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Use promo code SLACKER to save 20% TODAY, before it’s too late!
⚠️ Order your “F*ck Joe Biden” shirt here: https://TeeSpring.com/F-JoeBiden
⚠️ Order your “Let’s Go Brandon!” shirt here: https://TeeSpring.com/lets_go-brandon
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⚠️ Order your “Arrest Dr. Fauci” shirt here: https://TeeSpring.com/ArrestDrFauci
📖 Order my book, “The True Story of Fake News: How Mainstream Media Manipulates Millions” from Amazon ➡️ https://amzn.to/2Zb1Vps (ad)
💲 Sponsor me on Patreon here ➡️ http://Patreon.com/MarkDice
Order my book “Hollywood Propaganda: How TV, Movies, and Music Shape Our Culture” from Amazon here: https://amzn.to/30xPFl5 or download the e-book from Kindle, iBooks, Google Play, or Nook.
Order my book “The Liberal Media Industrial Complex” here: https://amzn.to/2X5oGKx (ad)
Mark Dice is an independent media analyst and bestselling author of “Hollywood Propaganda: How TV, Movies, and Music Shape Our Culture.” He has a bachelor’s degree in Communication from California State University and was the first conservative YouTuber to reach 1 million subscribers (in 2017).
He has been featured on Fox News, the History Channel, E! Entertainment, the Drudge Report, and news outlets around the world.
This video description and the pinned comment contains Amazon and/or other affiliate links, which means if you click them and purchase the product(s), Mark will receive a small commission.
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Live Podcasts Daily on the Website http://www.leakproject.com/live-stream
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Check Out The Cutting Edge of Reality TV with Penelope Jean-Hayes and Myself https://www.truthisthenextfrontier.com
Fast Awake on YouTube
Over 3500 Podcasts, Hundreds of Exclusive Shows Only Available @ https://www.leakproject.com
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➨For Business or Sponsorship inquiries ONLY, please contact Tyler at: SecureteamBusiness@gmail.com – with “Business” or “Sponsorship” as the email Subject and I’ll get back to you within 24-48 hours. – NOTE: UFO clips/info sent to this email will not be read or seen. Please use the email specified for UFO submissions posted at the upper portion of the video description. Thanks!
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P.O. BOX 671
101 W High St.
Mount Vernon, OH 43050
WATCH THE EVENT, LIVE & FREE CLICK HERE http://www.leakproject.com/live-stream Starts at 12:00PM Mountain Time
4 Amazing Guests, Q & A Roundtable, Say Hello in the Live Chat
Journey to Aquarius brings you the Leading Edge in Astro-Theology, the importance of understanding the Ancient Scriptures and significance of this time we are Alive.
Transitioning from Pisces to Aquarius is just one shift of energy we are going thru right now a wheel, within a wheel, a cycle within a cycle.
Your understanding of the Secrets around you and how to decode them is significant in the evolution of consciousness and humanity.
Each presentation in this Exclusive event will give you more insight and tools for you to use at your convenience and your rewards will be legendary.
Use this information in your daily life and when in deep thought.
1.Ra Castaldo, A Plethora of Occult Knowledge, Never Boring, Alway Mind Tantilizing, Radio Host, YouTube Personality, Mystic Man
2.Micah Dank Best Selling Author, Into the Rabbit Hole Series, Podcaster & Expert in Astro-Theology Keys to Decoding Scripture
3.Jimmy Jones had a life changing experience that has since changed the way he sees this dimension of reality. Opening his pineal gland it is now a 24/7 experience for Jimmy and he has since written many amazing works decoding the mysteries of life and they are all available free on his website
4.Jared Murphy Author of its not aliens its us The evidences from historical record, legends and myths are shouting that it wasn’t aliens, that the advanced technologies are echoes of a human society we do not have a written record of. We have the remnants of their buildings, genes, and the sciences that point to a highly advanced human race that survived multiple catastrophes and to this day may live among us. Human bones have been found back millions of years along side the homo erectus and other “primitive” humans. Many revelations of high technology have been being uncovered by independent researchers all over the earth. Anomalies in the historical record, out of place, out of time artifacts are labeled as mysteries or one offs yet show signs of advanced sciences and intelligence. Ancient maps showing lands that were not supposed to have been known, let alone covered deep in ice for thousands of years before human civilization. The case is evaporating of the timeline given for modern man being here for only 3 or 400,000 years.Taking the reader through many fast advances recently in technology and looking at archaeological evidences we build a case for that lost society and technologies. Looking further at rediscoveries of the world of movement, fitness, discoveries in eating and super human abilities and finds in our very genes that without a doubt show us that we have highly advanced ancient relatives. Amazingly illustrated with over 200 photos, this book truly takes you on a journey.
Live Podcasts Daily on the Website http://www.leakproject.com/live-stream
The Tarot World Deck contains 80 of the most powerful energetic art inspired by the Gods around the world.
Ultimate EMF Radiation Protection, Blocks potentially harmful EMF radiation. Hand made, special electromagnetic radiation blocking fabrics, limited, functional and they look Awesome. Click Here Now, http://www.tinfoilcap.co
*This is a paid sponsorship by Tinfoil Cap Co
Check Out The Cutting Edge of Reality TV with Penelope Jean-Hayes and Myself https://www.truthisthenextfrontier.com
Fast Awake on YouTube
Over 3500 Podcasts, Hundreds of Exclusive Shows Only Available @ https://www.leakproject.com
Check out the Forums Section @ https://forums.leakproject.com/
Subscribe to the Leak Project YouTube Channel Over 3000 Podcasts http://www.youtube.com/clandestinetimelord
🚨 Order your SHIRTS here ➡️ https://Teespring.com/stores/MarkDice
Use promo code SLACKER to save 20% this weekend, before it’s too late!
⚠️ Order your “F*ck Joe Biden” shirt here: https://TeeSpring.com/F-JoeBiden
⚠️ Order your “Let’s Go Brandon!” shirt here: https://TeeSpring.com/lets_go-brandon
⚠️ Order your “Trump Claus” sweatshirt here: https://TeeSpring.com/DTrumpClaus?product=345
⚠️ Order your “Arrest Dr. Fauci” shirt here: https://TeeSpring.com/ArrestDrFauci
📖 Order my book, “The True Story of Fake News: How Mainstream Media Manipulates Millions” from Amazon ➡️ https://amzn.to/2Zb1Vps (ad)
💲 Sponsor me on Patreon here ➡️ http://Patreon.com/MarkDice
Order my book “Hollywood Propaganda: How TV, Movies, and Music Shape Our Culture” from Amazon here: https://amzn.to/30xPFl5 or download the e-book from Kindle, iBooks, Google Play, or Nook.
Order my book “The Liberal Media Industrial Complex” here: https://amzn.to/2X5oGKx (ad)
Mark Dice is an independent media analyst and bestselling author of “Hollywood Propaganda: How TV, Movies, and Music Shape Our Culture.” He has a bachelor’s degree in Communication from California State University and was the first conservative YouTuber to reach 1 million subscribers (in 2017).
He has been featured on Fox News, the History Channel, E! Entertainment, the Drudge Report, and news outlets around the world.
This video description and the pinned comment contains Amazon and/or other affiliate links, which means if you click them and purchase the product(s), Mark will receive a small commission.