Live Stream: Christmas Eve at the Conspiratorium (Part I)

#Election2020 #Conspiratorium #LionelMedia

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This is #LionelNation🇺🇸live stream. Immersive talk, chat and reaction in real time. Unapologetic, unscripted and a platform that talk radio wishes it could replicate. Real truth in teal time. All we ask is courtesy for each other. That simple.

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Ep. 1145 FADE to BLACK w/ Whitley Strieber : Open-Lines Week : LIVE

This is night three of our Open-Lines Week on FADE to BLACK… four straight nights of your calls and questions with the some of the best and brightest minds of our community!

Tonight: Whitley Strieber

Whitley is the author of ‘Communion’ and his new book, released this week, is: ‘A New World’.

As science advances, we are finding that the universe is far larger and more complex than we ever imagined, and mysterious beings like our visitors, which we dismissed as imaginary, are turning out to be real.
This is calling to all of us to find a new life—a new world—in which they play a part.

All of this and much more is discussed in ‘A New World’… and tonight you’ll get to ask Whitley about our future and contact that will shatter all of our previous theories and beliefs and reveal the experience for what it is: the strangest, most powerful and potentially most important thing that has ever happened to mankind.

Air date: November 20, 2019

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Ancient Alien Star-Gate Discovered HUGE Civilization In Antarctic! 2019-2020

Just before the New Year We may have come across the Biggest News! Become a Member! UFO Youtube Channel Thirdphaseofmoon! Share Your Incredible UFO Videos To the World! Upload your UFO Video To Youtube, Then Copy Paste The Link To My Email! Keep Your Eyes on the Skies! We are not Alone!

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You recently did a call in show about how to save your marriage and I felt you had some really good insight and advice. To piggyback off that episode – I have a situation that is similar to the caller from that show (if things had deteriorated further.) My wife told me today that in her eyes the marriage is over and she’s done. I want to get your input on if my marriage can be saved, and potential ways to do that.

We had our son in 2014- and then suffered back to back miscarriages before having our daughter in 2017. (More on this in a bit as well)

The reason she states our relationship is over is based on what she says has been years of not being heard- and my self-admitted anger issues, along with a lack of support from the outside.

I think we had very similar arguments to any married couple. I don’t handle confrontation very well- and would often pull back until I felt I could properly address and respond to a conflict- she wanted it wrapped up immediately. This would often lead to me retreating and her pursuing until I would lash out and say something hurtful. She would then stay awake upset- while I would go to bed. We don’t fight often- but those blowouts poison you after a period of time.

These arguments would often start over something trivial and then build into the fate of our relationship. I am not rationalizing my way out of my hurtful outbursts- but I often felt unprepared to deal with mountainous issues on the fly- and consciously or subconsciously felt like if I could show her how angry the pursuit was- that maybe she would back off or see my point of view. That tactic never served me well and never worked.

I admit to saying things, swearing, sometimes throwing things in fits of anger and frustration. I am ashamed of those occurrences and would take them back if I could. It’s nothing your spouse should ever do. In her mind- the damage has been done for too long. She pushed me to seek counseling etc- and I didn’t. This in her mind, is seeing me as not caring about our relationship- when I don’t think that’s accurate. We have been a happy couple/family. I believe we have had more good than bad. Things start going well- and you stop worrying about the old arguments etc. I am recognizing this was a mistake.

To provide further background- my wife is a stay at home mother and home schools our children. This was incredibly important to both of us- and I would call myself incredibly lucky for being able to provide this lifestyle to her. We cut corners and made sacrifices to make it work…and it did for a time.

About a year ago my wife got involved with some independent media and political pursuits with people around the internet. It was a beacon for her and made her happy in ways I hadn’t seen in a long time. It gave her an identity that she said she had been lacking for so long. I did, and do support her in these pursuits – but also have felt frustration that at this point it’s taken over center stage in her attention. She’s on her phone almost all the time I see her. I have literally felt like I was missing her in my own home. It made working on our relationship pretty difficult. I felt like I was providing for her- and stepping up more and more with the kids to give her time and space- and her appreciation for me seemed to tank with it.

I blew up at her about how she seemingly only has energy for that segment of her life- and she told me it was about the only thing that makes her happy. That last fight – seemed to be the nail for her. I think she views our relationship as something that she wasn’t happy with- and now has something that is exciting her-

It’s a mess- but I do not think we are past saving. I knew she had been depressed- and we had things to work on- but my head is still spinning that we are here. Even a few months back I would have told you I had everything and was king of the world. I attached a picture- which captures everything I’m fighting for. Now I spend every minute thinking I am going to throw up- but also an unyielding passion to make this work…

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Lionel Debates: Netflix Has Every Right to Insult Christians So Long As It Insults All Religions

#LionelNation #Conspiratorium #Election2020

Here’s precisely and exactly how you can join and attain special #LionelNation Membership status that allows a bevy of perquisites, benefits and accoutrements of select status.

In #LionelNation there’s only simple truth, one requisite. Verity. Bold, brash and naked. There are no political parties, no predetermined direction or cause. Just truth. We’re not conspiracy theorists; we’re conspiracy analysts, borrowing from Gore Vidal.

The great record producer Jerry Wexler described Lionel thusly: “He wears the mantle of Lenny Bruce, with Lenny’s own tropisms: The Oblique, The Irreverent, The Tangential, The Concupiscent, The Polymorphous Perverse, The Arcane, The Numinous. And yet Lionel brings to the table his own savory: A love of the mother tongue and a gonzo vocabulary that puts his logo on all his works, whether talk-show hosting, standup-comic spritzing, or hanging out – with himself a minor art form.”

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