A commercial landlord in New York City said a recent slump in the sector can be blamed on New York’s leadership. One America’s Stephanie Myers spoke with the founder and CEO of Golden Key Realty, Evi Angelakis, to discuss the reasoning behind her comments.
“There can be no right to revolt in this society; no right to demonstrate outside the law, and, in Lincoln’s words, ‘no grievance that is a fit object of redress by mob law’. In a civilized nation no man can excuse his crime against the person or property of another by claiming that he, too, has been a victim of injustice. To tolerate that is to invite anarchy.” — Richard Nixon
The primary political focus of this channel has pivoted decidedly towards the November 3 election. And how couldn’t it? Nothing matters now but that. And it. The CV1984 claptrap is prolix and dutiful and woke heteroclite psephologists are now zeroing attention to address the incomprehensible possibility: a Joe Biden presidency. That simple. And I’ve (again) one focus, scilicet returning the greatest President of my lifetime to office. Join us.
Mother America is under attack ideologically and spiritually by an enemy determined to destroy Her foundation and essential principles. This is an existential fight and as such requires the commitment of a new centurion, a heteroclite truth warrior committed to protecting our constitutional republic. But it’s a new war and anew enemy. Political left and right is dead. Liberal versus conservative might have made since during the Reagan epoch but not now.
Lionel (né Michael Wm. Lebron) is an Emmy® Award winning, licensed trial lawyer (Florida, New Jersey, New York & SCOTUS), published author, proud husband, legal analyst and news decoder, influencer, performance analyst, essayist, bluegrass guitarist, (out)spoken word performer and raconteur, vegan, talk radio veteran, pioneer podcaster, social media monster, conspiracy analyst versus theorist, political atheist with a black belt in realpolitik, native New Yorker born in Florida, “[a]n intellectual known for his irreverent political and social humor” (Newsweek), “[who] wears the mantle of Lenny Bruce, with Lenny’s own tropisms: The Oblique, The Irreverent, The Tangential, The Concupiscent, The Polymorphous Perverse, The Arcane, The Numinous” (Jerry Wexler).
The Lebron Firm is a renaissance law firm in New York that is dedicated to the representation of plaintiffs in auto accident, personal injury, medical malpractice and civil rights violations. lebronfirm.com
Here’s precisely and exactly how you can join and attain special #LionelNation Membership status that allows a bevy of perquisites, benefits and accoutrements of select status. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa3-BNaCeCvGSfhMuotYskg/join
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This is the true story of how CNN’s Brian Stelter became a living meme and brought laughter and joy to millions of Americans. Once an unknown weekend host on cable news, YouTube star Mark Dice discovered this amazing character full of potential, and introduced him to America.
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The Tyndale Bible is the Oldest Translation of the New Testament into English. We look at the parallels of today described in a warning from these Ancient Scriptures that date back about 2000 years. Analysis of the Mark of the Beast, the current technologies and suppressed information that will be monitored and controlled through Mind Mapping and Thought Capturing Technologies linked to a Bio-signature interlink connected to your phone and possibly implant. The Beast Referenced is probably a Planetary if Not Galactic AI Network that will monitor, control and decide the actions of the Worlds Governments, Educations Systems, Food Harvesting and Distributing all the way down to the individual’s movements, actions and thoughts. It will also be feeding literally off of the biological matter of those plugged in, while learning and also harnessing the electronic energy of the subject. Eventually the machine will be able to 3D print people and merge with the natural order, to understand Soul and Human Consciousness better, although not fully. Then we analyze the number sequence of 666 as the number of the Mark of the 2nd Beast and the New Patent Application for a Technology that uses humans as a medium to mine crypto currencies. Just wait until i read the actual patent application and lets compare it to the situation today with limited movement, fear based media tycoons, interlinked with corporations and pharmaceutical giants. Its so nice to know though, that they love us so much and this is just a Live Action Role Playing Game, so any similarities are pure coincidence.
*This is a Live Action Role Playing Session and for Entertainment Purposes Only.
Oldest Bible Translated into English, Tyndale Bible
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Patent Application for Using Human Body Activity to Mine Crypto Currency
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