk away than make a bad deal.
That’s exactly what happened when President Trump announced that he’s canceling the North Korea summit, due to Kim Jong-un’s “open hostility.”

President Trump backed out of a planned June 12 summit in Singapore with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Thursday, citing recent public remarks from the authoritarian nation’s leaders.

In an open letter to Kim, Trump cited “the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement.”

After explosive first-year exchanges, Trump in March accepted an invitation from Kim to meet from Kim, after the communication was conveyed by South Korean officials. Both governments took public steps to ease tensions.

Ahead of the meeting, North Korea released three detained Americans following two visits by Mike Pompeo, the former CIA director recently confirmed as secretary of state.

North Korea said ahead of the meeting that it would close its nuclear weapons test cite, though some experts suspected that this was because the site no longer was viable.

The planned summit resulted in a marked shift in Trump’s public description of Kim, dropping last year’s insulting nickname “Little Rocket Man” in favor of calling him “respected.”

But as the summit neared, North Korean officials suggested the meeting was in question.

Choe Son Hui, a vice minister in the North Korean Foreign Ministry, issued an aggressive statement via state media on Thursday, lashing out at Vice President Mike Pence’s suggestion that North Korea give up its nuclear program like Libya did during the George W. Bush administration.
“Whether the U.S. will meet us at a meeting room or encounter us at nuclear-to-nuclear showdown is entirely dependent upon the decision and behavior of the United States,” Choe said.

In his open letter, Trump said to Kim, “If you change your mind having to do with this most important summit, please do not hesitate to call me or write.”

8 Points of Undeniable PROOF That FBI’s #Spygate Was POLITICAL

8 Points of Undeniable PROOF That FBI’s #Spygate Was POLITICAL

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The liberal media, Deep State, and Democrats are desperately trying to spin #Spygate like it was a “great thing.”

According to these anti-American vultures, it’s “awesome” when the government spies on American citizens and President Trump should be “happy” that the FBI planted a mole within his campaign.
Even more laughable, are the attempts by Deep State, media, and Dems to claim to spy on Trump’s campaign was not “political.”

Sure, and Nixon just wanted to find out the “lunch specials” at the Watergate Hotel, right?

Award-winning investigative reporter Sharyl Atkisson believes otherwise, lays out eight undeniable points that prove what we all know: this was 100 percent POLITICAL!
Tuesday, we broke down how based on publicly disclosed information, it is a logical and reasonable conclusion that politics played a major role in the origins of the FBI’s counterintelligence operation involving the Trump campaign and alleged connections with the Russian government.

Wednesday, investigative reporter Sharyl Atkisson amplified this idea at The Hill and laid out a devastating case:

(T)here’s a growing appearance of alleged wrongdoing equally as insidious, if not more so, because it implies widespread misuse of America’s intelligence and law enforcement apparatus.

Atkisson lays out eight major indications that the operation was directed at Trump, not the Kremlin, and was politically motivated.

Her observations include the plethora of wiretaps:

Secret surveillance was conducted on no fewer than seven Trump associates: chief strategist Stephen Bannon; lawyer Michael Cohen; national security adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn; adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner; campaign chairman Paul Manafort; and campaign foreign policy advisers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos.
The extraordinary use of National Security Letters:

Improper use of such letters has been an ongoing theme at the FBI. Reviews by the Department of Justice’s Inspector General found widespread misuse under Mueller — who was then FBI director — and said officials failed to report instances of abuses as required.

The ubiquitous and insidious use of media leaks to help drive and shape the news narrative surrounding the investigation:

A few of the notable leaks include word that Flynn was wiretapped, the anti-Trump “Steele dossier” of political opposition research, then-FBI Director James Comey briefing Trump on it, private Comey conversations with Trump, Comey’s memos recording those conversations and criticizing Trump, the subpoena of Trump’s personal bank records (which proved false) and Flynn planning to testify against Trump (which also proved to be false).

Atkisson joined me on my daily radio program on WMAL in Washington Wednesday to discuss her analysis and the latest developments in the investigation of the investigation:

You would not normally use a sledgehammer to kill an ant if you can wipe him off with a feather duster. Using surveillance inside a political campaign should be almost a last resort under our constitution. Spying on US citizens is something that is supposed to be almost never done and if done at all, is super justified and supervised. And, really, even more so if you’re talking about a political campaign or a journalist because of the potential that it looks like abuse or it could be abuse.

