New Impossible Ancient Megaliths Documentary 2018 So Advanced, They Shouldn’t Exist

Bizarre looking ancient megaliths have been discovered across the world, but scientists and historians continue to be baffled their construction, construction, and meaning. Some sites have stone artifacts so shrouded in mystery that one cannot help come to the conclusion that they created by an ancient technology that allowed its mystery builders to cut with laser-like precision. Furthermore, how did they transport massive rocks weighing over 100 tons in weight? We have hints, clues, and archaeological proof that something was happening at these locations in the distant past, as we find more evidence we may eventually find the truth behind these mysterious sites.

Watch thought provoking, extraordinary, educational, eye opening, awesome documentaries by subscribing and of course hit the bell button at the top tight of the screen. We will make each film expand the horizons of the viewers open to learning more about the world. We hope you will become aware of many facts you may have been previously unaware of in this Ancient Megaliths Documentary..

OAN speaks to researcher who specializes in voter fraud as Democrats double down to flip lost seats

With the Florida recount underway and important seats in California and Arizona turning blue, Democrats are scraping together every vote they can find. One America News spoke with Logan Churchwell, a researcher who specializes in voter fraud, and he warned Republicans just aren’t prepared for this kind of scenario.

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Why I’ll Raise My Daughters to Be Strong, Not Polite | Conception Season 2

Kind. Obedient. Agreeable. Check check check. Now with two daughters of her own, she will make a new set of rules.

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