It’s Just A Matter Of Time Before This Happens? The Final Stage Is Set! (2019-2020)

During his 20 & Back tour, Jason Rice was privy to the origin and development of the secret space program into which he was recruited. From Antarctica to Mars and beyond, agreements made with extraterrestrial civilizations for advanced technology enabled the Germans to create a breakaway civilization. He gives us an insider’s view of Operations Highjump, Paperclip & Deep Freeze, and
reveals the continuing conflict between the Mars-Germans and the Cabal. As contracts with the Draco near completion, what lies ahead for humanity in a post-disclosure world? Watch the Full Series

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How #FakeNewsMedia Cement Their Legacy By Proceeding With the Fantasy As Though It Were A Screenplay

Here’s the script, the screenplay. The trope, the myth. The folklore and mythology. “It’s the attackers, but it’s also the attacks,” reported Jussie Smollett to GMA, who’s black and openly gay. “It’s not that you don’t believe this is the truth; you don’t even want to see this is the truth.” [USA Today]

“It feels like if I had said it was a Muslim, or a Mexican, or someone black, I feel like the doubters would’ve supported me a lot more, and that says a lot about the place that we are in our country right now,” he said.

The 36-year-old also recounted details of the attack, which the Chicago Police Department is investigating as a “possible” hate crime, explaining he was on a food run when he heard someone trying to get his attention.

“I heard ‘Empire,’ and I don’t answer to ‘Empire.’ My name ain’t ‘Empire,’ and I didn’t answer,” he said. “I kept walking, and then I heard “(Homophobic slur) ‘Empire’ (N-word).’ So, I turned around and I said, ‘(What) the (expletive) did you just say to me?’

“And I see the attacker, masked and he said, ‘This MAGA country, (N-word).’ Punches me right in the face,” Smollett continued. “So I punched his (expletive) back. And then we started tussling and it was very icy.

“We ended up tussling by the stairs, fighting, fighting, fighting,” Smollett added. “There was a second person involved who was kicking me in my back, and then it just stopped. And they ran off.”


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NYC Amazon pull out may have political impact

Amazon’s decision to pull out of New York City after being attacked by progressive Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is having political ramifications, and it could have a big impact on the city’s public advocate race. Ryan Girdusky has more with the Republican contender.

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To Survive, This Bug Builds a House of Bubbles | ScienceTake

Spittlebugs feed on watery sap from plants and then excrete bubbly foam to create a protective fortress around themselves. Later, they emerge as adult froghoppers. Find out more in this week’s episode of ScienceTake.

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Every week, ScienceTake answers questions like how monkeys teach manners, elephants show empathy and ants imitate water. Tune in Tuesdays at 4 p.m.


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Ep. 997 FADE to BLACK JImmy Church w/ Richard Dolan : The Big UFO Update : LIVE

Check out our LIVE show, Mon-Thursday 7pm PST at

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Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs, and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time.

Richard completed his graduate work at the University of Rochester, where he studied U.S. Cold War strategy, European history, and international diplomacy. Before that, he had studied at Alfred University and Oxford University, and had been a finalist for a Rhodes scholarship.

He is the author of UFOs and the National Security State, he co-authored with Bryce Zabel, A.D. After Disclosure and his latest book is: UFOs and the 21st Century Mind.

Richard hosts a weekly radio show, The Richard Dolan Show, on KGRA radio, is a frequent guest on Coast-to-Coast AM. He is currently featured on several television series and documentaries, including Ancient Aliens, Hangar One: The UFO Files and Close Encounters.

In addition to his research, Richard’s company, Richard Dolan Press, actively publishes innovative books by authors from around the world.

Tonight we are going to discuss everything ET and UFO that is currently breaking news for our community…

Air date: February 18 2019