March 5, 2020
I interview the very well known astrologer and astropsychologist about current events including cv, worldwide earth changes and disclosure. Louis is known for seeing into the future and predicting events.
Tonight our guest is Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok and we’ll be talking about 2020, the end of times from the book of Daniel, angels, demons and Extra-Terrestrials… all in one show!
Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok is the rabbi/director of the KosherTorah School, found online at
The rabbi is the author of Aliens, Angels and Demons, and other works.
Regular guest of the hit TV series ANCIENT ALIENS. Rabbi Tzadok teaches the ancient Ascent/Aliyah school of Kabbalah, which places emphasis on experiential spirituality. His school welcomes people of all backgrounds, who wish to learn about the authentic, and original Biblical world outlook.
In the aftermath of Super Tuesday, congressman Denver Riggleman (R-Va.) told One America’s John Hines that former Vice President Joe Biden’s strength in the now blue commonwealth of Virginia was surprising, but that Sen. Bernie Sanders nevertheless remains a viable candidate for the democratic nomination.