Harry’s Had It! Cancels Meghan’s Birthday Bash After Queen Says, ‘This Must Stop’

Harry’s Had It! Cancels Meghan’s Birthday Bash After Queen Says, ‘This Must Stop’

Prince Harry is struggling to get his new bride in line. Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, has been pushing royal protocol and spouting off about her feminist political views in public, but now she went too far. Harry’s had it, and he just canceled her birthday bash following his grandmother’s advice. Queen Elizabeth II just caught the American actress involved in a huge scandal with royal staffers, and Her Majesty told Harry, “This must stop.”

Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, is once again causing problems for the Queen at Kensington Palace as her father Thomas Markle gives a nine-hour interview to the Daily Mail. Mr. Markle is livid that he has been “cut off” from Meghan. The former American celebrity went over the Queen’s head, hiring a huge PR team to make her dad look bad.

“‘I’m really hurt that she’s cut me off completely. I used to have a phone number and text number for her personal aides at the Palace, but after I said a few critical words about the Royal Family changing Meghan, they cut me off. Those numbers were disconnected, they no longer work. I have no way of contacting my daughter,” Markle told the Daily Mail.
Reports started to come in around July 11th that the Queen’s own PR team was quitting over Meghan’s antics. The Daily Mail reported, “Sally Osman, the Director of Royal Communications, and Steve Kingstone, the Queen’s Media Secretary, are leaving Buckingham Palace. They were criticized for failing to properly support Meghan’s father, Thomas, who has caused an uproar blaming the palace for his issues with his daughter.”Please visit my another Channel: https://goo.gl/9VC7pZ
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The Worlds on Fire & Expanding – Lake Tahoe Rising Temps Freak Out Scientists

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New Reptilian Underground Bases Documentary 2018 They Are Living Below Us

There is a hidden reptilian empire which consists of alien cultures and lost civilizations, their presence explains many of the myths of gods walking among humans. The reptoids may have sought out refuge underground after Earth underwent climate changes some 12,000 years ago. There are many accounts through history of lizard people and snake like bipedal’s from Sumeria to the Hopi Indians. We will also explore the many accounts at the Dulce underground facility and how this all ties together.

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