Michelle Obama Plays the Race Card Against Trump As ‘Threatened’ by Successful Black People

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Former First Lady Michelle Obama shamelessly played the race card against former President Donald Trump during her speech at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois, on Tuesday night, accusing him of opposing her and former President Barack Obama purely out of racism.

Gone was the speaker who once claimed in 2016, “When they go low, we go high.”

Instead, she spewed this rhetoric on behalf of Vice President Kamala Harris:

“We know folks are gonna do everything they can to distort her truth. My husband and I, sadly, know a little something about this. For years, Donald Trump did everything in his power to try to make people fear us. See, his limited, narrow view of the world made him feel threatened by the existence of two hard-working, highly-educated, successful people who happen to be black.”

Who’s going to tell her that the job Trump was seeking was never about race, but about the American people? Trump used the term “black jobs” in reference to the challenges faced by black Americans in the labor market due to competition from new migrants—not as a racist jab.

The Obamas have been bitter towards Trump ever since he dared to challenge the legitimacy of then-President Obama’s birth certificate. After years of evading the issue, Obama finally produced his original Hawaii birth certificate in 2011, under public pressure from Trump.

The baseless rumor that Obama was born abroad gained traction—ironically fueled by Obama himself, whose literary agent mistakenly claimed in the 1990s that he had been born overseas.

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The Message of the DNC Is Hackneyed RadLeft Wokie Tropes and Mindless Sloganeering

📣 LIONEL returns to 🎤 NYC’s CUTTING ROOM on October 26, 2024. Doors open at 6 PM. Show at 7 PM. Music, ribaldry, politics. 10 days before the election of a lifetime. Tickets here. https://bit.ly/3XFWrU3

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Barack Obama had the audacity to commend Joe Biden for his so-called “empathy” and “decency” in his address to the Democratic National Convention, as if that was supposed to make us forget the dumpster fire that is the current state of American politics under their watch.

The Democrats love to parade around as the self-proclaimed protectors of “democracy” and champions of decency. But if the second day of the DNC proved anything, it’s that the left has absolutely no claim to the moral high ground.

Let’s start with the blatant lies spewed without a hint of shame. Democrats repeatedly dragged out the same old, debunked lie that Donald Trump called the tiki torch Nazis of Charlottesville “very fine people.” It’s like they can’t help but regurgitate this nonsense, hoping we’ll forget it’s been disproven time and again.

And that wasn’t the only lie. They had the nerve to accuse Trump of telling Americans to “inject bleach” during the COVID pandemic. It’s like the truth doesn’t even matter to them as long as they can paint their enemy in the worst possible light.

But what really takes the cake is having Barack Obama himself take the stage on the second night of the DNC, the man who probably did more to polarize American politics than anyone in recent memory. The Obamas, with their phony piety and hypocritical preaching, were in full force.

Michelle Obama kicked it off, using her platform to pre-emptively label anyone who dares oppose Kamala Harris as a racist and misogynist. It’s the same tired scam the Obamas pulled during their White House days—play the race and gender cards to silence any opposition.

Then came Barack Obama, who had the gall to whine about the “ugliness” of modern American politics—politics he helped make as ugly as it is. He couldn’t resist mocking Trump’s so-called “weird obsession with crowd sizes,” because, of course, taking cheap shots is easier than addressing real issues.

But the real kicker? Obama’s call for a return to “decency” and a “new chapter” for America. Are you kidding me? Joe Biden has been in office for nearly four years. Kamala Harris, too. What have they done to bring decency or unity to our politics? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. If anything, they’ve made things worse.

American politics has been indecent for a long time, and the DNC just gave us another glaring example of how far we’ve fallen. The hypocrisy, the lies, the sheer arrogance—it’s all on full display, and it’s sickening.

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Worship Gene | Is it for Real?

The question of why certain individuals hold a belief in God while others do not has long intrigued scholars and laypersons alike. Is this belief a matter of personal choice, a consequence of one’s upbringing, or perhaps an expression of divine intention? For centuries, theologians have explored this complex issue, and in recent years, scientists have entered the discourse, proposing a novel perspective: genetics. The inclination to believe in and engage with the supernatural is a common thread woven through the fabric of human existence. While the specific nature of religious or spiritual beliefs varies according to cultural context, lifestyle, social structures, and historical background, the ubiquitous presence of some form of spiritual or supernatural belief across nearly all societies implies that there may be a biological foundation for the human capacity to believe.

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America: Do You Want Four More Years of This Sh*t? That’s What the DNC’s All About

📣 LIONEL returns to 🎤 NYC’s CUTTING ROOM on October 26, 2024. Doors open at 6 PM. Show at 7 PM. Music, ribaldry, politics. 10 days before the election of a lifetime. Tickets here. https://bit.ly/3XFWrU3

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It’s absolutely outrageous that there’s even a debate about whether Joe Biden’s convention speech was shoved into a late-night slot out of incompetence or by design. The evidence is crystal clear: it was intentional, plain and simple.

The organizers jammed the schedule with too many speakers, knowing full well what they were going to say because every word was loaded into TelePrompters. Their pathetic excuses on Tuesday are laughable. They knew applause and transitions would eat up time, so the fact that Biden ended up speaking well past midnight on the East Coast was no accident—it was planned.

And who can blame them for trying to bury him? Biden is way past his prime, as he proved yet again with his angry outbursts and his incessant, tiresome lines like “I’m not joking” and “That’s not hyperbole.” Who in their right mind would want this dreary performance to be seen by millions of voters? The guy who delivered that disastrous debate in June could have easily shown up and completely shattered the illusion that he and his party are even remotely competent or honest.

It’s no wonder they relegated the “Thank you, Joe Biden” show to the dead of night. The entire Chicago convention is sprinting to keep their dirty little secrets hidden before voters catch on to the massive lies they’re peddling.

The absurd claim that Biden is still mentally fit to hold office for another five months. He’s hiding out at his beach house, practically inviting our enemies to take advantage of his absence. His idiotic comment about anti-Israel protesters in Chicago having a point was beyond disgraceful. Israel has every right to defend itself, and Biden’s spineless pandering only emboldens terrorists like Hamas.

The laughable notion that Biden has been a great president. If he’s so great, why does the majority of the country think we’re on the wrong track? His abysmal approval ratings and his family’s shady foreign dealings are proof enough of his failure.

The preposterous idea that Kamala Harris is competent enough to replace him. She’s been nothing but a disaster—word salads, bizarre giggles, and a trail of aides who can’t stand her. She’s just as responsible for this administration’s failures as Biden, yet she’s the one they’ve chosen to carry the torch.

They’re so terrified of what she might say or do that they’re keeping her under wraps, avoiding press conferences and serious interviews. The media, of course, is complicit, happily letting her skate by because their only goal is to keep Trump out of the White House, no matter what.

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