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The Keith Hanson Show Ep #683 – Quarantines & Checkpoints Your Papers with Boston Radio Host Gary

LISTEN LIVE – Monday-Friday 9-10:00 PM ET HERE: https://www.KeithHansonShow.com

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#Coronavirus Update with Dr Kevin Wacasey and Stefan Molyneux – Bring Questions!

Dr Kevin Wacasey joins Philosopher Stefan Molyneux for a frank discussion of the TRUE dangers of #coronavirus.

Audio: https://soundcloud.com/stefan-molyneux/coronavirus-update-with-dr-kevin-wacasey-and-stefan-molyneux-bring-questions-1

Hosted by www.freedomain.com

Check out http://healthcareonomics.com/

and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN9sHeQaJCyv2Q1rTdE4RDg

Dr Wacasey’s books:

The Guide to Buying Health Insurance, and Health Care:

Healthcareonomics 101: 500 Ways You’re Being Ripped Off By The Health Insurance, and Health Care Industries. Any Questions?


Some questions:

​Ask him about the relationship between a sick population like obese america, weak immune systems vs. healthy population with good immune systems as it relates to the wuflu.

​Ask him about the relationship between a sick population like obese america, weak immune systems vs. healthy population with good immune systems as it relates to the wuflu.

Please ask him about TONIC WATER . It is already known to prevent Malaria and Dengue. CHLOROQUINE is made of synthetic QUININE, the same stuff used to make TONIC WATER .

​What about herd immunity? The flu has been around forever, but COVID-19 is novel, so we don’t want hospitals to get overrun.

​Stefan, ask him about the study showing covid-19 attacks testicles and kidneys

Stefan and or Kevin could all this sanitization we r doing and stores are going thro.. bring on the super bug creation.

​how to explain Korea? after the most widespread testing, 99% of cases are mild

​QUESTION: Why is death rate so low for those under 55 (already less than 1%), as set forth on CDC website, with no deaths under 19?

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Anunnaki Stargate Discovered, Ancient Cuneiform Tablet Older Than Bible & Tower of Babel

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The Building of Ninjursaga’s Temple “5000 Year Old Cuneiform Tablet Translated” Parallels to Nimrod and the Tower of Babel. This record however has more details, description.

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