Listen to the entire interview here:



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TORNILLO, TEXAS – It seemed innocent at first glance. An older woman entering the U.S. from Mexico with nothing to declare. That all changed when U.S. Customs and Border Protection Office of Field Operation officers discovered almost 17 pounds of heroin in her vehicle.

“This is not the first time we have stopped a senior smuggler and it probably won’t be the last,” said Donna Sifford, CBP port director at the Marcelino Serna port of entry. “Smugglers will try just about anything and this case is another example of why CBP must remain vigilant at all times.”

Shortly after 1 p.m. Monday a 2008 Ford Escape SUV being driven by a 75-year-old female U.S. citizen entered the port from neighboring Mexico and was selected for a secondary exam.

CBP officers using a non-intrusive x-ray inspection system located suspicious bundles in the center console. Additional bundles were found in her purse.
The contents of the seven packages tested positive for heroin. The combined weight of the contraband was 16.75 pounds.

CBP officers arrested the driver of the car. She was turned over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Security Investigations special agents to face charges associated with the failed smuggling attempt.


U.S. Customs and Border Protection is the unified border agency within the Department of Homeland Security charged with the management, control and protection of our nation’s borders at and between the official ports of entry. CBP is charged with keeping terrorists and terrorist weapons out of the country while enforcing hundreds of U.S. laws.


Fake News CNN Nailed In Explosive FBI Plot To Take Down Trump

Fake News CNN Nailed In Explosive FBI Plot To Take Down Trump

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Is there anything CNN won’t do to hurt Donald Trump? The pathetic excuse for a news network has been slandering the President of the United States since the election.

But a new revelation uncovers a much darker scheme.

You might remember the many times CNN got in hot water for attacking Trump. They’ve frequently misquoted and distorted facts. Their reporters are shockingly rude and disrespectful at press briefings. They’ve even edited video to make Trump look insensitive or inattentive. They are in every way biased, unprofessional, and underhanded.

They were the only major network to report on the Steele dossier. When everyone else realized it was garbage, CNN pushed it as a groundbreaking revelation. The allegations in the dossier were largely debunked or unverifiable. Only hacks or con artists would push them as real. CNN did. You can connect the dots.

But it looks like there was more going on than just a desire to push fake news. Turns out, CNN was in bed with an FBI director. Seems like the deep state and fake news were working together.
From The Federalist:

Newly revealed e-mails show that former Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI) deputy director Andrew McCabe was keenly aware of CNN’s internal understanding of a secret briefing about the infamous Steele dossier, days before CNN published any stories on the matter. The e-mails, which were obtained by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.), also reveal that top officials used coded language to refer to the salacious and unverified allegations made by Steele.

CNN broke the story about the dossier briefing on January 10, 2017, touching off a firestorm of hysteria that culminated in not just the firing of Comey by Trump, but the eventual appointment of Department of Justice (DOJ) special counsel Robert Mueller.

“CNN is close to going forward with the sensitive story,” McCabe wrote to Comey, Rybicki, and two others. “The trigger for them is they know the material was discussed in the brief and presented in an attachment.” He did not detail how he came to know what CNN’s “trigger” was for publishing the dossier briefing story.

James Comey’s FBI used the bogus dossier to start an investigation. All to make Trump look bad and undermine his presidency. But McCabe took it one step further. His connection with CNN all but ensured the cable news network would “break” the story about the dossier. It’s clear the FBI used CNN much like the Soviets used their press to push propaganda. They wanted CNN to smear Trump publicly while they set up a case to take him down internally.

This is how the left views Americans. They really think we’re that stupid. CNN and the FBI thought we would believe whatever they told us. Doesn’t matter that the Steele dossier was complete fiction. News agencies new about it months before the election but refused to touch it. Only CNN was stupid enough to report on it, after the election. We now know they did it on orders of the FBI.

How deep does the Democrats’ corruption go? They don’t want Americans voting or having their own opinions. Even when we elected Trump, they worked overtime to cook up a scheme to take him down. It was underhanded, evil, and illegal.

Hopefully, McCabe and his buddies at CNN will get what they deserve.