China withholding test monkeys from U.S. researchers, could delay COVID-19 vaccine

About 70 percent of research monkeys come from China, but the Chinese government is allegedly withholding these monkeys from U.S. researchers. This could cause delay in securing a coronavirus vaccine. One Americas Stefan Kleinhenz has more from Washington.

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I Stopped Wearing Makeup In Quarantine, Here’s Why | NYT Opinion With Ingrid Nilsen

Daily makeup, nightly skin care, weekly manicures, monthly facials and quarterly hair appointments. It can be expensive — and exhausting — to be a woman. In the Video Op-Ed above, the beauty guru and YouTube creator Ingrid Nilsen challenges women to start asking whom we’re getting dolled up for — and stop apologizing for how we actually look.

That’s not to say you should throw out your makeup bag because the world’s on fire. During the Great Depression, cosmetic sales actually shot up by 25 percent. In the 2001 recession, revenues from lipstick increased 11 percent in the United States. As the economy shrank in 2008, nail polish sales skyrocketed 65 percent. As Ms. Nilsen notes, a little indulgence may be the pick-me-up you need to get through tough times. But before you click to buy, it’s worth asking: Who is it actually for?

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Whether it’s reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, New York Times video journalists provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. It’s all the news that’s fit to watch.

Live Stream Daily Update: The Great Unraveling and Unmasking

#LionelNation #COVID19 #VirtualFellowship

A NOTE TO CONCERNED CITIZENS EVERYWHERE. People are scared and rightfully so. And now angry, confused and growing tired and weary. This is unprecedented. I don’t care who you are or where you’re from, the news is confused, irregular, inconsistent, changing by the second, disjointed and uncoordinated. What’s the truth? What’s the essential basic truth? When can we go back to work, back to school, back to normal? That’s what we want to know. Period. Mask(ed) hysteria. Let us use the marvelous connectability via social media and YouTube to stay connected and calm through reasoned interaction, support and information. Please join our immersive LiveStream Conspiratorium daily and receive and provide the support and love that we as humans need. That simple. In #LionelNation there’s only simple truth, one requisite. Verity. Bold, brash and naked. There are no political parties, no predetermined direction or cause. Just truth. We’re not conspiracy theorists; we’re conspiracy analysts, borrowing from Gore Vidal. We’ll get through this. Together.

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The great record producer Jerry Wexler described Lionel thusly: “He wears the mantle of Lenny Bruce, with Lenny’s own tropisms: The Oblique, The Irreverent, The Tangential, The Concupiscent, The Polymorphous Perverse, The Arcane, The Numinous. And yet Lionel brings to the table his own savory: A love of the mother tongue and a gonzo vocabulary that puts his logo on all his works, whether talk-show hosting, standup-comic spritzing, or hanging out – with himself a minor art form.”

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