From the Iowa caucus to the Democrat debate in New Hampshire, it’s been a whirlwind week for Democrats. One America’s Jenn Pellegrino has the latest on their bid for the White House.
With 225,000 jobs added in January and wages rising fastest among low-income workers, the economy is booming under President Trump. One America’s Jenn Pellegrino has more on the administration’s ‘opportunity zones,’ which have largely contributed to the U.S. economy.
What hidden knowledge lies in our ancient past? A team of renowned scholars has come together to decipher the riddle of our origins and piece together our forgotten history found in monuments and texts across the world. ThirdphaseofMoon Subscribers can stream two complete seasons with a FREE trial offer, click here
Gobekli Tepe, is home to dozens of massive stone pillars formed in different circles. Inside these circles, researchers found traces of symbols and hidden messages that its builders–who have still not been identified–left behind for us to see.
The Mayor of San Bernardino, California, has been accused of sexual harassment by two former employees. One America’s Mary Holman has more on their allegations.
Lionel Appears at the Cutting Room 16 May 2020 CE [LIVE APPEARANCE] #LionelNation🇺🇸 This is a truth revival, a clerisy hootenanny, a #Conspiratorium convocation, consortium and confab. Operators are standing by. Join the likeminded for a nonpareil event.
Here’s precisely and exactly how you can join and attain special #LionelNation Membership status that allows a bevy of perquisites, benefits and accoutrements of select status.
In #LionelNation there’s only simple truth, one requisite. Verity. Bold, brash and naked. There are no political parties, no predetermined direction or cause. Just truth. We’re not conspiracy theorists; we’re conspiracy analysts, borrowing from Gore Vidal.
The great record producer Jerry Wexler described Lionel thusly: “He wears the mantle of Lenny Bruce, with Lenny’s own tropisms: The Oblique, The Irreverent, The Tangential, The Concupiscent, The Polymorphous Perverse, The Arcane, The Numinous. And yet Lionel brings to the table his own savory: A love of the mother tongue and a gonzo vocabulary that puts his logo on all his works, whether talk-show hosting, standup-comic spritzing, or hanging out – with himself a minor art form.”
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